Chapter 48

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After Grandma Mae and Grandma Marina got home we had to help them. "Come on guy let's go you don't have even make the main dish okay" Aunt Ciara said.

"What are we making?" I signed. "You guys are making a cake, brownies, and cookies" She said. "Do we get to eat the cookie batter?" Cameron asked.

"If you want salmonella then be my guest" She said. "Wha- you can get salmonella from that!?" Eren asked.

"I've see it before and it's not good trust me you don't want it" Zack said. "From cookie batter... I've been eating it for years..." Cameron said.

"Well now's your time to stop!" Mina said. Aunt Ciara gave us the ingredients and instructions but luckily Mina and surprisingly Zeke knew how to make all of the deserts.

"What should we make first?" I signed. "Brownies! it's easy" Mina said. We started making the brownie's and luckily there was left over batter so I started eating some of it but Cameron was too scared to.

"Come on Cameron" I said while holding the spoon out to him. "No I don't trust anything with the word batter in it now" Cameron said.

"You don't trust me then?" Zeke asked. "Oh no! I never trusted you even before I knew that cookie batter gave people salmonella" Cameron said.

"Eren do you want some?" I signed. Eren took the spoon then wiped it on Cameron's arm. Cameron looked at Eren eyes wide before basically flying over to the sink.

"Ah! Cameron what are you doing!?" Aunt Ciara asked. "I have to get it off before the germs go into my skin and into my bone!" Cameron said.

"What!? Cameron!" Aunt Ciara said. "Eren!" I signed. "What?" Eren said. "I think you broke him because look!" Zeke said.

Cameron was violently scrubbing his arm with a sponge. "Um Cameron! I think it's off" Zack said.

Cameron threw the sponge at Zack then started putting the batter in the container. "What did I do?" Zack asked.

We put the brownies in the oven and had to wait but started making the cookies in the mean time.

Cameron ended up standing far away from Eren until the batter was ready to go into the oven. "Why is it that you guys have so many ovens?" Zack asked.

"I don't know we just do" I signed. "It's beautiful!" Mina said. "How's it going?" Grandpa Nino asked us.

"It's good! No one died.... yet" Cameron said. "This one! he needs a leash! he is very unstable" Mina said.

Cameron narrowed his eyes at her. "She's not wrong" I signed. "It was a joke!" Cameron said. "Driving a car like that is crazy! You would risk getting pulled over for a joke!?" Mina said.

"I won't do it again!" Cameron said. "Can we please finish the brownies guys it's out of the oven!" Zeke said.

We started filling the brownies with chocolate.  then after we had to show them to grandma so she could approve them.

"Hmmm well it's very good! better than I usually see people make" Grandma Marina said. "Continue making the cookies and don't kill everyone else! okay!"

"Yeah I obviously contributed the most!" Eren said. "Wow" I signed. While the cookies were being made we md the cake batter but Eren messed up because he accidentally put too much flour.

"Eren!" I signed. "Stop it was an accident!" Eren said. "Let's just redo it" Zeke signed. "Yeah let's juts redo it!" Eren said.

"Except you're not doing it" Mina said. I helped remake it and Eren tried to put the batter on Cameron again but he hid behind Zeke he whole time.

We put the cake in the oven and finished the cookies and since the cake was cooking we just did what ever we wanted.

Mina took me and started showing me videos of BTS and explaining why I should be a Stan. "Reason 1! Park Ji-min!" Mina said.

"Look at him! here I'll let you pick who you like!" Mina said. "This one" I signed before pointing at one of them.

"Taehyung!? wow I see a bright future for you!" Mina said. "Mina! seriously?" Zack said. "Gotta do it when their at that young ripe age!" Mina said.

"Ripe?" Cameron said. "Yup ripe" Mina said. "Do you like fruits?" Zeke asked. "Of course I do how do you think my hair is like this" Mina said.

"Um vitamins and dabur amla hair oil?" Cameron said. "Your not wrong but still!" Mina said. "Lets check on the cake" I signed.

We went into the kitchen and the cake just needed a few minutes so we put the second layer of the cake in the oven.

"Mina how do you know how to bake?" I signed. "Oh because of my mother! she taught me how to make everything when I was younger" Mina said.

After the cake was done we put it in the fridge to cool then we continued doing what ever again. "I'm taking you back to New York! you can be my daughter" Mina said.

"And I never have to see Eren again!?" I signed. "What?" Eren said. "Nothing!" I signed. "I'm hungry" Zeke said while laying down on the couch.

"Me too" Eren said. "Me three" Zack said. "Me four" Mina said. "Me five" I signed. Cameron just crossed his arms and glared at us.

"Cameron?" Zack said. Cameron threw a pillow at Zack and turned away. "What did I do?" Zack asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Spoke" I signed while patting Cameron's head.


HELLO! Thank you for 4K READS! I love you guys so much and I enjoy writing this story!! I might not be able to post tomorrow but I will the day after still if I don't! Thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

SILENCE: Modern aot x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now