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"So now that you know I like bananas, would you take rather have a cute small monkey or me?" Harry asked as I just smiled at him.

I was snuggled up under his arm as I wore my blue gown to cover me from the cold. Harry's hair had dried already as it was already swept across his forehead as mine was taking its time, but I fiddled with his chain as I thought about the question.

"You, of course," I answered.

"But why?" Harry asked as I felt him play with the ends of my hair.

"Because I know you," I answered as we lied down against the tree and I gazed up into Harry's pale green eyes.

"Nope, there has to be another reason," he said and an idea came to my mind as I gave him this face I've never showed anyone, while he laughed at the creepy look.

"I know what you mean,"he said as I kept the face, and he just looked at me, laughing.

"I'd pick you, because I don't wanna have sex with a monkey," I erased the face and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"All of a sudden, you seem so dirty," Harry said and I shrugged my shoulders, then I leaned in towards Harry's ear.

"I might just be," I whispered, as I ran my hand down his chest, past his abs and towards his lower area, then he jumped as I ran my hand along the hem of his boxers and I pulled away laughing.

"I'm kidding," I laughed out as his face was all red and frozen.

"Please don't mess with my hormones like that," Harry went all embarrassed and I laughed on some more.

"I'm sorry," I finally finished and leaned my head against his chest again, listening to the slow steady beat of his heart.

"You know, today? Radigan did the stupidest thing ever," Harry started another one of his stories.

"Yeah?" I wanted him to continue on.

"He likes this girl and her name is Nanda, right?" I nodded my head, still listening to his heart beat.

"You mean Nanda Phillips?" I asked, rising up from his chest, and he nodded, then I lied back down onto him.

"He doesn't even know the girl, except her name, and ends up finding her number through one of her friends then calling her in the same building," he continued and I already thought the whole story was ridiculous.

"Then, Nanda tells him to meet her in the school and Rad ends up getting prank by a bunch of girls then finds out that there was no meet, and that the girl texting him was Nanda's friend," Harry said, and I laughed as I imagined Radigan walking around the school for Nanda.

"That's hilarious...he should've just went up to Nanda," I said, lifting up off of Harry, laughing as he smiled at me.

"Exactly, that's what I said," Harry hyped up and I laughed at the story still.

"But, hey..hey, you went up to me the day before prom to ask me to be your date so he's not the only one in stupid squad," I pointed out and Harry cracked up to red, knowing that was true.

"Alright, yeah, yeah, you got me, love," Harry said with a big smile and lied back down onto Harry's bare chest again as he started to caress my hair then kissed the top of my head.

"You know me so well, even though we just started this relationship," Harry said and I nodded.

"Just promise me something, Selena," I heard him say and I nodded again.

"Don't ever put yourself down again or I'll feel like I'm doing a bad job at dating you," Harry kept caressing my hair and I lifted up again, moving closer towards him.

"You're never doing a bad job, Harry....but I promise," I told him, sticking out a pinky as he smiled at probably at how adorable it was to do it. He wrapped his pinky around mine, pulling me towards him closer, as I kissed his lips lightly and he kissed them back.

"Aye, you two love birds, would you like anything from the cart today?" a voice startled us, and I hurried myself to cover my body as Harry helped me then we looked to an old man with a cart full of drinks and snacks.

"I'm sorry if I scared you, but I'm always selling 'round here, so would you like to buy yourselves some beer or something?" the old man stood there with barely any grey hair left on his head and his grey eyes almost made him look like he was blind. He stood on the higher platform.

"No, we're fine, we-I'll take a beer, please," I told him, and Harry looked at me.

"Are you sure you want to drink?" he asked in concern and I loved that about him.

"Yeah," I answered.

"How much is it, sir?" I heard Harry ask, as he pulled out his wallet from his pants.

"1 dollar each...you from the United Kingdom?" the man asked Harry as he took two dollars from his pants and passed the old man the cash as the old man traded with the two bottles of beer.

"Yes, sir," Harry replied and the old man nodded.

"Oh, wow...well, thank you for your service," he thanked Harry and Harry nodded, probably feeling uncomfortable in just his boxers.

"Here you go, babe," Harry lean't me down the beer, and sat back down beside me as I tried to open up my beer, but it wouldn't budge while Harry's opened so easily.

"What?" I said as I looked to Harry take a quick sip of his and I tried to twist the the cap harder, but this bottle just seriously did not want me to drink.

"Here," Harry said, taking the cold thing from my hands and twisting to the sound of a pop, then my jaw dropped.

"Thank you," I said, feeling defeated as Harry smirked at me.

"So when's the next date?" I asked Harry as he took another swig of his drink.

"Whenever you want, Princess," he said, and I smiled as I was about to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head, making me kiss his cold tasting beer lips, however, I savoured the taste and pulled away to finally drink my beer.

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