Chapter 27

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Previously on Chapter 26

"I'm out of here" she said. She stomps the ground which makes her bag fly into her hand. She turns around and walks away. "Wait!" Sokka said. But he got shifted aside. Toph just keeps walking, without looking back even once. I let out a sigh and sit down on the ground, with my back against Appa's leg. Oh great... now we lost our new teammate.

-Devising A Plan-


"What did I just do?! I can't believe I yelled at my earth-bending teacher. Now she's gone..." Aang said. I lean my back against a nearby tree, sitting under it with my legs crossed.

"I know. We're all just trying to get used to each other. And I was so mean to her" Katara said. "Yeah, you two were pretty much jerks" Sokka said. I just let out a sigh, placing both of my arms behind my head. I stare at the sky above me.

"Thanks, Sokka" Katara said, but I can tell that she's being sarcastic. "No problem..." he said. "We need to find Toph and apologize" Katara said.

"Okay, but what are we going to do about the tank full of dangerous ladies chasing us?" Sokka said. I stand up and walk towards Appa. I gently place my hand on his fur. A handful of his fur is in my hand. I turn to look at my brother. "I have a plan..." I said. He nods his head, signaling me to tell them the plan.

We escort Appa to the water. The first thing to do is give him a shower, so no more of his fur will leave a trail for those three girls to follow. I slowly bend the water to his head, Katara and Aang doing the same with a different part of him.

After a while, we're finally done. Appa is sitting by the riverbank. Sokka is wringing his shirt out. I walk towards him. "Need some help?" I asked. He turns to me and nod his head. "Yes please..." he said. I slowly bend the water out of his clothes. "Thanks" he said, smiling at me.

I turn to look at Appa. He is still soaked. I turn to my brother. "Toph was right. The fur was leaving a trail right to us. But now that he's clean, no more trail" he said.

"Are you sure he's okay to fly?" Katara asked. I smile and nod my head. "Yeah. I'm sure he'll be fine, right brother?" I said. He nods his head. "He'll be fine as long as we leave his saddle and all our stuff here" he said.

I kneel down and grab some fur, placing it inside my satchel. "Me and Aang are going to use Appa's fur to make a fake trail to the lead the tank of course..." I said. I watch as Appa fly away. I turn to look at my brother. He nods his head. I open my glider and fly away. I turn my head slightly and see my brother is close behind me.


We finally reach an abandoned town. I pour out the last remaining fur from my satchel. I turn to look at my brother.

"Shall we head of?" I asked. "Hmm... I think we have to confront them. Find out why they keep bothering us" he said. He sits down on the ground, making me let out a sigh. I sit down on the ground with my back facing him. I lean against his back, he leans back too and place his head on my shoulder.

A While Later

I can hear sound of footsteps. I pull away from Aang and turn my head. I can see the familiar lizard with a girl sitting on top of it.

"All right, you've caught up with us. Now, who are you and what do you want?" My brother said. I lift my glider in a defensive manner, just in case she'll attack.

"You mean you haven't guessed? You don't see the family resemblance? Here's a hint" she said. She cover half of her face. "I must find the Avatar to restore my honor" she said. She looks like she's trying to mimic someone. I furrow my eyebrow as I stare at her.

"It's okay, you can laugh. It's funny!" She said. But neither Aang nor I make a laughing sound, as we just stare at her with a straight face. "So what now?" My brother said.

"Now? Now, it's over. You're tired and you have no place to go. You can run, but I'll catch you" she said. "We're not running" I said, moving on battle stance. She stares at us in amusement.

"Do you really want to fight me?" She said. I hear a sound and turn my head. I see a figure jumping from an ostrich horse. The figure stands straight, and throw his straw hat aside.

"Zuko!" I said, suddenly alarmed at his appearance. "I was wondering when you'd show up. Zuzu..." the girl said. "Zuzu?" Aang said, chuckling at the name. But Zuko just ignores him and focus on the girl.

"Back off, Azula. They're mine!" He said. Instead of leaving, she move to stand on battle stance. "I'm not going anywhere" she said. I focus on the girl more. I have a feeling that Zuko wouldn't hurt me nor Aang. He's more worried about his sister being here.

Suddenly Azula shoots blue fire at Zuko. He jumps out of the way. Aang grabs my hand and pulls me with him. I turn my head and notice Azula chasing after us.

We enter an abandon house. But there's no floor. I grab the door frame to prevent Aang from falling through. We use air-bending to float in the air. Azula appear and nearly fall, but she manage to balance herself. Zuko on the other hand, fall forward and landed on the ground beneath us.

I move out of the way as Azula shoots blue fire at me. I use air boost to escape, but Azula bends fire at me. I fall forward and fall through the roof. I land on the ground with the debris falling on me, trapping me.

"Y/N!" Aang yelled out. But Azula turns to him. She shoots fire at him as he jumps out of the way. Soon enough, he got trapped as well. She walks towards him, lifting two fingers.

Just as she's about to shoot, a stream of water hits her. "Katara!" I said, grinning. She use water whip and freed Aang. Aang use air-bending and throws the debris from my body.

Azula suddenly falls as the ground moves beneath her. I can see Toph behind her. "I thought you guys could use a little help" she said. "Thanks" Katara said. Azula rises to her feet and runs away. We chase after her, cornering her.

"Well, look at this. Enemies and traitors, all working together. I'm done. I know when I'm beaten. You got me. A princess surrenders with honor" she said. She lift both of her hands in a surrender manner. But I know she's not that simple.

Out of no where, she shoots a blast at Iroh. "Ahhh!" Zuko screams out of frustration. We attack Azula all together. But when it clears out, she's nowhere. I let out a sigh and turn to look at Zuko. He kneels down next to his uncle who lay unconscious. Oh no...

*to be continued*

Change of Hearts (Zuko X Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now