Chapter 23

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It was finally the day everyone was leaving and I went to say bye to everyone. "This was really a treat I mean especially after a long time without seeing you guys" Dad said.

"Except you" I signed while narrowing my eyes at Zeke. "What ever" Zeke said. Eren had a big smile but I was sad.

"I can't wait to see everyone during Christmas time especially Carla" Grandma Mae said. "Maybe even more people you know like Zack" Grandpa Nino said.

Cameron scrunched his face up. "No I don't think so he like lives across the country and he's too busy you know" He said.

"No he can come!" Aunt Ciara said while smiling. "Who is that?" I asked. "Oh you're too young to remember him! He's Cameron's half brother he lives in New York so we don't get to see him as often" Grandma Marina said.

'Are half children a trend in our family?' I thought. "Oh yeah I remember him" Eren said while smiling.

I frowned as I heard them keep conversing about him. 'This is what happens when your the youngest kid in the family' I thought.

Everyone left until Cameron and his parents were the only ones left because My dad and them kept having conversation.

"Y/n come on get into my suitcase and you can come home with me!" Cameron said. I gave him an evil smile then went with Cameron.

I went into the suitcase then he closed it and brought it back to where his parent's were. "Okay welp I think it's time we head out!" I heard Aunt Ciara say.

"Oh where's Y/n" I heard Dad ask. "She's crying in her room" I heard Cameron say. 'Wow' I thought.

"Well just another normal year" I heard dad say. "I home she feels better we're coming back soon anyway so she'll be okay" Uncle Jose said.

"I'll call you when we get home bye guys" I heard Aunt Ciara said. They all said their final byes and I felt myself being moved.

I felt myself being basically thrown and after 15 minutes I heard the car start and some voices.


"Y/n are you okay?" I whispered. "Yeah" I heard her say. "Cameron why do you have your suitcase right next to you?" Mom asked.

"I have some of my stuff in there" I said. "Oh okay" She said. 'She didn't suspect a thing" I thought while smiling.

I kept whispering to Y/n about every ten minutes to see if she was okay but my dad started to get suspicious.

"Cameron what are you doing?" Dad asked. "Nothing" I said. "I heard you talking" Dad said. "What no I wasn't" I said.

"Yes Cameron I heard you talking to something before in the suitcase" Mom said. They pulled over and turned around.

"What's in the suitcase?" Mom asked. "Nothing" I said. "Okay Cameron I'm gonna open the suitcase and if I see drugs I'm sending you to military school" Dad said.

"Wha-" I said. He opened the door and unzipped the suitcase.


I heard the suit case open and I stayed still. "See just clothes" Cameron said. "Is that a hand?" I heard Aunt Ciara ask.

"Oh my God Cameron did you kill someone!?" I heard Aunt Ciara yell while moving the clothes. I sat up and They all stared at me eyes wide.

"Are you serious....." Uncle Jose said. "Who's plan?" Aunt Ciara asked. I looked at Cameron and he looked away.

"Oh my gosh" Uncle Jose said. "We are 30 minutes away form their house already we have 3 more hours to get home!" Aunt Ciara said.

I sat down and they turned around to start driving back. I frowned and laid my head against Cameron's shoulder.

"Another plan yet again failed this year" Cameron said. "You two are in huge trouble" Aunt Ciara said.

"Why don't we move closer to where they live now" Cameron said. "You have to finish the school year" Uncle Jose said.

"Can we get McDonalds?" Cameron asked. "Do you have McDonalds money?" Uncle Jose asked.

Cameron sighed. "I can sneak on top of the car" I signed. "No" Aunt Ciara said. I sighed. After about 30 minutes we got back to my house.

"Come on guys" Uncle Jose said. They rung the door bell and after 5 minutes dad came to the door.

"Did you guys forget something?" Dad asked. "No we accidentally brought something" Aunt Ciara said before putting her hand on my head.

"What!?" Dad said. I frowned. "They made some elaborate plan to put Y/n into Cameron's suitcase" Uncle Jose said.

I hugged Cameron. Dad shook his head and sighed. "I'm sorry" Dad said. "No it was this guys plan" Aunt Ciara said while smacking the back of Cameron's head.

"Ow!" Cameron said while rubbing his head. "Come on Y/n they have to go" Dad said while pulling me away from Cameron.

We said our final goodbyes and they left. "Y/n what were you thinking?" Dad asked. "I was gonna mail myself back!" I signed.

"Unbelievable" Dad said. "What happened?" Eren asked. "She was in their suitcase" Dad said. "Not gonna lie that's kind of smart how far did you get?" Eren asked.

"30 minutes" I signed. "Wow" Eren said. "Happy meal?" I signed. "No" Dad said. "Chipotle?" I signed.

"Your gonna order it get me what I like okay" Dad said. I smiled. "Rewarding her after what she did" Eren said.

"She'll learn one day" Dad said. "Don't worry I won't turn out like Eren!" I said. "I'm gonna bury you in our backyard and build a Gazebo over you" Eren said.

I glared at him. "You wish" I signed. Eren rolled his eyes.


HELLO! thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

SILENCE: Modern aot x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now