Chapter 22

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a/n: I've been busy with other things but today I finally managed to work on a new chapter of this fanfic since I have a Christmas break :3 

Komaeda's POV

"Ko.. maeda! Komaeda, d-dammit! Listen to me when I talk to you..! I-I can't breathe!" he shouted and started coughing. I let him go instantly not wanting my love to be the cause of his death. "I'm sorry.." I smiled apologetically. "It's just that I can't help myself, you being here feels like a dream and it makes me want to squeeze you every time, since.." I sighed and my eyes got teary but I didn't cry, I could hold it in. I can't tell him that I don't believe that our relationship will last long.. not when things started going well between us and when I have the honor to legally call myself his boyfriend, or a "kinda" boyfriend, I should say. I chuckled at that. Him being shy about admitting that we were dating was really adorable to me.

It felt like heaven to be able to claim him as mine but I was more than sure that sooner or later I'd scare him out and that it all would end from either my fault or him just realizing that it was a waste of time to put up with a trash of my kind. Also, what bugged me for a while, was what I'd realized by now; choosing stalking him in order to get closer to him was not the best idea I could've come up with. Sure, it might've led to us becoming a thing but.. I felt like it was just me making Hinata go as insane as me. Probably.. soon he'll regret being in a relationship with me. But it's okay.. I won't blame him, it's understandable and unavoidable. The thing is.. that even if, I'm afraid that I won't let him go.

I'm sorry, Hajime. Even though I do try to respect you and your decisions, I don't think I'll ever be good at that.. I laughed eerily, but quickly snapped and looked at my boyfriend who seemed even more confused than usually. Apparently I took a while to think about all of those stuff and didn't reply to him for a bit. "What's up with you? The expressions you've been making are really disturbing.." he said while shivering. He was cute when scared.

Wait no, that's wrong, he always was a cutie.

"You're damn creepy, you know? I can only imagine what's going on in your head.. not that I want to." he laughed with a hint of disappointment but I could also sense that it wasn't like he was very serious about it. But he should be, nothing funny about that.

"That's a shame, I'd love to share with you with my deepest, darkest thoughts~" I kissed the top of his hand gently and looked deep into his olive, stunning eyes.

"No, thank you. I don't want to." he said firmly while frowning and soon blushing as I kissed his hand once again. "Awww, you may miss this opportunity for good.. you seemed so curious about it." I didn't really intend to share with those with anyone for their own good, but plainly enjoyed mocking him.

"God, Komaeda.. I'm fine without knowing, really." his face was showing all over how much exactly I managed to annoy him. "I know, I know~" I ruffled his hair playing a bit with his cute ahoge at the same time. And then my damn phone started buzzing in my pocket. God, not now, playing with it is so much fun, I want to tease it more.. I pouted.

"You should check the messages, maybe it's something important." he seemed concerned but I found it as something which a caring mom would say. "I soon need to go anyway, you should focus on your stuff at least once in time.." he sighed. "B-but.. I don't care about anything other than you." he scowled at me. "But you should!" he flicked my forehead. "Ouch! F-fine.. give me a sec.." I rubbed my forehead on purpose in order to make him kiss it.

"Aww, I'm sorry.. Was it painful?" he was about to kiss it but then hesitated. "Wait.. I bet it didn't, you just want a kiss, don't you?" he looked salty at me. "Yeah." I said without any remorse. "But what's wrong with that? Aren't we dating?" I tilted my head confused.

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