Chapter 48

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Previously on Chapter 47

I wanna see her and hold her in my arms. I want to feel the comfort that can only be given by her. I let out a sigh and turn to lay on my side. I still feel a little dizzy. But my fever have went down. I just need a little more rest. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep, with the thought of my beloved girlfriend in my mind. Y/N... please hurry and come.

I miss you, Y/N

-The Guru-


"You haven't seen your dad in over two years. You must be so excited!" Aang said. I turn my head to look at Sokka. He looks a little pale, while clutching his stomach.

"What's the matter, Sokka? Are you not excited?" I asked. He turns to look at me. "I know I should be, but, I just feel sick to my stomach..." he said. Aang place a hand on his shoulder. "Don't be nervous. He's going to be so happy to see you!" He said. Sokka just smiles at him.

"So what about you two? Are you nervous to meet this guru?" He said. "Not at all..." I said. "We're both ready to master the Avatar state" Aang said. Sokka gets off of Appa.

"See you in a week. Yip yip!" Aang said. I wave at Sokka as we take off to the Eastern Air Temple. I lean my back against Appa. I'm not scared to fall at all.


We have reached the Eastern Air Temple. We make our way further in, trying to search this Guru. I turn my head and notice someone meditating. I gently nudge Aang. He turns to look at me. I point at where the man is.

"Uhhh... hello? You're Guru Pathik, right? The person who attached the note to Appa's horn?" Aang said. We make our way closer to the man. "Indeed. I was a spiritual brother of your people and a personal friend of Monk Gyatso" he said. I stare at him with a surprised expression.

"In your note, you said you could teach us how to gain control of the Avatar State. How?" Aang said, as we take a seat in front of him. He smiles at us.

"You must gain balance within yourself, before you can bring balance to the world. And the first step to gaining balance begins with this" he said. He hands both of us a wooden cup. I take a look at what's in it. It have a yellow beverage.

"Drink up!" Guru Pathik said. I turn to look at Aang. He looks back at me. I shrug my shoulders. I take a deep breath and drinks it up. I hear spitting sound and turn my head to see Aang spitting it out.

"Uggh! It tastes like onion and banana juice!" He said. "That's because it is!" He said. "Hmm... it's actually not that bad" I said. Guru Pathik drinks up another cup and holds it over his head. "Yum yum!" He said. I turn to look at Aang to see him looking at us in disbelief.

The Next Day

Guru Pathik leads us to a creek. "In order to master the Avatar State, you must open all the chakras. Tell me everything you know about chakras" he said. I turn to look at my brother. He rubs his eyes sleepily.

"What are chakras?" He said. Guru Pathik looks a bit disappointed at his respond. I raise my hand. "Can I try?" I said. He turns to look at me and nod his head. I look down at the creek in the water. I grin happily as I find out how to explain it.

"The water flows through this creek, much like the energy flows through our body. As you see, there are several pools where the water swirls around before flowing on. These pools are like our chakras" I said. He smiles and nods his head, satisfied by my answer.

"So chakras are pools of spiraling energy in our bodies?" Aang said. Guru Pathik nods his head. "Exactly. If nothing else were around, this creek would flow pure and clear. However, life is messy, and things tend to fall in the creek. And then what happens?" He said, looking at Aang. He stares at the creek.

"The creek can't flow?" He said. Guru Pathik nods his head. "Yes. But, if we open the ponds between the pools..." he said. He use a wooden stick and removes the moss that's blocking the creek flow. "The energy flows!" Aang said. I grin and nod my head.

I bit my lips as I remember something. "Guru..." I said. He turns to look at me. "What is it, Y/N?" He said. I turn to look at Aang. "You remember back then... when we were fighting against General Fong. We ended up in Avatar State?" I said. He nods his head.

"Yeah... but then in that State... Avatar Roku said you need to learn from a different source. Wait... now that I think about it. You never told us who was it..." he said. I let out a sigh and rub my neck.

"It was my parents..." I said. His eyes widened in complete shock. "P-Parents? But... you're my twin. How can you have different parents?" he said. "You see... it's far more complicated than that. But I think I have to tell you" I said. He nods his head.

"Aang... I'm not a normal Avatar. My parents are Raava and Vaatu..." I said. I turn to look at Guru Pathik who's staring at me in shock. "The two oldest Spirits?" He said. I nod my head at what he said.

"They told me that they could sense the danger of the war that's threatening the humanity. So they turned me into a mortal and that's how I became your twin, Aang" I said. I turn to Aang as I said the last sentence. He stares at me wide-eyed.

I bit my lips, and turn to Guru Pathik. "They told me that I lost my memories during the transformation process. Which also ended up locking my true power. They told me that I have to remember... so that I'd be able unleash my true power..." I said. He stares at me. But he seem deep in thought.

"So it's true" he said. I furrow my eyebrow as I stare at him in confusion. "What do you mean? What is true?" I said. He place a hand on my shoulder with a serious expression. "Y/N... you are more than who you think you are..." he said.

"You... are a Spryth" he said. "What's a Spryth?" I asked, looking at him in shock. "A Spryth is a half-spirit, half-human. There was one like you about a thousand years ago" he said. "One?" I said. He nods his head.

"Your kind is rare, Y/N... if the Avatar got reborn as soon as the previous ones died. It's different for a Spryth... it will only happened once every thousand years" he said. I stare at him in complete shock.

"And I'm glad you came back to life now, where the war is among us. If you unleash your true power. You will be able to defeat the Fire Lord as easy as snapping your fingers. That... is how powerful you are" he said. I let out a shaky breath at what he said. This is what my parents means? But I still have to remember my real name... and everything I once knew.

*to be continued*

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