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"Little Tim picked up the third ring that hid under the Chicken's nest and Henry was relieved," I read to the children and showed the kids the picture of Tim grabbing the ring from under the nest.

" 'I'm so happy, you found," I stopped reading Henry's line as I saw I was missing a child. All the kids stared at me with either confusion across their face or a look of daze.

"Where's Jodie?" I announced out to the kids.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Selena and I told her not to go, but she don't listen to me," King told me with a panicked and worried face.

"She went off with some stranger when we played outside," his short brown hair, blending in with his eyebrows, and I got up from my seat in a scare.

"Oh no," I said, placing the book down, and fixing my long flowy skirt that almost touched the ground, but barely did when I stood up.

I rushed out of the library in a hurry, and searched for my personal favorite student, Jodie Wales. She had blonde curly hair that was like white snow, but short. She always wore a different spring looking dress along with her usually old dainty sandals.

"Ms. Gomez, dear," I heard Mr. Johnson call my name from the desk.

"Just a minute, sir!" I shouted to him as I went through the back door of the library, introducing me to the intense heat. The sun didn't really shine back here so much, but it definitely sent its temperature.

I ran out towards the playground, where the kids had just recently been. I searched the little hidden places of the playing equipment. I checked the corners and highest parts of the playscape tower.

I stood at the top, then placed my hand to my forehead as if saluting, but the sun was hitting straight toward me. I gasped as I saw a small girl-like figure in the bright light on the sidewalk.

I turned back around, making my way down the obstacles and equipment of the playground, as I ran for the light of the sun to the sidewalk of the library.

"Jodie!" I shouted her name, as I felt my boots dig deeper into the dirt that settled under the wood chips. I saw the whole shuffling of feet and kicking of dirt from a small bunch of kids, then I realized why Mr. Johnson was calling me.

I didn't have time to call them to go back inside, and I finally made it to the sidewalk, where the children's footsteps clattered altogether against the concrete of the sidewalk.

I still held my hand to my forehead as the light seemed to get brighter, but dimmed down as I got closer.

I saw another figure beside Jodie's silhouette in the light.

"Jodie?" I questioned my sight, and then I saw him. I smiled as I saw Harry look up and smile to me as well, holding onto Jodie's small hand.

"Selena," she squeaked out and ran towards my legs that weren't at all visible according to this long skirt. I bent over to hug her, as she held onto my legs.

"You can't go off like that...something bad could've happened," I told her and she looked up at me with those clear ocean blue eyes, even clearer than Ezzy's. I combed my fingers through her blonde hair as she gazed up at me.

"But isn't he your husband?" Jodie asked me, as she still clung onto me, but pointed to Harry as his cheeks rose up.

"No, no, no, no, I'm just her boyfriend," he said, gesturing his hands to say no, and I just smiled at him as he wore a buttoned up white shirt with skinny blue jeans.

Harry's hair was perfectly whipped and his eyes still sparkled as ever, always making my heart pound just a bit faster.

"Just a boyfriend?" I asked, as I pulled away from Jodie and walked towards Harry with a smirk.

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