I came downstairs to see Cameron was writing in the notebook again. I peeked over his shoulder to see what he was writing but he closed the book.
"Don't look over people's shoulders" He said while pushing my shoulder. "What are you writing?" I whispered.
"Nothing you need to know about" He said. "Wow I see how it is" I said. He threw a pillow at me and I threw one back at him.
"Ow!" He said. "You did it first!" I said. "I'm older so I'm automatically right" He said. "Your also the one who'll automatically die first from old age" I said.
"Y/n that hurt" Cameron said while putting his hand on his chest. "Where does it hurt?" I asked. "Here" He said while pointing to where your heart is.
I punched him right where he pointed. "You're a menace" He said while throwing another pillow at me.
We kept throwing pillows at each other until I ducked and it hit someone. "Oh" Cameron said. I turned to see Eren narrowing his eyes at us.
"I'm sor-" I cut Cameron off by putting my hand over his mouth. "Eren Apologize!" I signed. "For what!?" Eren said.
"Not throwing the pillow at him!" I signed. "Wha- okay okay you want me to okay" Eren said while picking up the pillow.
Eren threw the pillow but instead of it hitting Cameron it hit me in the face. "Oh shit!" I heard Eren say.
"Eren what did you do!?" I heard Mikasa say while running over. I sat up. "Y/n are you okay?" Cameron asked while waving his hand in front of me.
"Hello tell me how many fingers I'm holding up!" Mikasa said while folding 4 fingers up. I put 4 fingers up.
"Okay she fine" Cameron said. "Eren! explain yourself!" Mikasa said. "She told me to throw a pillow at Cameron! I threw it so hard it defied physics and hit Y/n!" Eren said.
"That's doesn't even make any- you know what let's all go outside and calm down" Mikasa said. "Piggy back ride" Cameron said while putting me on his back.
Eren narrowed his eyes at Cameron. "So Cameron do you think you can carry Y/n all the way to the backyard?" Eren said.
"What?" Cameron said. "Eren I swear" Mikasa said. "He's calling me fat!" I signed. "What? wait no!" Eren said.
I glared and Eren and turned my head away from him. We got outside and sat down near the pool.
I peeked over the edge of the pool and felt someone push me a bit almost making me fall into he pool.
I glared at them and moved away from the edge. "Y/n you have to go to therapy soon just so you know" Eren said.
I frowned and shook my head. "Yes in an hour" Eren said. "How come you don't like therapy doesn't it help you?" Cameron asked.
I shrugged. "I'm being forced to go" I signed. "Then just act uninterested" He said. "I'm forced to listen" I signed.
"Wow... okay I see your being held hostage" He said. "You're exaggerating" Eren said. "Well you are sending her somewhere every Thursday and she doesn't want to go" Mikasa said.
"Well she has to go I'm not the one making her anyway" Eren said. Soon they dragged me to therapy.
I ran into Mrs. Kim's office. "Can Cameron stay!" I signed. "Who's that?" Mrs. Kim asked. "Hello" He said while peeking into the office.
"Okay" She said. We sat down on the couch. "So who are you Cameron?" Mrs. Kim asked. "I'm Y/n's cousin" He said.
"Oh that's good you have family over for thanksgiving!" Mrs. Kim said. I nodded. "I guess you like him more than Eren because you've never asked for Eren to come here with you" She said.
"Yeah I'm her favorite family member" Cameron said. "I have no favorites!" I signed. "Y/n we all know that's not true" Mrs. Kim said.
"Wow even she called you out" Cameron said. "I thought you were supposed to be on my side!" I signed.
"Not when you're lying!" She said. "So this week are you finally talking to more people?" She asked.
I nodded. "I went to the park with Ymir and some other kids and they came over to my house" I signed.
"Hmm that's good what about your family so far" Mrs. Kim asked. "Nothing really it's pretty much the same but more exciting so I think I'm cured" I signed.
"Um no that's not how it works Y/n" Mrs. Kim said. "Well I started talking to Cameron" I signed. "Well Y/n progress doesn't mean you can stop coming here" Mrs. Kim said while writing something down in her small notebook.
"That's the kind of stuff you do" I signed. "Stop I'm being forced to! like you" He said. "SO you like writing Cameron?" Mrs. Kim asked.
"Well my psychiatrist makes me" He said. "I'm sorry does our whole family have problems?" I signed.
"Yeah your the main one though" Cameron said. "So about my family so far I'm not gonna have a cousin in the next hour" I signed.
"Wha- Y/n!" Mrs. Kim said. "I'm joking!" I signed. "I am too" He said. "Mhm" Mrs. Kim said narrowing her eyes at us.
She looked at her watch. "Okay so it looks like our time is up is there anything you need before you leave?" She asked.
"Mrs. Kim do you have snickers?" Cameron asked. "Oh yeah here help yourselves I'm gonna talk to Eren okay" Mrs. Kim said while putting a bowl full of candy on the table.
We took a few bars of candy and went outside the room where Eren, Mikasa, and Mrs. Kim were. "Y/n we're sending you to a mental hospital in Iceland" Eren said.
"No we aren't" Mikasa said. "I wouldn't recommend that not just yet! but Y/n is doing better though you do have to came back next week! Happy thanks giving!" Mrs. Kim said.
"Happy thanksgiving" We said before leaving. "She was nice" Cameron said. "What about your psychiatrist are they nice" I asked.
"Yeah she is we watch movies sometimes and she like gives me snickers all the time not to brag or anything" He said.
"Well Mrs. Kim takes me to the Aquarium sometimes!" I signed. "Oh wow a place where animals get tortured how fun" Cameron said.
"Didn't you go there for your birthday?" I signed. "UM anyways My psychiatrist invited me to her wedding" Cameron said.
"Mine did too and she's gonna invite me to her baby shower like Kylie Jenner did" I signed. "We're not talking about Kylie though" He said while flicking my forehead.
I rolled my eyes. "You wish you were me" I signed. "Yeah right" He said.
HELLO! thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

SILENCE: Modern aot x child reader
FanfictionThis is a modern version of my story Silence: AOTx KNY child reader so read that first if you want!