Chapter 78

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"Give me your poncho so I can see who it is"

"What!? no! it's dark outside" Armin said. "I'll go with her" Cameron said. "No" Armin said.

"How about you just give me the poncho" Cameron said. "Fine" Armin said while handing it to him.

Cameron narrowed his eyes at Armin and took it.


I went outside and looked around then stopped when I found Eren sitting near the outdoor kitchen area.

"Hello?" I said. "Don't get crazy I'm just sitting here" Eren said. "Did Armin find out who was near the tent"

"He said he didn't see anyone" I said. "Oh okay then you guys are paranoid" Eren said. "Why?" I said.

"Huh?" Eren asked. "Why are you out here?" I asked. "I-" I cut him off. "Liar" I said. "You didn't even let me answer" Eren said.

"Yeah I knew you would lie" I said. "Wha- okay you want to know?" He asked. "Well yeah" I said. "I wanted to see Y/n but now I'm just out here because well it's raining" Eren said.

"Go back inside" I said. "Did you not hear the rain part?" Eren asked. "I'm sorry but last time I checked a little rain won't kill anyone" I said.

Eren tried to push me back into the rain and I dodged him. "Stop" I said. "A little rain won't kill anyone!" He mimicked.

I glared at him. "Why are you mad that's what you said to me" Eren said. "Then I tried to push you into the rain?" I said.

He rolled his eyes. "Why are you trying to see Y/n anyway she'll leave the minute she sees you" I said.

"I'm not trying to talk to her I'm just looking" Eren said. I rose my eyebrow. "That sounds a little weird" I said.

"Shut up if I were your brother and it was you then what would you think" Eren asked. "My brother is creepy?" I said.

Eren sighed. "Your not wrong but the thing I just want to still be in the same area without Y/n thinking someone is about to kill her" Eren said.

"Well I mean all of it is your fault but you're not gonna make things better by just staring at her from a far distance your just gonna make everyone else think your a guy who stalks little kids" I said.

"So what do I do?" Eren asked. "I don't know" I said. "What?" Eren said. "Woah! Don't get a aggressive here! I'm not the one who traumatized and almost murdered my own blood" I said.

Eren glared at me and took a deep breath. "Well first of all you need to get some help with those anger issues because I don't know if you noticed but you were just straight up abusing Y/n for basically just spilling some water on you" I said.

"NO I-" I cut Eren off. "Also you need to learn how to take criticism and listen to others feelings because you're being an inconsiderate brat" I said.

"No one's gonna help you if you don't want it Eren" I said. Eren crossed his arms. "Also before I leave you should probably go inside before someone calls 911 because you look like your about to murder us all out here" I said.

Eren rolled his eyes and got up to leave. I went back to the tent and Armin looked at me and Y/n was sitting with her arms crossed.

"No ones outside it was only my stupid brother he told us to make sure we go to sleep soon" I lied.

"See" Armin said. "Are you sure" Y/n signed. "Yeah I talked to him he went back inside" I said. "I think we should go back to sleep" Armin said.

Armin ad I laid down and I was about to turn off the lamp but Y/n stopped me. "I'll keep watch" Y/n said.

"What? we're in a backyard its completely gated Y/n no ones out here" Armin said. "I want to keep watch" Y/n signed.

"Just don't stay up all night okay" I said. Y/n nodded.


When I noticed Cameron and Armin about to wake I pretended to be asleep because I actually hadn't gotten any sleep that night again.

"You went to sleep right?" Armin asked. I nodded. "Let's go back inside" Cameron said. We went back inside to see everyone was already awake and eating.

I got food then went and sat down next to Mina. "Did you get some sleep tonight?" She asked. I nodded. "Oh that's good hopefully you'll be able to fall asleep in here right?" She said.

I nodded. "But you know Y/n I think that maybe you should try and talk to Eren I mean he-" She stopped when I got up and sat down next to dad instead.


After breakfast I sat n the porch with Zack. "You know I tried to get Y/n to talk to Eren but as soon as I mentioned it she went and sat down away from me" I said.

"Well I can see why it really must be hard for her I mean what Eren did was bad and she could be taking everything he's done before personally" Zack said.

"I just don't want to end up seeing everyone torn apart I mean when you thin about it she just really only did what people told her to" I said.


I wasn't allowed to leave the house for now but my dad let me invite Ymir, Falco, Gabi, Zofia, and Udo over.

"I don't want today to be sad so let's just have fun like before but inside my house" I wrote. "Yeah we get it Y/n" Ymir said.

"Yeah you don't have to worry I'm here for you" Falco said. "We're" Gabi corrected. "Yeah sure me and the others" Falco said.

"Oh my gosh" Zofia said while face palming. 'I missed these people' I thought.


HELLO! Thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME GUYS! SEE YA!😈

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