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I was so into the movie that I was startled at Noah's unexpected shout. Why couldn't Allie just tell him what she wanted? Then things wouldn't be so complicated. I mean does she really love Lon, because I don't understand why she would just come back to Noah.

"You okay, Sel? You jumped," I heard Harry's voice get in the way of Allie's stuttering words, and I hushed Harry as I was still trying to listen, then Harry gave a small chuckle.

Allie then drove off, just leaving Noah there, and that really pissed me off that Noah gave up, but really he had no choice. If he loved her, he would let her go, right?

Allie didn't even know what she doing anyway, so she'll soon probably find out.

"Have you ever seen this, love?" I heard Harry's voice speak up again, and I looked up to him, shaking my head.

"I just knew that it was some romantic chick flick," I told him, and he nodded, but then I just noticed that I was so comfortable with Harry's presence, I was practically cuddling with him. I was tangled within the small blanket he brought, and lied down on his shoulder, as I would feel his hand ever so lightly play with my hair.

Liking the feeling I got being under his wing like this, I snuggled my legs and body closer towards his, then fiddled with the silver paper airplane charm.

Then, my mind quickly thought about his grandma.

"Where's your grandma?" I asked, looking up at him, admiring the quick twitch in his jaw muscle, which was kind of sexy I had to admit.

"Nanny's on the couch watching television," Harry kept his eyes on the screen, watching the movie, and the movie grabbed my attention once again, as I kept playing with the charm between my thumb and index.

I heard a small bell ring, but I had no idea what it was and I knew it wasn't the movie.

"Oh, I'll be right back," Harry said, uncovering himself of the blanket, but I stretched out my body expanding into his spot. I felt totally cold without him.

"No, stay, please," I begged, bringing my hands together and interlacing my fingers in a plea. My hair almost getting in my face as I begged, but I knew my dark brown curls were dispersed in different areas.

"Then, come with me," he suggested, then he paused the movie with the remote. I nodded with a pout, as he laughed, but I stuck up my index finger, indicating one thing.

"There's just one condition," I said, as I looked at him up side down, and he nodded with a huff, throwing the remote to the bed.

"You have to carry me," I said, shutting my eyes, knowing I was tired. It was probably even getting late, and my mother would be calling in no time.

"Alright," he said, not even asking why, but he did it anyway, as he carried me bridal style, as I lazily lied in his arms, dropping my head back. The warm bed left my body, as I was brought out the room, and I giggled at Harry actually complying to this.

I sat up out of my lazy body, and wrapped my arms around Harry's neck as he took me downstairs, then he made his way into the den I think, where the TV was.

I saw the old lady lying on her side, watching the television, and then he eyes directed to Harry, carrying me.

"What's wrong with the little lady?" she asked, but it sounded like her voice was trying to adjust to the volume she spoke in.

"She's just being Selena," Harry spoke, and I shrugged, dropping back to my lazy self, as the Beryl laughed at how crazy I was.

"You sure got that boy under a wing, darling," she laughed, and I realized you couldn't quite hear her accent, but I now I finally heard the British in her raspy voice.

"Anyway," the lady started to cough, then fixed her oxygen tube again.

"I needed you to get my laundry from downstairs, Harold," she spoke up, and he listened to her, agreeing then walking away without telling her not to call her Harold. He seemed so respectful to his grandmother, and a lot of women I may say. Even though, Harry told his sister not to call him Harold in Europe, I think he still had a strong respect for women.

I was taken to the laundry room, where Harry placed me on the top of the washing machine, as he took out the dry clothes, and placed them into a big basket he took from the corner of the room. His back muscles worked through his shirt, making my heart pound quickly, and I bit my lip to keep my dirty mind, from letting my mouth say dirty things.

Harry took another piece of clothing, placing it on top of the pile of clothes in the basket. Unexpectedly, Harry picked me up again from on top of the machine, then placed me on top of the clothes.

"Uhm," was all I said, until I heard a grunt as Harry lifted the basket up with me on top. Almost falling off, I gripped the front of the basket for support as Harry started to walk out of the laundry room.

"Here we go!" he shouted in an American accent as he started to move faster, and tilt the basket. I became frightened, as I gripped onto the laundry basket more, and Harry didn't even go to a room, yet. Harry made carrying the laundry basket into a ride, as he twirled us around, then zoomed into the kitchen as he kept tilting the basket. I released a laugh, as my hair was pushed by the forces of Harry's rough turns.

"Uh oh, here's the bumpy road," he kept with the American accent.

Then, he made the ride bumpy, going slowly into the living room, as I shuttered up and down at him shaking the basket. I let out a shaky laugh at the feeling, as he took his time around the table, but then my heart dropped once he lifted me higher into the air. I didn't not expect to be elevated into the air higher, but I placed my arms out to the side as if I was flying, and I giggled at the warm loving feeling Harry was giving me by just making this fun.

I taken down from the high level, then back to the regular speed, as Harry sped up again, then his feet thumped the steps as he ran up, then through the halls to an unknown room I've never seen before.

"Here is our stop, hope you come aboard the Hazza train again," Harry's American accent died down at the end of his sentence and I smiled, shaking my head at how corny he was.

"How was the ride my little Sel?" Harry lifted me from the basket as if I was a child, and I wrapped my legs around his leg as I was being carried on his side. My smiled faded away, and my mind wandered to my father. Harry didn't quite struggle to walk with me attached to him like this, but I think he was only stopping sometimes on his way back to the room, because he noticed I was all of sudden quiet.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, and I felt his eyes on me, as he stood outside his room.

I looked to him, thinking about my father, because he said 'little Sel', which made an impact on me just a bit, but off the feeling.

"My mom left my dad, because he cheated on her, and I'm scared that will happen to me," I told him, staring at the every shade of green in his eyes going around his pupil, but I kept myself stable as I had my one arm around his neck.

"I promise that won't happen, love" he started, and a small smile almost reached my face.

"No matter if it's me or anyone else, I'll beat me or that person up for it, because you're precious to me," he said, then revealing a big smile to me, as I smiled back, then he kissed my forehead before continuing to walk back into his room.

"I don't believe in marriage anyway," he lastly said.

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