"So Y/n you snuck out?" Mrs. Kim asked. I stayed silent. "Y/n just tell me... anything! I mean you've just been ignoring me this whole session!" She said.
"Can I go home now?" I signed. "No Y/n not yet... I really don't want this lesson to go waste" Mrs. Kim said.
"Fine well... I feel like the same thing happen every week like we're getting no where! My mom isn't waking up an everyone is still upset!" I signed.
"Well I've told you these things do take time!" Mrs. Kim said. "I want to go see my mom now" I signed.
Mrs. Kim sighed. "Okay I'll tell your father we're ending today's lesson early" She said before leaving the room.
After we left I was able to go to the hospital to visit mom but when I was in the room with her I heard the doctor and my dad talking.
"As we can tell she's not getting better... honestly we think she won't wake up within the next decade even if...so within the next month if she isn't showing more progress we're suggesting to take her off... well... pull the plug" The doctor said.
I decided not to say anything until after we left the hospital. "Are you gonna kill mom?" I signed. "Kill? what? where did you get that from?" He asked.
"I heard the doctor" I signed. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I heard what the doctor said! That they were gonna take mom off life support if she didn't get better" I signed.
"We're not taking her off life support" He said. 'Yeah right...' I thought. "Y/n I swear to you I wasn't even considering it" Dad said.
I just nodded silently. When we got home I had nothing to do so I just read for a while. Grandma had made snack for us but I didn't go downstairs so someone eventually came up to my room.
"Why aren't you downstairs?" Zeke asked. "I'm not hungry" I signed. "Oh then I'll just eat this" Zeke said while putting the plate of food down on my desk.
I shook my head and held my hand out. "No I'll leave it here" He said. I glared at him and laid down.
"Why didn't you actually come downstairs?" He asked. "I'm bored" I signed. "Why everyone is here" He said.
"Yeah it's been a while" I signed. "So are you saying you're bored of Cameron?" He asked. I shrugged.
"I want mom to wake up" I signed. "Um why are you talking about this with me though?" He asked.
"Because I'm bored with my life now" I signed. "You're so spoiled" Zeke said. "How?" I signed. "There's no need to be bored if you wanted to go to Hawaii for Christmas you should've asked dad in advance" Zeke said.
I hit him on the head with my book. "I was joking... maybe you're depressed..." Zeke said. "Depressed?" I signed in confusion.
"Yeah you know Dad was when he was in his early 20s... maybe it runs in the family" Zeke said. "What if it was because of you?" I signed.
"Shut up before I burn all of your stupid books" He said. "Just saying" I signed. "Also aren't you grounded?" He asked.
"Yes but dad doesn't care" I signed. "Brat" Zeke said. "You know what you can leave" I signed. "I'm sending Eren in here" Zeke said.
"You wouldn't" I signed. "Okay" He said before leaving. Apparently he wasn't joking because Eren come into my room and just sat down at my desk and crossed his arms.
"Yes?" I signed. "Yes?" He said. "You came in here" I signed. "Oh did I?" He asked. I nodded. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing' I signed. "Well Zeke told me there was something wrong" Eren said. I frowned. "You have to tell me or I'm not leaving" Eren said.
"The doctor said they're gonna kill mm if she doesn't get better!" I signed. "What?" He said. "I hear them!" I signed.
"That's what you're worried about? did would never agree to that" Eren said. "How do you know?" I signed.
"Dad still has mom's side of the closet set up all of her things untouched. he visits her everyday to make sure the nurses at the hospital are taking care of her and aren't mistreating her. nothings gonna happen" He said.
"So nothings gonna happen?" I signed. "Yeah it's fine plus everyone is leaving soon I find it hard to believe dad would pull the plug as son as everyone decides to leave" Eren said.
"When is everyone leaving?" I signed. "On the 20th people have school and work remember" He said.
"That's not that far away" I signed while frowning. "Yeah next week is gonna be the worst you know" Eren said.
"How?" I signed. "Because the week everyone is leaving is always busy and we have to go to dinner the night before they leave" He said.
"So?" I signed. "The dinner always sucks especially during this season everyone argues in the end and the next day everyone makes up again it's stupid" Eren said.
"I'm tired" I signed. "Am I boring you?" He asked. "Your complaining is annoying" I signed. "You're a brat" Eren said.
"You are too" I signed.
HELLO! So I think soon we should bring this book to a close! I didn't update because I'm such a procrastinator I'm working more though so I swear I'll post more consistently! Thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

SILENCE: Modern aot x child reader
FanfictionThis is a modern version of my story Silence: AOTx KNY child reader so read that first if you want!