Chapter 24

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I started texting Falco since Evers family had left there was finally a chance for me to leave home and go out with my friends.

"Hey do you want to go around town with me?" Falco texted to me. "I'll ask my dad first so wait a second" I texted.

I went to my dads room and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Dad asked. I obviously stayed silent and just went in.

"Wha- oh it's you" Dad said. "Can I go into town with Falco" I signed. "Okay don't do anything bad" Dad said.

I nodded while smiling then told Falco that I could go and we agreed to meet up at 5:00pm. I went into my closet then called Ymir.

"Hey Ymir I'm meeting up with Falco soo-" Ymir cut me off. "A date!?" Ymir yelled. "What no we're just friends and this is like the 2 time we're hanging out" I said.

"Well what are you wearing?" She asked. "Um... I don't know" I said. "Just pick something out then show me" Ymir said.

I chose something then set it out and showed it to her. "Oh yeah that's nice" Ymir said. "Mhm I mean I'm leaving in 30 minutes so I'm gonna go take a shower then finish getting ready" I said.

"Okay see ya!" She said. "See ya!" I said before hanging up. I went and took a shower then changed then got my bag and went downstairs.

"Where re you going?" I looked to see Armin. "Out with a friend" I signed. "Falco?" Mikasa said while appearing out of nowhere.

"Yeah how did you know?" I signed. "I read your mind" Mikasa said while patting my head. "You wish" I signed.

"Nah" Mikasa said. "I have to go I'll see you!" I signed. "Stay safe!" Armin said. I started walking then called an uber when I got to the edge of the neighborhood.

I got out in front of Barnes and nobles then went inside and texted Falco where I was and I took my book out but accidentally dropped it right after.

I went after it as it slid across the floor but stopped when someone picked it up. "What is this" I looked up to see Porco.

I immediately panicked because he had my book so I couldn't write. I reached for the book and he moved it away.

"Oh Y/n is this yours?" He asked. I nodded. "Oh here" He said while holding it out. I was about to grab it but then he moved it away again.

"How do I know your not lying?" Porco said. I furrowed my eyebrows. I just pointed to myself then shook my head trying to tell him I wasn't lying.

"You know you can tell me your not lying" Porco said. I pointed to myself and nodded telling him that I did.

"No Y/n with words" Porco said. I fiddled with my fingers then pointed to myself and shook my head.

"Oh you can't! well there's another way you can prove it by looking inside" Porco said as he was about to open it.

"Pock!" Pieck yelled while snatching the book away from him. "What are you doing?" Pieck said.

"Nothing I was just gonna give her the notebook back" Porco said. "Yeah right I saw you!" Pieck said.

"Here you go Y/n" Pieck said while giving it to me. I smiled and put it in my bag. "Oh Y/n sorry I couldn't find you"

I looked to see Falco. "Oh you guys are hanging out together" Porco said. " Hey don't change the subject! Oh hey Falco" Pieck said.

"Hi!" Falco said while smiling. "I'll let you guys have fun okay See ya!" Pieck said. We left Barnes and Nobles and started walking around.

"Porco wouldn't give me my book back" I wrote. "What why?" Falco asked. "He thought I was lying" I wrote while rolling my eyes.

"Wow don't worry about him" Falco said. I nodded. "So how was thanksgiving was it fun?" I wrote.

"Yeah it was cool everyone went home the day after but I still liked it what about you?" Falco said.

"Well everyone went home yesterday it was okay I tried to leave with them I got caught though" I wrote.

"What how did you try and leave?" Falco asked. "You know Cameron well He hid me in his suitcase" I wrote.

"Huh!?" Falco said. "Yeah but I got chipotle after!" I wrote. "Wow my parents would've been so bad at me" Falco said.

"Well I was basically about to cry because they were leaving" I wrote. "Well I mean you'll get to see them again so it's fine" Falco said.

I nodded. We sat down near the fountain. I turned and looked at the coins in the water. "I saw someone stealing coins from a fountain once" I wrote.

"Did he get caught?" Falco asked. "No he was too fast for them it was funny though" I wrote.  "Wow" Falco said.

"So Eren's your brother" Falco said. "Yeah where did you meet him?" I wrote. "At the park he was nice" Falco said.

"Surprising" I wrote. "What? is he mean?" Falco asked. "Not really just annoying Zeke is worse though" I wrote.

"Oh well he can't be that bad" Falco said. "Yeah sure" I wrote. I felt myself falling asleep and I tried to stay awake as Falco was taking but after a few minutes I gave up and fell asleep.


I felt something on my shoulder and looked to see Y/n was sleeping. 'Wasn't she just awake a second ago?' I thought in surprise.

I looked at her closely. 'She looked so peaceful... should I wait for her to wake up' I thought.


I looked around to see I was in a room. 'What?' I thought. "Y/n! time to get ready for bed" I looked over at the door to see Mikasa.

'She looks younger am I where we used to live' I thought. I stood up and went over to her. "Your being so quiet right now are you tired" She asked.

I just nodded. "Well we're gonna give you a bath first okay" She said. I nodded then got ready to take a bath.

Mikasa picked me up then put me in the tub full of bubbles. I put the bubbles on Mikasa's head and she smiled.

"No tired enough to not do that" She said as she started washing me. Half way through as she was about to wash my hair her phone rang.

"Y/n I want to take this can you wash your hair I'll be back soon" Mikasa said. I nodded. She left and closed the door behind her.

I started washing my hair with shampoo but stopped when I felt someone move my hands away from my hair and start washing it.

'he finished her phone call?' I thought. They moved my head under water till all of the shampoo was out then they started using conditioner.

And once again after she finished she put my head underwater but when I moved up they pushed me back down underwater.

As I struggled to get back up I opened my eyes and looked through the water to see that it wasn't Mikasa.

HELLO! thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

SILENCE: Modern aot x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now