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After, dropping off the baby to health class, I went to my locker, getting ready for class to start. I dialed in my combination number, but I was startled by Ezzy's unexpected presence.

"Sel, I really think you should check out what's going on outside," she said, as I looked up, not even looking at her, as I saw crowd of people start to collect and gather up moving outside.

"Yeah," I said, as I became attracted to the crowd of students that started to root for something outside.

"Come on," I told Ezzy as I grabbed her hand, and I pulled her along behind me, but instead she directed me, knowing what was going on. Ezielle pushed through the crowd with force like some football player.

Her bun flopped apart and her blonde hair dropped down into a lazy ponytail as she kept pushing through the crowd, and I kept following. I would stand on my tip toes once in a while, trying to see if we were getting any closer, but all I saw was a crowd of students still.

I held onto Ezzy's hand tightly, as I moved along with her, and we turned in the crowd as a circle was formed outside, where the end of the crowd mostly was.

Ezzy tried her hardest to get through the rest of the crowd, and we finally got our front row seats. I gasped as Jesse repeatedly beated on Harry's face, until Harry kicked him off, trying to scramble to get back up. My heart dropped at the sight, I became worried.

"You knew I liked Selena!" Jesse shouted at Harry, as he swung a kick to Harry's side, but he grabbed Jesse's foot, making Jesse flop to his back. Jesse liked me?

I didn't dare want to look or believe what happened next, when Harry pulled Jesse's head up by his blonde dirty hair, then slammed his head into the ground. My body instantly moved through the crowd, not even worrying about where Ezzy was, because now I had to do something to stop this.

Blood slung from Jesse's nose that connected with his mouth mixed with saliva, and I was frightened at the sight. Harry flipped him over, grabbing Jesse by his shirt, but before he could really get Jesse up, Jesse knocked Harry across the face with a swing of his arm, then wiped off his own face, attacking Harry with punches and hits for revenge.

My body felt frozen, and I couldn't move at all.

Harry covered himself up with his arms, trying to dodge as he lied on the ground, but Jesse violently kicked him, and punched him. Jesse kept spitting on Harry, then pulled Harry up by his shirt, without him even expecting it, as Harry let his guard down, and Jesse threw a punch stronger then ever. The blood splattered in the direction of Jesse's fist, and I threw myself out into the empty circle.

"Stop!" I shouted, and launched for Jesse's back, trying to get him off of Harry. Jesse dropped Harry to his back again, then threw me off with a strength that never hit me before. The force was strong as I saw Harry reach out a hand to me, knowing I was going to get hurt, then the pain hit me without warning. My heart had stopped in the moment then it felt like a knife slip through the back of my neck, as my head hit the ground hard.

"Stop!" A shout came, and I knew it was Harry, as the crowd sounded worried, but my eyes were shut from the pain that just traveled through my head. Tears came to my eyes, even though they were closed, but the dagger turned in my head, making the pain much stronger.

The crowd became concerned, as I heard shuffles and mumbles.

"Selena!" I heard Harry's voice again, and I just lied there as the feeling settled in.

"Someone get the nurse!" I heard a different student's voice.

The crowd started chattering up, as I felt the pain travel down my neck over and over again.

"Selena, are you there? Are you hearing me, love...please, look at me, open your eyes, opwen ya aizzzzzz," his words were starting to be slurred as the feeling traveled to my ears, and all I heard was a never ending beep, until I went into a dark sleep.


I jumped out of my sleep as my heart pounded quickly in my chest. The pain shot from the back to the front of my skull.

"Ms. Gomez?" I heard a voice, and I looked toward the nurse who was working on some paperwork or such.

"Do you remember what happened?" Ms. Partly jumped to questions immediately as she rolled halfway across the room to beside me in the rolling chair. She slapped on gloves as she was getting prepared to do something.

"I was thrown," I told her, and she nodded.

"How?" she asked, as her red lips moved gracefully.

"By Jesse Oplum," I told her the truth, as she eased her hands along my neck as I bent my head down. She kneaded her fingers into my neck, trying to look for any serious damage, but I didn't flinch or react to any part of my neck she was touching.

"Okay, that's what the curly-headed one told me," she responded, as she checked my shoulders, then dug her fingers into my jawline and around my ears. Lastly, she checked my arms for any damage, and she nodded to herself, knowing I wasn't bothered with any real pain anywhere.

Ms. Partly gave me a mini physical instructing me to do things, as I studied her almost black curly hair that was tied up in a bun to the back.

"Pull away," she touched the back of my leg, trying to pull it forward as I pulled away from the force, and she nodded.

"Okay, so it looks like, there's nothing broken...you're breathing fine, and have a regular heartbeat, so you just fell," she concluded as her hazel eyes lightened up.

"A lot of pain just looked like it stunned you, and you couldn't bare with it, so you're body shut down, but you may still feel the pain in your head, " Ms. Partly rolled over to her desk again, grabbing for something off her desk, then started writing.

"So, you can still bring the ice pack, but make sure to bring it back please," she said, rolling back to me with a written pass.

"I haven't been getting them back," Ms. Partly said, and I nodded still sitting on the cot. I took the pass from her hands.

"Thank you, but where's the ice pack?" I asked her, and she pointed toward my pillow, showing me I was already lying my neck on the cold pack when I was sleeping.

"Oh, okay, thank you, Ms. Partly," I said, as I tried to stand up, while the pain in my neck only bothered me a tiny bit.

"Take it easy now, kiddo," I heard her say, before I opened up the door, and saw students start to move in the direction of the cafeteria, telling me it was lunch.

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