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The cold water surrounded and soaked into our bodies as we floated along the surface of the lake. My body felt extremely cold, and I shivered uncontrollably as Harry seemed not to react at all.

I removed my curls from my face as they dripped of the lake's water.

He felt really warm, and so that urged my body to press my back into him more. The heat from his body moved into my body a bit more as Harry wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

The dress had definitely rose to the surface of the water, but I didn't think Harry cared to ever take advantage of me.

"Shhh," My face felt frozen and then Harry whispered in my ear to try to keep me calm as he eased us to get up out of the water.

"I-I'm sorry, H-Harry," I shivered while I felt like I was gonna cry again and he pulled away his arms then instead placed his hands to my sides.

Harry didn't respond to my apology and I felt guilty for all of this. I was surprisingly risen up from the water so I was able to grab for the edge of the dock.

"Grab for it," Harry paused as it sounded like he was trying to talk underwater, but I wouldn't be surprised since he was carrying me up.

"Sel," he said as I heard him gasp and rise from the water again.

I got a strong grasp on the edge of the dock as my arm shook of the vulnerability that was exposing off of my body by the cold water.

I knocked down my arm on top of the dock as I pushed myself up and out of the water, hearing the everlasting spills and pours of water coming from my body and dress.

I became stronger as I finally got my knee to boost the rest of my body up onto the dock. I dropped myself onto the platform after using so much strength and I let out a tiring breath.

"Give me a hand now," I was looking out into the distance until I heard Harry speak up, still in the water and I looked down towards the settling of the calm lake.

"Alright," I told him, slumping in my own wet mop of a dress, then leaned over towards the lake again, sticking out an arm or hand that he could grab for.

His curls now just swept across his face or sloppily fell to the side of his face as they give up on the quiff hair style, because of the impact of the water.

His eyes sparkled against the moonlight and he looked so mysterious almost.

Harry grabbed my hand, making the blood in my body warm up with power and pleasure as the tingles and sparks ran through my system.

I hooked my other hand onto his blazer's sleeve on the opposite arm. It became tricky since the blazer was soaking wet, but I started to pull at both his hand and his arm.

"I can't believe I got you in this mess, Harry," I said as I tried to pull harder, and his hand gripped my exposed arm, sending a more affect on me.

"Come on," I grunted as I pulled for Harry, trying to get the boy out of the freezing lake.

Harry seemed to be getting closer to me, as he started to bend his elbows and pull himself up on his own, using my strong stand on his hold.

"You got it, you got it," I kept up the strength as Harry finally got his knee up to the platform, and dropped himself as well on the wooden walkway.

Harry's chest moved up and down for air while I kept myself sat up as he lied down on his back, tired out.

I thought about how we got here, and how ridiculous this turned out.

I bursted out laughing unexpectedly, and I couldn't believe how hard I was laughing. It was ridiculous just to laugh this much.

"What's so funny, love?" I heard Harry's voice shake me a bit, but I was sure he didn't notice as my laugh faded out and I explained how the whole situation was stupid to me.

"This is crazy, Harry," I told him with a big smile, and he looked at me with curiosity in those green eyes then he sat up to focus on me.

"Like look at this," I gestured with my hands, as I started off and Harry scanned his surroundings within our area.

"Here I'm thinking this was gonna be the perfect night," I continued and Harry bent his leg having his knee pointed upwards as he pushed his mop of hair back.

"I thought that you honestly didn't like me, because I mean I'm not that attractive to go to prom with," I told him.

"Someone spills there water on me and then my date drops their fruit punch on me," I laughed, but it almost sounded like it was in denial.

"Then, I ended up searching for you all around the school," I ended it, still having the smile plastered across my face as Harry grew one.

"And I was out here fetching water for you to wash your dress," Harry shook his head and chuckled, but I had no idea as I wore a look of confusion.

He gestured to a bucket that sat beside me full of the water.

I looked back to him with a bigger smile and started to laugh.

"Are you serious, Harry?!" I laughed out and he nodded.

"When I get nervous, I do some really stupid things and I admit some accidents," he told me, as my eyebrows rose.

"But Selena, you're incredibly gorgeous to be so insecure about how you look...I mean it would have to be impossible for someone like you to hate on yourself, love," Harry inspired me with his words as I just stared at him with a smile.

"Thank you," I replied then looked down as I positioned myself in criss cross form.

"Well, it was your insecurities and my nervousness that ruined the night, huh?" he questioned it, and I shrugged.

"I mean, I wouldn't say that, but I would say that this night made me learn something new about you," I put my understanding in it and he nodded in agreement.

"Hello, my name is Harry Styles and I've had a crush on this girl since I met her in Europe," Harry placed out his hand for a shake and my cheeks warmed up at his words as I smiled.

"My name is Selena Gomez, and I've had a crush on this boy since the first day of school," I said and his jaw dropped open as I took his hand and we were about to shake our hands together.

"But I've been into you longer than you've been into me, that's not fair," Harry pouted only a bit, while he didn't shake my hand.

"Well, it's the past, deal with it," I giggled and he just stared at me with the stupid little crooked smile that drove me crazy inside my mind. Kept my heart going at a fast and steady pace.

His smile faded as the structure of his face became serious and he was starting to lean in towards me. Should I kiss him? I don't think so.

This is not the right time.

Do I?

"Uhm, maybe I should call my mom and get some fresh clothes then we can probably head home," I jumped to an alternative quickly and he nodded with a sad look in his eyes.

"Alright," he gave in and I was about to get him up until he stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

Oh, there goes the sparks, balloons, and confetti again.

"Is this still 'as a friend' thing?" he asked me with an adoring look in a little glint in his eye.

Well, if he really wants to try, and hopefully he won't be like my dad, he should just have to ask.

"You tell me," I answered him and left him speechless, totally confused.

Whenever I'm alone, with you, you make me feel like I am free again.

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