Chapter 47

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There was one day Christmas so it was Christmas eve and that's when everyone went crazy. I was sleeping peacefully until someone kicked my door open.

"Get ready" Eren said while narrowing his eyes at me. I fell out of bed then just laid there for a while.

"There's Starbucks downstairs" Eren said. I immediately got up and ran downstairs to get it. "Good morning Y/n" Dad said.

I grabbed the Starbucks then sat down. "Really Y/n wow" Cameron said. "Can we watch Spiderman?" I signed. (I watched that in theaters for my b-day😈)

"Okay we can later today" Cameron said. I smiled and happily started eating. "Y/n slow down" Zeke said while bonking me on the head.

"That hurt!" I signed. "Cool" Zeke said. "You get coal" I signed. "Hey do you guys want to come to the store with me?" Grandma Mae asked.

"No thank you!" I signed. "Yeah I don't really feel like it" Cameron said. "Yes but you two will be helping us make food" Aunt Ciara said.

Cameron rose his eyebrow. "There are literally 4 other young adults standing right there" Cameron said while gesturing to Zeke, Zack, Mina, and Eren.

"We would love to help" Mina said. "Who's we?" Zeke said. Eren smacked his shoulder. "Do I at least get paid for this?" Cameron asked.

"You get paid with the satisfaction of getting to eat" Uncle Jose said. Cameron just silently crossed his arms.

"Can I go out at 5 today?" Cameron asked. "Where?" Aunt Ciara asked. "To the park for bonding time" Cameron said.

"With who?" She asked. "Y/n" Cameron said. "Well then you won't mind Zack and Mina coming for super vision" Aunt Ciara said.

"Actually I do! because I'm 16!" He said. "And you could still get Y/n killed in a second!" Aunt Ciara said.

"Why are you being so loud be quiet!" Cameron said. "Wha- I'm not being any louder than you!" Aunt Ciara said.

"Why are you so paranoid?" I signed. "No reason..." Cameron said. "Yeah right" I signed. "What ever" Cameron said.

Even after begging his mom we still had to be with Mina and Zack so we went into the car but this time Cameron was gonna drive.

"Cameron are you sure you want to drive?" Zac asked. "Yeah" He said. When he started driving it was fine but then he started driving too fast.

"Cameron don't you think you should slow down?" Mina asked. "Um no" Cameron said. "Cameron you just passed the speed limit" Zack said.

"Oh okay" Cameron said. "Um... okay can you pull over so I can drive" Zack asked. "No" Cameron said.

"PULL OVER WE'RE GONNA DIE!!" Mina yelled. "I went 10 pass the speed limit your fine" Cameron said.

'TEN!?' I thought. "Where are we even going this isn't the way to the park..." Zack said. "We're going to the movies" Cameron said.

"PULL OVER!!" Mina yelled while gripping onto the back of the driver seat. "Fine I'll slow down..." Cameron said.

He started slowing down then we got into the parking lot of the movie theater. "Am I in heaven?" Mina asked.

"No we're at the movies" Cameron said. Mina quickly got out of the car. "You're never driving again" Mina said.

"Was that a joke?" I signed. "Yes why would I actually drive like that I just did it to scare Zack but clearly mina was way more disturbed" Cameron said.

We got food then we got tickets and went to the into theater. "I'm so happy I've been waiting for this ever since the last movie!" I signed.

"And now we get to see this masterpiece!" Cameron said. By the end of the movie Everyone was crying.

"That was so bad!" Mina cried. "Why would they end it like that!?" Cameron yelled. "I mean at least there was the multiverse madness trailer" Zack said.

"True..." Cameron said. "I'm filing a compliant on twitter" I signed. "Let's see how that goes" Mina said.

"Let's go back we've been gone for a while" I signed. "Yeah that's true" Zack said. We went to the parking lot and got into the car.

"No no no! backseat now get out" Mina said. "I was joking the first time I know how to drive!" Cameron said.

"Oh joking!? back seat! jokes aren't allowed behind the wheel" Mina said. "Oh my gosh" Cameron said while going into the back.

When we got back to the house Eren looked at us suspiciously. "Why do you guys smell like popcorn?" He asked.

"Oh yeah we forgot Eren!" Zack said. "What? did you guys watch far from home without me!?" Eren asked.

"We'll go again!" Zack said. "Wow my own blood did this to me" Eren said. "Sorry Eren!" I signed.

"We'll pay for everything next time!" Mina said. "Yeah okay" Eren said.

"And me?" Zeke said. "Oh yeah you too I guess" I signed. "Wow Y/n you'll regrets that" Zeke said. I just hid behind Eren.

"This is the season of happiness!" I signed.

HELLO! Thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME GUYS! SEE YA!😈

SILENCE: Modern aot x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now