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It was freezing cold, and sitting on this bench made things even worse. The sunlight blinded me every now and then as it faded then brightened up again.

I crossed my ankles under the bench, and I gripped the bench at my sides, staring at some of the families or children that had already filled the park at such an early time.

I was surprised and not use to the time here, but it didn't matter, because my mom and I were going back to America soon.

A few trees on the grassy area lightly trembled at the breeze that blew at my face, creating goosebumps to my face, as my dark brown hair blew.

I pulled my hair back, trying to stuff most of the hair around my ear, then I had breathe out. I watched the fog come out of my mouth as if a spirit leaving my body, but it disappeared from eyes as it reached the rays of the sunrise.

I tugged my coat around me more as I heard a loud laugh from around me.

I watched a girl with long brown blondish hair walking along side a very handsome guy.

"Really?" her British accent was exposed as she hyped up when she spoke, and he was red as if he was laughing silently or on the inside.

Then, he finally released a bigger laugh with a snort, and he covered his mouth.

"Don't hide, babe...you're fine," she spoke up, but it sounded like it was suppose to be a whisper.

She wore a floral dress and small heels as if she just came from church, while he wore a casual plaid buttoned up blue  shirt and white top, but with khaki cargo pants.

I looked away soon, and another breeze hit my face again, making a few strands of my dark hair tickle against my face.

My mother was meeting someone here in the park and I decided not to interrupt her business with another artist in the field of designing.

I looked from afar at my mom's long trench coat and notepad in hand as her short brown hair only blew like a feather. She stood with a taller woman with a darker trench coat and very short black hair.

I looked over to the couple, who have soon made their way closer to the light of the sun, but then I heard a silent whistle. Probably not even noticeable except for me.

I looked beside me, but afar to another boy leaning against the black metal fence. His brown curls were scattered all over, and lightly blew along with the winds as his small light pink lips blew out the tune into the air.

He wore a grey sweatshirt or a "jumper" they may call it with slightly baggy green cargo pants. I couldn't really see what color his eyes were, but I knew they looked grey from here. He wore some dark brown boots to go along with the outfit like he wasn't prepared to see anyone. However, I really liked his boots.

I could tell he had huge hands as they hung from his arms that kept their position on top of the fence he leaned on. His sleeves were pulled up and different colored bands were decorated on one of his wrists.

The thing that quite surely got my sexual attention was the way his jaw was so chiseled, but I tried not to think about it, even though it was attractive.

All of a sudden, the boy stopped whistling and my heart sped up quickly in my chest, realizing that he knew I was studying him, then his head turned in my direction.

My lips parted a bit, not knowing how to explain what I was doing, but he looked even more gorgeous by the structure of his face, as his eyes still carried a grey color, but almost green against the light.

It was probably the most amazing thing I saw, and it kept my heart pattering to a tune I never heard before.

"Hello," he greeted me with a new British voice to my ears, and smiled, sending an even brighter light into my world. His smile crooked, with dimples deep and exposed in his cheeks were captivating to my eyes, making me smile shyly.

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