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I scrubbed into the counters of the kitchen as hard as I could. That one sauce stain was making me frustrated.

My mother was at shop downtown, working her butt off as always this Saturday as she assigned me to tidy up around the house, but especially clean the kitchen up.

My glove was starting to get clammy and stuck to my hand as the suds of the sponge increased as I continued to wiped down the marble counter.

However, I was disappointed since it was such a nice day out and I trapped in the house cleaning. A flash of Harry's name came to my mind and I smiled as I stopped scrubbing.

It would've probably made this fun. I mean he always seems to know how to make something so uninteresting into something entertaining.

I began to dig the sponge against the solid surface again, until I heard my phone started to vibrate. I grunted as I took my hand from the sponge, leaving it deformed, but I collected my steps to the table, where my phone jittered and bounced hesitantly towards the edge of the table.

I picked up my phone with my dry hand, and saw Ezzy's name glowing across the screen in the white bright letters, but I was curious of why she might've been calling me.

I tapped answer with my thumb and brought the speaker of the phone to my ear.

"I know you didn't mean to have those feelings for Harry," Ezielle seemed to jump right into what she was mainly trying to tell.

"They just suddenly came to you, and I know you already know you should communicate with me...you were probably still stuck on the whole thing about Shirley," I heard her high tone of voice squeak a bit.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"I mean that we were both in a bad state of mind and we weren't thinking about our actions, because we were already emotional so I'm letting you off the hook," Ezzy explained and a smile lit up to my face.

"Thank you so much, Ezzy," I told her, not even thinking about what I was going to say.

"Well, you can thank Harry, because he really likes you and he tried so hard to make your day better by asking me to forgive you, but I did realize it was totally wrong to treat you that way at the prom," Ezielle said, and I kept the smile looking down.

"I'm sorry, Selena," she concluded.

"I'm sorry, Ezzy," I apologized as well.

"Alright, well, I gotta get going," she started to hype up to herself.

"Alright, bye," I said, giving her a kiss through the phone and I heard her lips suck together as well, making the popping sound until the line went dead.

I felt grateful and relieved that Harry would try to make my date better, but I also felt quite uncomfortable with him, speaking into my friendships. I didn't know if I wanted that.

I was about to place my phone down back to its spot on the table, but a quick vibration was sent through my hand, telling me I had a text.

An unknown text popped up to the screen, and another smile lit up across my face again, once I knew who it was.

Fr: N/A Today @ 1:32 PM

hello, princess. Harold here, of course, plzz don't call me that, love, but u mind if I come over?

I was hesitant to reply and I stared down at the text. I didn't know if it was really him.

Another text flash across the screen as the vibration travelled into my hand again.

Fr: N/A Today @ 1:32

If u dn't believe me, call.

I took the risk and called the unknown number, then I placed the phone to my ear once again as the phone only rang once and someone picked it up.

"Hello, love," Harry's familiar British voice spoke and smiled even bigger than before.

"Hello, Harry," I answered in a very giggly mood.

"Mind if I come over?" he asked and I cringed my face up, knowing I had to clean.

"I guess, but I'm gonna have to warn you, that I am cleaning," I warned him, as I leaned myself against the chair at the table, placing my arm to the top of the wooden chair.

I placed my phone down to the table after being hung up on by Harry.

Now we have two talks. My friendships and hanging up on people.

How did he even get my number? Probably Ezzy.

I later finished up the counter and a few more things in the kitchen, then I was off to cleaning the bathroom. I stood in the supply closet, picking out all the cleaning products and equipment I would need to clean down the bathroom with.

The sun burned through the windows and the warmth seeped into my skin, making me aggravated that I couldn't get some time to even be outside.

I grabbed the materials and made my way to the bathroom in the hall.

I heard a hard knock at the door, and I grunted again at the interruption, but I dropped all the products in the hall, running to get the door. I stepped up to the white door, and stood to my tip toes to peek through the windows as I saw Harry standing on the porch, looking down.

I moved away from the window, unlocking the door, and opening the large entrance up as Harry greeted me with his same crooked smile.

"Okay, there's two things I need to talk to you about," I started, pointing one finger up.

"One, don't interfere with my friendships, and don't hang up on me ever again," I started and his eyebrows raised.

"One, there's no way I can leave my girlfriend miserable for the rest of the day, and second was because I just couldn't wait to see you," he told me as he entered himself in, then kissed my cheeks, sending butterflies into my heart, then into my stomach and goosebumps to my face.

If he had that type of affect on me when he kissed my cheek, then how would it be if I kissed him on the lips if I was standing here like a statue now?

I wouldn't be surprised that he wouldn't agree with what I was saying, because Harry was always stubborn when he came to something that felt right to him or he wanted.

"And I'm not you're girlfriend," I closed the door behind me, then locked it.

However long I stay, I will always love you.

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