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I turned around towards the bathtub and my heart dropped at Harry filling the tub up with the wrong soap. My mom required a specific type of soap to wash down the bath, and now my mother was going to question me about this.

I grunted as I just looked at him, scrubbing out the bathtub, as the water splashed up in waves.

"Are you serious?" I spoke to myself, but I was personally talking to Harry, himself.

He turned unexpectedly almost startling me, and his green eyes reflected off of the bathroom light.

"Harry," I complained, and he stopped scrubbing the bath, as he focused his attention on me.

"You put in the wrong product," I informed him, as I kneeled down beside him by the bath, and I splashed a bit of the water from the bath into his face, having only a bit of disappointment that we had to do this over.

"Hey, I didn't come over here to get splashed with cleaning products of a bathroom," Harry immediately spoke in defense, and I laughed at the look on his face.

"I'm sorry, it just kind of urked me that you messsed this whole thing up," I said, looking away from him and down at the tub.

A splash of the suds came into my face, and I gasped as I saw Harry with a smirk plastered to his face.

"I didn't mean to," I told him, splashing him back with the stuff again, then he splashed me back.

"Come on, Harold," I squeaked out, and he became serious.

"I told you not to call me that," he said with stern eyes, and I smirked.

"Harold," I said it again, as his eyes had an evil look in them, then my heart jumped as Harry picked me up out of my spot, getting up with me in his arms bridal style, then attempted to bring me down into the tub, as I pushed my feet off of the bathroom wall.

"No," I complained, as he had to step into the tub to get me all the way into the soap.

"Hey," I cried, as I gripped Harry, begging him not to let me down, but I finally touched the water and I let out a cry as I still clutched onto Harry. I pulled onto his white t-shirt as a paper airplane chain hung down from his neck.

"You won't call me, Harold?" he asked, his green eyes held sincerity, and I turned up my lips, thinking about it, but instead I swept my hand across the water and splashed Harry with water again, as I sat in the cold water, soaking my jeans.

"That's it," he last said then started to splash me with the water. He released me as he started to soak me with water and I pushed Harry lightly to move away as I got up then started to splash him with the soap.

He grabbed up this big ball of bubbles and suds as if snow while he tried to dodge my splashes, then moved towards me with it in his hands, smothering the stuff all over my head, as I squeaked and shut my eyes.

"Harry!" I shouted, and pushed him again, then immediately started splashing him as he stumbled back.

I suddenly stopped as my heart pounded deep down into a mining in my heart where the gold was when I saw his white shirt stick to his muscles and I froze as he just stood there with his hands blocking his face. It almost felt like my heart stopped as things moved in slow motion.

I shook myself out of the daze and saw the suds all over my body my clothing as well, as my small pyjama shirt stuck to my body. I didn't know I still had this tiny shirt on still.

I stood in thought as my hair was stuck to my face and not realizing  that I was so deep in thought out of no where, I felt strong arms grip me up into a powerful hold as they attempted to pull me up into bridal style.

It almost felt magical to feel him hold me in his arms.

I noticed that I was still splashing Harry when I thought I was just standing there in thought and then I remembered that it felt like my heart stopped when I saw his toned stomach through his shirt.

I felt myself grip onto the soaking white shirt that stuck to Harry's skin and then he attempted to spin me around until he tumbled down, almost falling. My heart sped up fast as I grabbed onto Harry even more, his eyes carrying panic as he slowly stood up to stance.

"You can carry me, right?" I laughed and he nodded, his emeralds bringing back the love and light in his eyes.

"Why'd you splash me back in the first place?" I was curious as I poked him in the chest and he smiled big, making my whole body feel alive to his presence and touch. I felt like things were fun again.

"Because I didn't want to see you frown," his words made my heart flutter as he placed me back to my feet, as my feet sunk into the water again.

I only kept my eyes staring into his, so curious of what words he could possibly have left for me.

"Look," he was going to start talking as his lips attracted my attention instead.

"I'm sorry about interfering with your friendship and hanging up on you," he apologized.

"I just wanted to be apart of-What's my favorite color?" I interrupted Harry, remembering what my mother said, as I started to play with the paper airplane necklace that hung around his neck, I don't know, I just seemed so tempted to do anything when I was with Harry.

"It's green, you always tend to paint your nails to a lime color, love" he said.

"And you especially wear the color for your earings or scarves sometimes...but," he paused as he started to play with his bottom lip inbetween his index and thumb finger.

"Your school supplies are always green as well," he explained like he went to class to study about me.

"What else do you know?" I asked, and he gave me a strange look, but he kept on going, as I still fiddled with the chain.

"I also noticed that you rub your knee when you're nervous or sad to comfort yourself." he said with that stupid smile again, and I couldn't believe that he had to be the one.

"Pick me up," I told him, not releasing the chain and he did so, but instead he seemed like he was in a loving daze, as he instead lifted me up by the thighs and pressed me up against the bathroom wall, making me curious of his thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, as I traced me fingers along his arm with my other hand, but he wasn't affected at all as he kept his green eyes sparkling into mine.

"I'm thinking about you...I can't help it, love," Harry said.

"You're all I think about," he looked into my eyes, but I looked down, smiling only a bit.

I had the urge and I did it.

The purple and blue clouds filled my mind, as the balloons floated away to a sky full of stars then those sparkling diamonds drifted off into their own direction as a wave of water splashed against a shore that appeared that had the color of turquoise with a reflection on the moon sparkling it up.

I tasted strawberry and chocolate, then blueberry with fluff. All my favorite snacks mixed together. I felt like a little girl just getting her first kiss, and now I was a dove, flying away. I was free.

I combed my fingers into his curls as my other hand clutched Harry's neck, and we collided our lips in the soapy mess. This felt like a fun, but dramatic scene, then finally realizing that there was something special about that person.

We made a mess out of our prom night and now we were going have to clean up the disaster we made.

We were the perfect mess.


I will always love you.

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