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I opened the door, and stepped into the dorm as I was laughing with my fellow classmate, Matt, but he drifted off down the hall, while I was startled by some disturbing pictures.

"Jessica," I gasped her name, as I closed the door behind me quickly, and saw Jessy lying out different pictures of women undergarments.

"Let me present Mr. Cheating Styles," Jessica spread out her hand to the bunches of pictures she had spread out across our floor.

"What?" I asked, as I plopped down my bad to my bed, and scanned the photos, either seeing a different colored bra or underwear, maybe even thongs as I scrunched up my face in disgust.

"This is what I found in Harry's dorm. I snuck into his dorm, and went exactly to where he has a picture of you guys in a frame, but it was flat down on his night stand, but I searched his drawers and belongings, or anywhere I could find evidence," Jessica explained to me. I didn't know if I should be mad or be grateful that I have Jessy.

"So my conclusion is that Harry has been cheating on you for awhile, and you need to stop dating him, I felt a bad vibe about him," Jessica got up from off the ground after organizing the photos.

I didn't know what to say. I was use to Jessica doing crazy things, but I wasn't use to Harry being a man whore. I didn't reply to Jessy, but I grabbed my bag again, thanking her, and leaving the dorm to go find the cheater.

My heart felt numb, and I didn't know if I could feel anything right now. I just needed to talk to him about this, and see what he'll say to me. I strolled down the hall to his dorm, and I made a quick knock. I still didn't know how to react to Jessica's assumption, but the pain was starting to bleed out of me a bit more.

I didn't hear a response from his door at all, and I went searching for him throughout the halls of the college, even his last class, but I still couldn't locate where he could possibly be. I went outside into the back of the college where the colleagues usually went to hang out after their classes were over, but there were only three classes that would keep on running.

I finally spotted the curly headed boy, sitting on a bench, looking down at his phone, typing into it, and I marched my way up the small hill to the bench set up in the grass. The sun was bright for June, as I blocked my eyes from the bright sun the burned from behind Harry's body.

I stepped up in front of him, and he jumped a bit, telling me I had startled him, then he looked up, then smiled to see.

"Hey, you didn't get my text?" Harry asked me as he grabbed for my waist, and pull me in towards him, but I remained frozen with no reply just looking down into the gorgeous boy's green eyes.

"No, I didn't," I said, still feeling absolutely no reaction to what Jessica discovered.

"Well, it was to meet up with okay, love?" Harry asked me as he kept rocking me forward by my waist as the top of my knees pushed into his knees, but I kept my eyes staring into his, and then I finally moved, looking toward the blinding sun, looping a strand of my hair around the back of my ear.

"I think it's good you wanted to meet up, because I wanted to talk to you about something," I spoke up, and I leaned off of him, pulling his hands away, then sitting down beside him.

"What happened? You seem a bit emotionless," Harry said as he started to rub my knee, but I moved his soft hand from mine, as my heart regretted it.

"I know this is gonna sound a bit like Jessica is a stalker, but she did it, because she cared about me," I started as Harry placed an arm over my shoulders, but I didn't even know if I wanted him touching me.

"And I need you to understand that," I said, as his green eyes showed me genuine light, telling me he was going to be truthful, hopefully.

"Jessy had went into room to see if you were cheating on me, and she found some sources," I said, not really sure if I should be embarrassed or mad about this, but I still couldn't the emotion.

Harry didn't reply as he grunted and moved his arm from off of my shoulders, rubbing his eyes then leaning against his hand, while his elbow was propped up on the head of the bench.

"Are you still cheating on me?" I hated to ask, but I needed to know, as he looked into my eyes with regret and the truth was held in his eyes, but he looked away, pursing his lips, telling me he was trying to lie.

I shook my head, and emotion finally hit me. It settled in my hands and then travelled through my arms to into my heart automatically as Harry looked back at me. The tears rushed to my eyes as we still just sat silent.

I was addicted to Harry's love, and I had to admit I gave in to easily, but I couldn't like stop it. I looked straightforward away from the sun to the colleagues, really trying not to look at Harry right now as I wiped away a tear the leaked from my eye.

"I love you, Sel-Yes!" I shouted at him as I felt the anger and I still couldn't look at him. I shut my eyes to calm down as more tears were forced by my eyelids to drip down.

"I understand that, but I need to know when this is gonna stop, Harry," I said, and I looked down to see my hands shaking.

"I can't stand the fact that you're doing this to me, and it's like you're being so fake to me," I finally looked at Harry as he just looked at me with a sad look on his face.

"Are you reading my words right now or are you just in a daze? Because I don't think you understood what I was saying last time, Harry...And I'm serious," I looked to him, sternly and he nodded.

"I'm listening, I am, Sel," Harry answered in understanding.

"So why can't you take those words, and consider actually following them? That's what makes me think you don't respect me at all," I tried to let him know what I was really thinking and he paid attention to me, nodding his head.

A tear dripped down, remembering when he treated me like crap at the football after party celebration.

"But if you can't give me that, I have no choice, but to leave you, Harry...this is not benefiting me, if you do understand that," I said, and a little bit of irritation popped up on his face, knowing I had hit a nerve.

"Listen, Selena, I'm not dumb, okay, so stop speaking to me like I'm an eight year old," Harry spoke up and I knew he didn't mean to say that, but I had to retaliate.

"But you don't seem to understand when I spoke to you, before, because guess what? You still cheated!" I spat in his face.

"Still Selena, if you expect me to respect you, how you gonna talk to me like I'm-You know what then? I'm done speaking to eight year olds!" I shouted at him, and stood up from the bench as I marched off.

"Hey, Selena!" Harry shouted for me as I ran off.

"Selena!" I heard his footsteps chase after me.

I finally got the bench and was about to get to the college again, until I felt Harry pull me back again.

"Please, Selena," I heard Harry beg for me, like so many times he did during our long break.

I turned back around to see the desperation in those green mesmerizing eyes.

"I can never let you go like this, you're my princess, you're mine," Harry said and I shook my head, snatching my wrist out of his grip.

"I wish I could say my Harry was still there, but I think you might need to get a new princess," I said to him, and I ran off into the college building again, as the pain soared back into me after all the shouting.

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