One day before everyone was leaving meant everyone had to pack so it was pretty much chaos. "Hey Y/n did I leave my socks in here?" Cameron asked.
"Are these yours?" said while pointing at the ones I was wearing. "Where did you get those?" Cameron asked.
"Your mom gave them to me! they're mine now" I said. "What no they're my favorite ones can I have them back?" Cameron asked.
"You'll get new ones anyway" I said. "You can't replace favorites! they come from the heart" Cameron said.
"You'll get new favorites" I signed. "I have foot fungus" Cameron said while crossing his arms. "Your mom said you have a whole salon set to clean your feet" I said.
"just give me my socks back!" Cameron said. I covered my feet so he couldn't take them. "Your lucky it's not TJ I'm taking" I said.
He threw a pillow at me making me fall over. "Now can I have my socks ba-" He stopped when I sat up.
"Oh no" He said. "What?" I said. I wiped my nose and realized it was bleeding. "Oh" I said. "Cameron!" Aunt Ciara yelled.
"I didn't do anything I swear!" Cameron said. Aunt Ciara looked a the pillow then back at him. He went over and kicked the pillow away.
"I didn't do anything I swear!" He said. "Why are you standing 5 feet away from her and her nose is bleeding!?" Aunt Ciara said.
"She's on her period obviously🙄" Cameron said. "What is that?" I signed. Aunt Ciara narrowed her eyes at Cameron.
"She took my socks so I threw a pillow at her I didn't mean for her to get hurt!" Cameron said. Aunt Ciara went over to me.
"Y/n put your head up you'll get blood o the floor okay" Aunt Ciara said. "And on my socks!" Cameron said.
"Go get tissues!" Aunt Ciara yelled at him. he sighed and left then came back with tissues. "Here" He said while handing them to Aunt Ciara.
she held the tissue up to my nose until the bleeding stopped. "Cameron apologize" Aunt Ciara said.
"I'm sorry for giving you a nose bleed Y/n....." Cameron said. I took off the socks and handed it to him.
"See over socks she was going to give it back too! My gosh the snickers are getting to your head" Aunt Ciara said.
"Okay😐 well I'm gonna go finish packing" He said. Zeke came in and glared at me. "What" I signed.
"Where are my glasses?" Zeke asked. "How would I know!?" I signed. "I know you took them" Zeke said.
"No I didn't" I signed. "You always take them just give it back I can almost barely see with out them" Zeke said.
"I don't have them!" I signed. He pushed my shoulder. "I can tell when your lying" Zeke said. "Get out" I signed.
"Just give them back where are you hiding them" He asked while patting me down. I smacked his hands away.
"I don't have your glasses I'd rather have Cameron harass me about his socks go away!" I signed.
"You always do this just stop being a spoiled little princes and give it back" He said while trying to grab me.
I dodged him then ran out then to Eren's room. "Oh my god get out!" Eren yelled. I closed the door then hid under Eren's bed.
"What the hell Y/n is enough get out!" I heard Eren yell. I felt someone grab me and drag me out from under the bed.
"Give me my glasses or else" He said. "What are you doing?" Eren said. "Help me please your my favorite brother remember!" I signed.
"What do you want what did she do?" Eren asked. "She took my glasses" Zeke said. "Liar" I signed.
"I'm pretty sure she didn't take your glasses" Eren said. I hid behind Eren and frowned. "Fine then look in her room" Zeke said.
Eren rolled his eyes then got up. went into my room and they looked for a while. "See" I signed. "looks like you lost those glasses go for contacts today" Eren said.
Zeke rolled his eyes then left. "You didn't take his glasses right?" Eren asked. I shook my head. "Good don't start starting anything with Zeke he probably actually foes have a child kidnapper on speed dial" Eren said.
"At least he didn't give me a nose bleed like Cameron" I signed. "What?" Eren said. "Never mind" I signed.
Eren looked at me suspiciously. "I'm done" Cameron said while walking in. "With what?" Eren asked while crossing his arms.
"Um packing" Cameron said. "Oh really packing what?" Eren said. "My clothes and other things I had here" Camron said.
"So you're having a sleep over with my sister then stay 5 feet away social distancing" Eren said. "Okay social distancing" Cameron said while glancing at me.
"Social distancing!" I signed before bumping into Cameron's shoulder. Eren narrowed his eyes at us.
"Y/n stop he's mad okay! listen to him" Cameron said before moving back a bit. "Eren why do you want us to do that anyway?" I signed.
"Because I said so" Eren said. I just rolled my eyes. "Let's go outside it's suffocating in here" I signed before narrowing my eyes at Eren.
"Okay bye Eren" Cameron said. "Yeah what ever" Eren said.
HELLO! thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

SILENCE: Modern aot x child reader
FanfictionThis is a modern version of my story Silence: AOTx KNY child reader so read that first if you want!