I opened my eyes to see I was in my room and it was night time. 'Who brought me here?' I thought.
I got up and went downstairs then peeked into the living room to see all of the adults were awake. Minus Eren, Zack, and Mina.
I tiptoed to the kitchen and got some reeses and soda the went back upstairs to my room. I felt so tired it didn't feel like I even walked at all. (I'm sorry but I'm literally eating reeses and drinking soda right now💀)
I turned on the TV and put a movie on then the door opened so I could see Eren, Cameron, Zeke, Mina and Zack were there.
I blinked at them and continued watching my movie. "Y/n don't be upset!" Eren said while sitting down next to me.
I ignored him. "Y/n stop being a little baby" Zeke said while pushing my shoulder. "Zeke! Y/n don't listen to him he's joking" Zack said.
"No he isn't" I signed. Cameron shrugged. "Is she wrong though?" He said. "You know what can you guys get out" Mina said.
"Wha- us?" Eren said. "Yes go! I'm sorry I want to talk to Y/n girl to girl and I'm sorry but last time I checked you all are boys" Mina said.
"Says who?" Cameron said while flipping his hair. Mina crossed her arms. "Okay guys lets go" Zack said.
They all left except Mina and she laid down next to me. "Come on Y/n talk to me or well sign" Mina said.
I huffed. "I know we haven't really talked but I just want to let you know that I won't leave until you tell me something" She said.
I turned to her. "Everyone thinks I'm probably a paranoid schizophrenic" I signed. "No people just can't believe certain things without seeing it and you know they don't you you're right because not all of the history of certain heart rates can be accurate" She said.
"Really?" I signed. "Yeah so I do believe you I mean almost the same thing happened to my grandma! My Grandma saw something and no one believed her because they said it wasn't possible and later it ended up being true" She said.
"You know it's also so much harder for people to listen to women especially young women... they don't believe us even if it's true but at least we ourselves know we are right!" Mina said.
"But Y/n... what ever you do always stick by what you told others before and don't let anyone make you say what they want to hear because I did that once and I regretted it my family only believed me later" She said.
I nodded. "Do you feel better now?" She asked. I smiled. "Okay! do you want them to come back in?" Mina asked.
I nodded. "You guys can some back!" Mina yelled. They all immediately came back in and sat down.
"Hos was your talk?" Zack asked. "It was good" Mina said. "Y/n don't you want some real food?" Eren asked.
"Mc Donalds?" I signed. "Zeke can drive" Cameron said. "So can you but I'm not even gonna argue because I'm hungry too" Zeke said.
We snuck down stairs and into the car then they started driving. "What time is it?" Zeke asked. "Oh 12:15" Cameron said.
"What ever McDonalds is always open" Eren said. We went to the drive through then started ordering.
After we went home and quickly went back to my room and started eating. "Not gonna lie Y/n has the best room in this house" Zeke said.
"Right like I could do a full 10 cartwheels it's so big and nice" Cameron said. "Your room actually kind of looks cold I'm not sure why maybe because of how modern the house is" Zack said.
"Forget New York we need to come live here! no more penthouses!" Mina said. "No more crazy people across the street" Zack said.
"I'm not even gonna say what I saw when I visited New york..." Zeke said. Then that's when we heard footsteps.
"Oh no..." Eren said. "Go hide!" I signed. "Hide!?" Zeke said. "Yes!" I signed. I went into bed and turned he TV off and everyone went into the closet with the food.
Then the door opened. "Y/n are you going to sleep? I heard noise" Aunt Ciara said. "I just woke up I'm going to sleep" I signed.
"Oh well do you know where Cameron is? I didn't see him in the room" Aunt Ciara said. "Yes..... He is using the bathroom right now he's going to come back to sleep" I signed.
Aunt Ciara squinted at me. "Y/n are you being truthful?" She asked. I slowly nodded. Aunt Ciara crossed her arms.
"Y/n where is Cameron?" She asked. I just blinked and stared at her silently. "I don't know I was covering for him because if he's not in the room then that means he may be somewhere else so I didn't want him to get in trouble" I signed.
"Well Y/ half of what you said is right but I know you do know where he is" She said. I looked around the room.
"I don't" I signed. Aunt Ciara narrowed her eyes at me then looked at the closet then back at me.
"NO!!" I signed. Aunt Ciara went to the closet and opened it. "Oh my gosh!" She yelled. "All of you guys are in there!?" She yelled.
"We were hungry so we went to Mc Donanlds!" Zack said. "Wha- you all need to finish eating because the kids need to sleep!" Aunt Ciara said.
"Kids!? I am a grown man now!" Cameron said while crossing his arms. "Oh really!? a man? I'll show you a man" She said.
"Wait wait!! I'm sorry Mami! I'm not a man I'm a small child who will be listening to his superior!" He said.
"Mhm" She hummed while narrowing her eyes at him. "Go to sleep guys" Aunt Ciara said. "Yes ma'am" Zack said.
"I'm coming back in 30 minutes that's enough time to finish eating then getting back in bed" She said.
"Yup" Cameron said. Aunt Ciara left and we started eating again. "You guys better take your trash out" I signed.
"We will" Eren said. "You guys better" I signed.
HELLO! Thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME GUYS! SEE YA!😈

SILENCE: Modern aot x child reader
FanficThis is a modern version of my story Silence: AOTx KNY child reader so read that first if you want!