For the whole night I could feel Chad shaking my shoulder trying to get me to listen to him.
After a while I didn't hear of feel anything so I tried to fall asleep until I felt someone shaking my shoulder again.
"Go away!" I said. "He's at your door" Chad said. "Who?" I asked. "You know who I'm talking about" Chad said.
"Make him leave!" I said. "I can't" Chad said. "I'll wait for him to leave" I said. After a while he still wasn't leaving.
"He's not leaving" Chad sang. I glared at him. "I hate this I'm just gonna go talk to him" I signed. "Good!" Chad said.
I grabbed my pillow and went to the door. "Hey wait!" Chad said. I opened the door and glared at Eren.
"Can we well talk?" Eren asked. I sat down on my bed and patted o. the spot next to me. Eren sat down next to me and I crossed my arms and waited for him to start talking.
"Well first of all there's chipotle down stairs" Eren said. I blinked. "That's it?" I signed.
"No.... I think it's pretty obvious that I need help and I'm getting it... the reason I blamed you for everything is because I felt like I couldn't do anything to help anyone because I couldn't help you.... I'm sorry" Eren said.
"You knew why I was going to therapy! And you used it against me.... you couldn't help anyone? but what could I do? I was 8! For years you treated everyone badly because of how bad you felt! Even though I knew nothing I could've done would make everyone else feel better I still tried! I don't forgive you" I signed.
Eren looked upset. "Okay" Eren said. "Why are you still here?" I signed. "Because I don't think it's fair that you decided so quickly" Eren said.
"Why can't you accept the fact that I'm not gonna forgive you in like 2 seconds!" I signed. "Well you used to" Eren said.
"Because you're my brother!" I signed. "And you should forgive me because you're my sister" Eren said.
"No! get out!" I signed. "I will!" Eren said before standing up and walking out of the room. "Rat" I mumbled.
I stopped when Eren opened the door again. "What?" I signed. He pushed it wide open then just walked away.
'Zeke isn't my half brother... he can't be because Eren exists' I thought. "Well! that went well!" I heard someone ay from outside the room.
I looked to see the whole entire family outside. "Were you listening?" I signed. "No we were watching" Zeke said.
Some smacked Zeke and he rolled his eyes. "You all are trash at this point the only truthful person is Zeke" I signed.
"Is she wrong?" Zeke said. "Yes!" Cameron said. "It doesn't matter everyone leave me alone so I can eat my chipotle!" I signed before going downstairs.
Chad would stop trying to get my attention and I just glared at him. "Are you listen to me?" Chad asked.
"No" I signed. "Then why'd reply?" Chad asked. "Please leave I'm really tired" I signed. "Fine but I'll be back" Chad said.
"Hey Y/n are you okay?" Dad asked. "Why would you care?" I signed. "Look we just want to help you guys!" Dad said.
"No you just don't want there to be tension in the house because if you don't try and stop it we're a bad family" I signed.
Dad sighed in defeat. "So I was right" I signed. "No!" Dad said. "Go away I just got chad to leave I want to be alone!" I signed.
"When you're with Chase you are alone!" Dad said. "His name is Chad! also it doesn't feel like I'm alone! I mean can hallucinations touch you!?" I signed.
"Well schizophrenia make things feel real!" Dad said. "How would you know you don't have it!" I signed.
"Your therapist told me!" Dad said. "You're so annoying!" I signed. "And you're 12" Dad said.
"You're supposed to be the good parent! now your just being mean" I signed.
"Y/n I've played this game before" Dad said. I glared at him. "Whatever it's started to get late so think you should go to sleep" Dad said.
I didn't move. "Y/n" Dad said in a stern tone. I ignored him. "Y/n if you don't listen to me I have no choice but to send you away" Dad said.
"You won't" I signed. "Okay" Dad said before standing up. I just rolled my eyes and stayed seated until he left.
"He's bluffing" I mumbled. "He's not" Chad said. "Go away!" I whisper yelled.
HELLO! Guys the good news was orchestra has finally ended for the rest of the year.... the bad news is I have basketball💀 But I'm starting to adjust so I think I'll be fine! anyways.... thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

SILENCE: Modern aot x child reader
FanficThis is a modern version of my story Silence: AOTx KNY child reader so read that first if you want!