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A bullet shot me, and I knew I was killing myself, but there was going to be someway I would get away. I didn't want to tell Harry anything, and I was going to just leave. I had heard about the girls campus for David High London and boys campus, and that gave me the idea to move out of the original DHL, then be freed from Harry finally.

My mom had just went in to check me out of the dorm, after hearing about my devastating news with Harry.

My tears felt like they were already shedded and there was nothing left to let go anymore. I tried to make my luggage small by opening it up, and taking some things out to just put in the back of the car, because nothing was fully fitting right in the trunk. The car was packed, and I took a breath out, placing my hand to the trunk door about to close until I heard a voice speak up.

"Why?" I heard Harry's voice speak up, and I left the door open, turning around to see Harry standing there afar.

"Do I really need to answer that?" I asked him a question back, as I came closer to him, while the sun burned on us in mid-July.

His eyes were a pale green as the sun reflected onto them, remembering I thought that was the most beautiful thing I saw when he placed me on top of my car on graduation day. The day we got together.

"Why didn't you tell were just going to leave me like this?!" Harry started to shout at me, and I was completely disgusted at him for shouting at me, because he was the one who hurt me.

"Harry!" I shouted at him, feeling my blood start to boil as I walked closer to him with wide eyes.

I grunted, kicking at the ground.

"Are you not understanding this situation?!" I shouted at him, and I grunted just getting so frustrated with him.

"I were going to leave me, and not communicate!" he shouted at me, and somewhere in his eyes I saw pain, but really why would he feel bad, when he knew what he did wrong.

"And the last thing you said is that you hated me, is that true?!" Harry was mad as ever as his green eyes seemed to darken even if the sun was shinning down on them. I was a bit shaken up by his eyes, and I stepped back a bit.

"You know it's not," I said, as looked down towards the ground then back to him with scared eyes.

"Now why would you leave me like that, Sel?" Harry finally calmed down, and I gave him a look.

"Harry! You cheated on me, what do you expect from me!" I shouted, and I pushed him in the chest, at how stupid he was being.

"The only reason I cheated on you was because Jesse pressured me to, and he was making it tempting," Harry explain with guilt, but I was completely shock at the reason.

"What?!" I shouted as I was extremely mad now.

"I knew that my ex-boyfriend was stupid, but not this stupid, are you freaking kidding me Harry!" I screamed my lungs out as I was totally out of control.

I started to pull my things out of my trunk, throwing them at him for being so stupid.

"You don't let people choose for you!" The tears escaped and I never knew I had anything left, but it came out like a waterfall.

"But you didn't have sex with me so what do you expect?!" Harry shouted and now he hit a nerve. He did not just say he cheated on me, because we didn't have sex.

"Aaah!" I screamed, and grunted out, throwing more things at him as he tried to dodge.

"Why can't you just use that bit of brain you have and actually communicate with me about your sexual urges, Harry?!" I shouted and I felt all the strength of my shouts in my throat.

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