Chapter 4

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I had been asleep that night, when he broke in. I firstly started hearing soft words whispered directly into my ear, then felt a hot breath on my neck and eager touch on my chest. I immediately opened my eyes. I saw a dark figure above me. I managed to get a glimpse of my stalker, before my eyes were shut with his hand. He had fluffy, gray or white hair. I couldn't tell since the lightning was bad, obviously. He had skinny posture. 

I didn't see anything more than that.

"..." the stalker didn't seem freaked out by the fact that he woke me up. It somehow felt as if.. he intended to do it. "Hmmm.. what should I do now?~" I started struggling so he pinned me down with his other hand. "I'm sorry, Hajime.. I can't let you go." his voice was cold and sharp. "I advise you to hold still, if you don't want anything bad to happen." I couldn't see anything, but I still could talk back at him.

"W-what do you want from me?" my voice was raspy. I couldn't believe that I wanted to have a serious conversation with a psycho stalker, who was breaking into my place for months already. "What do I want..?" he thought for a moment, before blindfolding me with some material. It probably was one of my ties that he had stolen from me. "I guess, I want you, Hajime~" he hummed into my ear. It made me shiver. "But why? Let me go!" I shouted loudly. "I-I'll call the police, if you won't stop it!" I tried to threaten him, take him off the guard, but it wasn't as simple as I thought. It didn't work out at all.

The man laughed insanely above me. "You won't call the police, Hajime~" he slid his hand down my arm playfully. 

"WHAT?! A-are you mad..?" he chuckled at hearing my response.  

"Most likely. But you're more mad than me, hehe.." his hand lifted up my chin. "W-what.. I am NOT! I-I.." I started trembling. I was paralyzed, terrified. My chest was lifting up and down nervously.

"If you wanted to call the police, you would do it months ago already, wouldn't you?" he lifted my chin even higher which really hurt. I bit my lip. "Y-you don't know how delighted it makes me that you still haven't done it. When I realized that you found me out and didn't report immediately, I.. I-I.." he was breathing heavily. "I couldn't help, but feel hopeful.. so hold still, please." he grabbed my both hands and pinned them down above my head. 

"What, DAMN you! You bastard, you'll see.. I WILL report your fucking ass, I- MHMMM!" he shut me with his lips kissing me deeply. The kiss lasted way longer than I could comprehend. When he parted our lips, I was gasping for the air madly. H-he almost suffocated me... "Y-you're such a tsundere, Hajime.." he gasped close to my face. "I know you want me too.. just be honest with me already." he bit my lip.

I groaned. "Y-you're wro-!" he didn't let me finish kissing me once again. T-this guy is crazy! He's not right! I don't.. I-I don't.. I DON'T WANT HIM AT THE SLIGHTEST! My face heated up. I-I just.. want to know why he does what he does. I just want to understand him. That is ALL!

I really was thinking like that back then. I just wasn't aware that at that point I had already started developing some feelings for him.

"By the way.. thank you so much for writing me back! Your letter made me more than delighted, I swear that I'll treasure it more than my own life.." I could hear his dreamy sigh. It sounded out of place. "It was so touching.. I thought, till I got your letter, that all you felt towards me was hatred, but it seems that I was very wrong~" he slid his fingers down my chest. 

"H-hey.. I beg you s-stop! I-It isn't right!" I felt like crying.

My pleas didn't seem to work. He was taking them more like an invitation which was making me feel defenceless. "Hajime... you're the kindest person, I've ever known.. I did so many bad things to you, but you still endure them for me.. you haven't changed at all." his voice was filled with admiration. I turned my face on the side getting away from his grip on my chin. "I don't endure them for you, don't get me wrong." I hissed. "I-I just.. I.." I was at the verge of crying at that moment. I felt numb, I couldn't think properly anymore.

I released my hand forcefully from his grip and slid it down his face, he jolted a bit in surprise. "Let me see your face at least. Keeping your identity as a secret is more than cruel!" the man shifted nervously above me. 

"H-Hajime.. I can't show you my face. Please, understand me..!" he sobbed. 

"Ughh.. t-then..! Your name. Tell me your name at least. You don't know how bad it feels to be kissed by a stranger." I realized that there was something weird about my words; I wanted to take them back, but he was quicker than me. "I-if I tell you my name, will you be okay with me kissing you?" he said with excited voice. I wanted to object, but he shut my mouth with his hand and leaned close to my ear.

"You don't need to say anything, Hajime. I understand you perfectly~" he gasped against my neck. "My name's Nagito. Komaeda Nagito.." his hair tickled me. I searched for the name in my memory, but my mind was blank. I couldn't remember, if I had ever heard his name in the past. Maybe yes, maybe not.. I couldn't tell for sure.

I suddenly felt his lips on the delicate skin of my neck. Firstly, the lips were pressing softly on it, but soon he started sucking on it, hard. I placed my hand over my mouth to muffle the moan. "F-fuck, stop.." I felt out of strength to even ask him properly to back off. He lifted up, his lips left my neck. 

"Hah.. I didn't know you would enjoy it as much as me..." he chuckled happily. "I feel honored~" I would glare at him angrily, if I wasn't blindfolded. 

"I-I am far from enjoying it.." He laughed clearly enjoying our lil conversation. 

"When you're being so dishonest about your feelings, I can't stop thinking that you're cute." I blushed madly. 

"Fuck you! I-I'm not cute, back-" he let my hands go and the pressure on the bed disappeared. "off.."

"I'm sorry for taking away your sleep time.." he caressed my cheek softly and kissed the top of my hand. Then I heard footsteps getting more and more distant. I'm relieved that he's leaving, but.. I quickly released myself from the blindfold. All that I managed to see was his back. He was wearing a long green jacket with a red number 55 written on his shoulder area. His hair was white and very fluffy. It looked beautiful. He waved to me not looking back. "Good bye, Hajime. I love you and won't ever stop.." he said lovingly, yet I could sense some sadness in his words as well. He closed the door after he left my house.

I breathed out. After that night I had even more things on my mind. I let myself to fall asleep though. That was an exhausting night after all. I deserved some sleep.

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