Chapter 13

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2 days before thanksgiving and Cameron was still sick. "Last time he was this sick I had to call a priest because he was possessed" Aunt Ciara said while doing the sign of the cross.

"No he's acting pretty weird" Uncle Jose said. "You mean normal?" I signed. "No I meant weird if he acts normal then there's something wrong with him" Uncle Jose said.

"He's using the bathroom for a long time" I signed. "Hmm flu?" Aunt Ciara said. "I don't think so" Dad said.

"Not drinking enough water?" Uncle Jose said. "No I watched him drink it" Aunt Ciara said. "Maybe he wants something" Uncle Jose said.

"Haha he wishes" Aunt Ciara said. "He wishes?" I signed. "You'll get it when you want something" Dad said while patting my head.

"I want a cookie" I signed. "You wish" Eren said. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Is he faking it?" I signed.

"No we can tell" Uncle Jose said. "Maybe he's gay" Aunt Ciara said while looking at Uncle Jose. "What?" Eren said.

"Y/n has he been acting normal lately?" Uncle Jose asked. "He was talking about the Teletubbies in his sleep" I signed.

"Okay that's not it" Aunt Ciara said. "Maybe he's just out of it" I signed. "Hmm your right all he needs is thanksgiving and he'll be back to normal!" Uncle Jose said.

"All this trouble for this conclusion?" Eren said. "Our son isn't normal okay" Aunt Ciara said. "Yeah there are some things you need to clear up with him" Dad said.

"Also what else did he say about the Teletubbies? I know he gets scared of them sometimes" Uncle Jose said.

"I think they were at a wedding for Tinky winky" I signed. "Sounds like a nightmare" Uncle Jose said.

"Wait did he say anything about Tinky winky getting married to Woody?" Dad asked. I nodded. "I had the same dream" Dad said.

"What is going on?" I signed. "I'm going to check on him come on you can help me" Aunt Ciara said while grabbing my hand.

We went inside the room to see he was sleeping. "No Mickey here I'll give you some cake" Cameron said in his sleep.

'Mickey?' I thought. "Cameron wake up" Aunt Ciara said while shaking his shoulder. "No you made me drop it Mickey!" Cameron said in his sleep.

"Cameron!" She yelled while shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes and held his hand out. "Here's another slice" He said.

I rose my eye brow. Cameron sat up and rose his eyebrow. "Where's Mickey" He asked. "Cameron he's not here" Aunt Ciara said.

"But he needs his cake! everyone should get cake at a wedding!" He said. "The one for Tinky Winky and Woody?" I signed.

"Yes!" He said. "You were sleeping!" Aunt Ciara said. "Oh..." He said. "Is he okay?" I signed. "He is now" She said.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him. "I'm fine" He said. "Are you sure you still look sick" I signed.

"You need thanksgiving" Aunt Ciara said. "No Thanksgiving needs me" Cameron said. "Thanksgiving does not need your germs" Aunt Ciara said.

"No but the germs need me" He said. Aunt Ciara just shook her head. "He's not wrong though" I signed.

"Cameron do you want some Tylenol" She asked. "I'll take 36 thank you" He said. "That's not funny you get one" Aunt Ciara said while handing him a pill.

He took the pill then she held a glass of water out to him. "No thank you" He said. "What?" She said while raising her eyebrow.

"Um never mind" He said while taking the water. He stared at the water for a second then drank it.

"I would've preferred wine" He said. "You wish you could" She said. "I'm not sick I'm fine okay" He said.

"Yes okay" She said while patting his head. "I'm tired" He said. "You didn't eat today do you want food?" I signed.

He shook his head. "I'm just tired" He said. "Come down stairs so we can see you okay" She said.

He got up and we went downstairs and he went on the couch to sleep. "I could just kill him right now so easy" I heard Eren mutter.

"What?" I signed. "I didn't say anything" He said. I just nodded. I peeked over the couch and looked at Cameron while smiling.

"Not the baby smile" He said while putting his hand in front of my face. I laughed and poked his hand.

"You want to leave for like a few hours tomorrow?" He asked. "And go where?" I signed. "I don't know to the movies" He said.

"Will it make you feel better?" I signed. "If you pay for snacks I will" He said. "Fine" I signed. "I can pay for tickets too if you want" I signed.

"No I can" Cameron said. "Where do you get the money from?" I signed. "I have a credit card I get money every month" He said.

"Your parents trust YOU with one" I signed. "Well yeah they can see what I buy though" He said. "Have you gotten your card canceled?" I signed.

"Only like once" He said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right" I signed. "You would get your canceled a bunch of times" Cameron said.

"Eren has" I signed. "What?" Eren said. "How many times has dad canceled your credit card?" I signed.

He just narrowed his eyes at us. "Go to sleep" Eren said. "Goodnight" Cameron said while turning and closing his eyes.

"It's 4 pm" I signed. "It's never too late for Tinky winky and Woody to get Married" Cameron said.

"Tomorrow is going to be so bad" I signed. "Worst day ever" Eren said.


HELLO! So I don't think I'll post tomorrow because it's literally Christmas tomorrow! So Merry Christmas and I hope you guys have a good day! UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

SILENCE: Modern aot x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now