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A stiffness was in my face, but once I woke up I felt my limbs all sprawled out around the bed. I opened my eyes to see my comforter was everywhere and the sun was shining bright, but to see Harry was nowhere to be found.

My phone started to ring and I shut my eyes again, as they started to become bothered by the sun rays. I threw my arm to my night stand and felt for my phone, then I grabbed the phone into my hand.

I pulled it off the charger, and I opened my eyes to a squint to see who was calling. I looked at the screen as I saw Shirley's name light up across my lock screen, and my eyes widened in excitement.

I tapped on answer quickly and shoved the phone to my ear.

"Shirley!" I shouted and I heard that snort-like laugh on the other end, as I felt a bubbly happy feeling, knowing I had so much to tell her.

"How?" I asked, wondering how she possibly got signal in the school.

"Well, I found out that the school library had signal so I decided to call my best friend," Shirley said and I kept my smile big for her, even thought she didn't see it.

"So how's Harvard?" I asked, so curious of what she's been through already.

"Well, the classes are awesome and advance and crap, but the most interesting part of it is...him," I heard Shirley moving around on the other end and I lit up at who the 'him' could be.

"Who is this new man in your life?" I asked, getting a little interested into this.

"His name is Jackson and I swear he is the sweetest guy at this college, Selly," Shirley squeaked out and I could tell she was totally hooked on him.

"He drives me crazy with his turquoise colored eyes and dark brown hair...he is so gorgeous, I can't even explain him anymore," Shirley ran her words quickly and I laughed into the phone.

"Do you know if he likes you?" I asked, and she gasped on the phone.

"Of course, he's taking me on a date," Shirley said and I smiled again.

"That's awesome, Shir, I hope I get to meet him before you guys get married," I smirked and she squeaked again.

"Okay, don't go that far," she said, but I knew she would've red by now.

"Anyway, what's up with you and Harry? Ezzy went with him?" Shirley asked and a whole smiled must've came to me face.

"Well, actually Harry asked me to prom," I said and she got excited on the other end, as I giggled.

"Really? How was the prom?" Shirley asked.

"Oh, you missed so much, Shir...we had the most craziest time, I can't even explain how our world is like," I told her, looking out into the air with a feeling of magic.

"Uhm, our world? There's definitely something I've missed out on," I heard her still moving around somewhere.

"I'm in love with Harry," I announced and she gasped.

"And he loves you, like you guys are that deep?" Shirley asked and I nodded my head all crazy like even though she didn't see me.

"Yes," I said in excitement.

"Wow, are you guys going to the same college?" she asked, and now there was a whole other story she had to know.

"Well, in the beginning, Harry said he would leave for the UK so he could hang with family before he went to his college, and it totally broke my heart, but just last night I found out that my mother had applied me to his college so we'll be able to see each other," I said in excitement and I heard Shirley let out a breath.

"Whoa, that's alot...since you guys are so in love, I mean, I don't think you would jump into that subject so quickly, but have you guys like ever you know-Oh no, I'm still on the virginity line, Harry's gonna have to wait, and I'm sure he's welcomed to," I interrupted her.

"Oh, alright, but just be careful, Selena...You know how boys get with all that sexual being," Shirley said and I nodded.

"Yes, I know," I responded, and Looked down fiddling with the sheet.

"Well, a class is starting to come into the library so I better go," Shirley said and I nodded again.

"Alright, I'll see you," I said my goodbye and we hung up.

I plopped the phone to my bed, feeling a rush of greatness over me after everything that had happened.

An ending is always a new beginning.

The quote was accurate and I was right about my new beginning. I removed the comforters from my legs, stepping out bed and adjusting to my standing position.

I picked my phone up out of bed, and it slipped out of my hand thumping to the floor once I had grabbed it. I grunted, feeling tired to pick it up, but I bent down to pick it up until I notice a grey clothing poking out from under my bed.

I left my phone on the ground, fascinated by the clothing as I pulled it out with my index and thumb like it was something dirty.

The grey piece of clothing was revealed to me and I realized it was a sweatshirt. It seemed familiar and had a familiar cologne scent to it, but why would a boy's sweatshirt be in my room?

I picked up my phone, placing the sweatshirt on my bed and looking at it, trying to dig deep back into my thoughts, because I knew the sweatshirt wasn't mine.

I crossed my arms and I studied the wrinkles that were indented into the sweatshirt. I spread out the clothing a bit more and the smell of the cologne seemed to rise from the sweater, giving me the answer.

I smiled as I realized it was Harry's sweatshirt. I took it along with me after meeting him in Europe and it looked like it might still just fit me right. I kept my smiled as I took up the clothing and pulled it over my head.

I pulled it over my stomach and the sweater was still a little baggy as I remembered it was a bit larger when I was sixteen, but it was the perfect fit.

I wrapped my arms around myself, and smiled. I was gonna see Harry again and he didn't even know. I did a little twirl in my room full of excitement and landed on my back again with the smile to plastered to my face as I closed my eyes.

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