Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

We are now walking up the hill to Omashu. Sokka is walking in front of us. "The journey was long and annoying, but now you get to see what it's really about: the destination. I present to you the Earth Kingdom city of O-"Sokka abruptly stop mid-sentence. I furrow my eyebrow and stand next to him. I turn my head and my eyes widened when I see what's in front of me.

Oh no...

-Sneaking In-


"I can't believe it!" Aang said, in shock. "I know! I know the War has spread far. But Omashu always seem..." I paused. "Untouchable..." Aang said. I nod my head.

"Up until now it was. Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left..." Sokka said, crossing his arms across his chest. "This is horrible. But we have to move on..." Katara said. "No..." I said, shaking my head.

"What do you mean no? Y/N. We have to leave" she said. "Y/N's right. No. We're going in to find Bumi" Aang said, siding with me. "Aang, Y/N, stop. We don't even know if Bumi's still..." Sokka paused mid-sentence. "What?? If he's still what??" Aang said, angrily. I let out a sigh and place my hand on his shoulder.

Sokka looks unsure. "A-Around..." he said. Katara looks at us with sad gaze. "I know the two of you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people who can teach you both earth-bending" she said. I shake my head at what she said. "This isn't about finding a teacher, Katara..." I said. "This is about finding our friend" Aang said, nodding his head at me.


We are now standing below the gate. Aang is trying to pry it open. "A secret tunnel? Why didn't we use this last time?" Sokka said. Aang burst it open to reveal a sewage filled tunnel.

"Ugh!" Sokka gagged. "That answer your question?" I said, giggling at his disgusted face. "Ewww!!!" He exclaimed. We enter the tunnel.

I use my air-bending and channel away the sewage. I turn my head to look at Sokka since he's the only non-bender among us. He's constantly covered in sewage.

"This wasn't as bad as I thought..." Katara said. "Not to all of us..." I said, still looking at Sokka. Katara let out a giggle and use her water-bending to wash the slime from his body. I use air-bending to dry him up.

Sokka screams when he realize there's 3 pentapi on his cheeks. "Aahhh!!! They won't let go! Help!" He screams, trying to get them off. Aang tackles him to the wall, covering his mouth to silence him.

"Shhh! Don't make so much noise" Aang said. I walk towards him. "It's just a purple pentapus..." I said. He looks at the pentapi in fear as they continue to suck on him. I let out a giggle and place my hand on one of the pentapi. I gently rub the pentapi and they let go of his skin.

He rubs the skin and follow my gesture. Aang take the last one. I feel someone approaching. "Okay... we have to go" I said. "Why?" Aang said, turning to me. I was about to say something.

"Hey! What are you kids doing out past curfew??" Someone said. "Sorry, we were just on our way home" Katara said. The four of us turns around and starts walking away.

"Wait, what's the matter with him?" The guard said. I glance at the guard to see him eyeing Sokka, more specifically the spots where the pentapi was attach to.

"Uh, he has pentapox, sir" Katara said. "Ummm, it's highly contagious" I added. Sokka looks at the two of us, then he starts to act I'll and acts dramatic. "Aw, it's so awful. I'm dying..." he moaned out. "And deadly" Katara said. The guard starts to look scared.

"Hey, I think I heard of pentapox. Didn't your cousin died of it?" One of the guard said. "We'd better go wash our hands and burn our clothes" the other said. They turn around and runs away.

"Thank you, sewer friends..." Aang said. I tickle the head, making their tentacle curled up. I let out a soft giggle, because they're so cute.

"Let's find Bumi and get out of here" Katara said. "Where would they be keeping him?" Sokka said. I look around the place. "Somewhere he can't earth-bend. Somewhere made of metal..." I said. Aang nods his head at my comment, agreeing with me.


We walk through the town, trying to find Bumi. He could be anywhere in this huge city. It's going to be hard to find him. I feel something coming towards us and turn our head.

"Guys! Watch out!!" I yelled. Aang turns his head and use his bending to pulverize the rocks. I jump out of the way. I turn my head and notice a girl. She have two bun. By her attire, she must be coming from a noble family.

She throws something at us. I jump out of the way just as one impaled itself on the wooden floor under me. I look at it and notice it's a throwing knife. But it looks more like an arrow.

Katara quickly uses water whip to protect herself. She send two guards falling off into the deep. We run away, trying to lose whoever it is that's attacking us.

Suddenly something opens beneath us making us fall through. I quickly use my air-bending to slow my fall. Aang and Sokka rubs their heads, while Katara sits there looking disoriented.

"So... is King Bumi with you guys? Is he leading the resistance?" Aang said. "Of course not! The day of the invasion, we readied ourselves for battle. We were prepared to defend our city... to fight for our lives and for our freedom. But before we even had a chance, King Bumi surrendered!" A man said. I let out a shaky breath at the thought of our friend being a prisoner of the Fire Nation.

"It doesn't matter now..." he said. Aang pulls me into a hug as tears streams down my cheeks. "Fighting the Fire Nation is the only path to freedom. And freedom is worth dying for" he added. Aang pulls away from me.

"Actually there's another path to freedom. You could leave Omashu..." Aang said. I nod my head. "You're directing all your energy to fight the Fire Nation. But you're outnumbered. You can't win. Now's the time to retreat, so you can live to fight another day" I said.

"You don't understand. They've taken our home, and we have to fight them at any cost!" The man said. "I don't know Yung. Living to fight another day is startin' to sound pretty good to me" one of them said. "Yeah, I'm with the kids!" Another said. Yung looks at all the people as they whisper among each other. Then he looks back at Aang and I.

"Fine, but there's thousand of citizen that needs to leave. How're we going to get them all out?" Yung said. I turn to look at Sokka as he starts to think about it. His face lit up as he seems to get an idea.

"Suckers!!" He exclaimed, excitedly. I can see the confusion in everyone's faces. I let out a giggle and grin at Sokka, knowing what he have planned. Let's hope this will work.

*to be continued*

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