Chapter 59

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We all eventually left the mall then went back home. "Apparently Porco and Reiner saw you at the mall" Eren said while narrowing his eyes at me.

"Eren leave her alone" Mina said while hugging me. "Can I have eggnog?" I signed. "No Y/n this is for adults" Grandma Marina said.

I frowned. "Can I just have a little bit?" I signed. "No it has alcohol in it" Dina said. "Well then don't mind if I do" Cameron said while going to take a cup.

"No you don't!" Aunt Ciara said while putting the cup back. "What!?" He said. "You are 16 Aunt" Ciara said.

"In a half" Cameron said. "Please! go to the living room" She said. He sighed then went to the living room.

I went to the living room and sat down next to him and laid my head down on his shoulder. "Hey Y/n you know my shoulder hurts" Cameron said.

I sighed hen laid back on the couch. "I've always known you hated me" I said. "You're being dramatic!" Cameron said.

"No it's true you don't have to lie anymore" I said. "I'm not lying!" He said. "About what?" Zack asked.

"Nothing" Cameron said while narrowing his eyes at him. "Can I have candy?" I signed. "You could smell it huh?" Zack said while handing it to me.

Cameron silently glared at Zack. "Is something wrong?" Zack asked. "Do you have snickers?" He asked.

"Oh this is my last one" Zack said while handing it to him. "Yeah thanks" Cameron said. "I can feel the tension" Mina said.

Cameron sighed. "Can we go somewhere?" I signed. "Nope you have stay right here!" Mina said. "How about we camp in the backyard" Zack said.

"I don't even think we're allowed to do that anymore" Eren said. "Why not?" I signed. "Because someone got into the backyard some how and went into our tent" Zeke said.

"Then what happened?" Cameron asked. "They stole our food and ran they were apparently teenagers" Zack said.

"I should do that" I signed. "No" Mina said. "Zack cried" Zeke said. "I was 7" Zack said. "Hmm" Cameron hummed.

"Lets ask anyway" Eren said. "They'll never say yes" Zeke said. "No if we have back up..." Mina said.

Everyone looked at me and I smiled. Cameron went up to Aunt Ciara. "Mami.... can I and everyone else have a backyard sleep over?" Cameron asked.

Aunt Ciara gave him a look. "Really? outside? no I don't want you doing that" She said. They basically pushed me to go over.

I ran over with a big smile. "We can go outside?" I signed. "No my mom said no" Cameron said. I frowned.

"Okay well we can just go in the room I guess.... like every night..." I signed. Aunt Ciara sighed. "Where's Zack?" She asked.

"I'll get him" I signed. I actually just went behind the corner to get him then came back. "Zack make sure Cameron doesn't murder anyone.... including himself and everyone else should be responsible!" Aunt Ciara said

We nodded then went outside in a tent. I laid down in the tent and smiled. "Why is this so big?" Zeke asked.

"This is our mom's tent I don't even know why we still have it but it's untouched she insisted on getting the biggest tent ever" Eren said.

"I would too and not share it on purpose" Zeke said. I rolled my eyes. "What? look at you with all the space in the world! let me fix that" Zeke said while laying down on top of me.

"You're killing her!" Mina said. Zeke rolled off me and I punched him. "No violence" Zack said. Cameron put his hand down and looked to the side.

"I'm hungry" I signed. Eren handed me a brownie and I happily ate it. "So uh what do we do now?" Mina asked.

"Let's just talk" Eren said. "Um so how is everyone so far" Zack asked. "Amazing!" Mina said. "Good" Cameron said.

"Oh I'm good" Eren said. "Better than ever" Zeke said. "Good!" I signed. "So what are everyone's new years resolutions!" Mina asked.

"To be less sarcastic" Zeke said. "To get better" Cameron said. "To help more people this year" Zack said.

"Um mine is to work harder!" Mina said. "To make everyone happy!" I signed. "Oh that's good! Eren?" Mina said.

"Oh to be less mad" Eren said. "Good for you" I signed. Eren silently glared at me and I went and sat next to Zack.

"My head hurts from all this talking" Cameron said. "You barely even said a word" Mina said. "Exactly" He said.

"I want some door dash" Zeke said. "No we are camping!" Mina said. Eren slowly put his phone away.

"We are camping!" Mina said again. "Why don't we tell stories" I signed. "I've got a few!" Cameron said.

"Okay so once there was a man named Jimmy! now jimmy had always hated the outside. He hated it so much that he has never gone into his backyard even once but one day his girlfriend had convinced him to go outside. As stayed outside for a while bad things kept happening to him! he had been bitten by mosquitoes, he kept tripping and falling but the breaking point for him was when a squirrel attacked him for food." Cameron said.

"Jimmy immediately angrily went back inside as his girlfriend chased after him but Jimmy told his girlfriends that he just couldn't and that he would only go somewhere more closed off. He had felt like mother nature was against him for some reason and he was right because the next morning when he got up to go out as soon as he went outside he saw that his car had been crushed by a tree."

"Jimmy luckily had insurance and instead of getting groceries he got a new car! and just as he left multiple birds pooped right on his car. He got his car washed then when he pulled up to his house he saw trash all over the drive and got out of the car to see racoons quickly run away. Jimmy ended up paying someone to clean it up but the part when he realized something was actually wrong was when he went downstairs to get a snack and saw a bear also had the same idea."

"Obviously jimmy called the police and they got the bear out but after that Jimmy went to find help so he went to his mom. Jimmy's mom had told him that he needed to compromise with nature but Jimmy didn't understand why Nature was upset with him in the first place. His mother told him that the reason was because nature did not like to be ignored so Jimmy thought about it that night and then went to the store the next morning"

"Jimmy bought tons off flower seeds and gardening supplies then went home to his backyard and began planting them. Jimmy even went and got a dog. Sooner than later nature started to be way on his side and his girlfriend asked him what was the sudden change. Jimmy told her that he had realized that sometimes some things shouldn't be ignored! THE END!" Cameron said.

"That was good! Zack said. "One day it's gonna happen to dad" Eren said. "I wouldn't be surprised" I signed.

"Now a story about a little boy named...." Cameron said. "NO!!!!" I signed.

HELLO! Thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME GUYS! SEE YA!😈

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