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"However, in conclusion, you guys need to really think about the song," Ms. Rose said and she wrote across the white board with the red marker, a question.

"What's the biggest con of a love poem if it's like a song?" she asked as her collection of red brown-looking curls sat in her shoulders, as she looked like Autumn everyday.

I kept thinking about Harry and my body shook like I had been starving myself for days, but it was just missing the one part that it needed and it was Harry.

"It could be a bit sappy," one of the students called out and Ms. Rose tilted her head as if saying 'kind of'.

"Not exactly what I'm going for," she said as she pointed to another student that was raising their hand.

"It's not really for everybody," a guy said and the teacher shook her head, folding her red lips into her mouth.

"Does it have to do with like the rhythm and sound people imagine the poem or song to have?" I heard complicated Cassie ask with her very critical thinking skills, always having so much detail in her writing.

"Not really...I need you guys to be more open about the structure of the poem, think," Ms. Rose went on, strolling through the rows of the desks.

"Is it the words?" someone else asked as I just watched the teacher's every move and started to tap my pencil to the desk, feeling miserable since yesterday.

"We already know that the words give love, but think about a love story...what do people expect from it?" she asked as one of her curls dropped from her shoulder.

"A happy relationship, and to have that forever," Cassie spoke up again and Ms. Rose pointed to Cassie in excitement.

"Yes, forever is the word," she said as she walked back to the from of the classroom.

"So if this poem was a song, how could it last forever?" she asked, adding on the key word 'forever'.

"People would talk about and sing it throughout time," the same dude said and the teacher grunted.

"Think simple," Ms. Rose said and she scanned the room of a few hands that went up, but then her eyes landed on me.

"Ms. Gomez...if this song was a poem, how would it last forever?" she asked, inching closer and closer to me as I saw her blue eyes bright to my sight.

"Maybe, people would to play it over and over again-Exactly!" Ms. Rose startled me with a shout and hopped up, but my heart burned of fire as I saw Harry waiting outside my class.

"A love song has to be replayed over and over again," she went on.

"It isn't specifically forever, and what happens when you play," Ms. Rose paused as that annoying beep went off to alert students to get to their next classes if they were required in a specific field.

"Alright, all music education can leave," Ms. Rose said as only some of us left the class as the teacher continued to teach. I gathered my things and wasn't really ready to step out of the classroom, but I had to take the risk.

I saw Harry standing at the door with desperate eyes as I walked through the door, trying to pass him without any interaction.

I felt him pull on my right wrist and I turned around, really not wanting to look into his eyes.

"Come on, Sel," Harry said as I just looked sown at the cross that dangled down from his neck.

"Look at me," Harry gripped my chin in his hold and directed my eyes to look into his green eyes, but it's like his hand seemed to shake.

"I love you, and I'm desperately sorry, Selena," he said as I stared into those green eyes again, watching the love in his eyes and the sincerity glow in his eyes like a light.

"I really shouldn't have been doing that s*** at all, and it should've been with you," he said and he released my chin, putting up his two hands as the shook.

"I've been shaking, because I knew that you didn't want to be my girlfriend anymore and I get that, Sel," Harry said, stuffing his hands in his pockets as his eyes started to look glossy.

"Though, it really hurts," he said, looking down then back into my eyes, as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"To know that you would never want to be together with me ever again," Harry choked up on his words.

"And now you know how I felt when I saw you intimate like that, Harry," I said and he nodded his head, looking down.

"I'm sorry, Selena...I love you too much to let you go," Harry tried to blink away the tears that wanted to pour out as I stared into those green lovely eyes, I absolutely wanted to be mine again.

"I forgive you, Harry," I gave into Harry's eyes and words, giving him a hug as he wrapped his arms tighter than ever around my waist as he nuzzled his face into my neck. I was in love with him and I didn't want it to die like this. I wasn't going to let him suffer like that.

Harry was my everything and I loved everything about him.

He was like a drug to just get high off of.

And I got high off of Harry's love.

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