Chapter 22

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Previously on Chapter 21

"Now now, brother..." I said. He lets out a sigh and calms down, but still glares at Toph. Toph's parents cleans their faces with napkins. "Well, shall we move to the living room for dessert, then?" Poppy said, trying to ease the tension. We agree and move there, just like her suggestion.



We are now inside a guest room. Appa is outside the room, looking into the room. "Good night, buddy" he said, gently caressing Appa's head. I feel a presence and turn my head. Toph is standing in the door way. Aang turns around and notices her too. He quickly take a battle stance.

"Relax. Look, I'm sorry about dinner. Let's call a truce. Okay?" She said. I use my air-bending, to help me sit down. "Hello, Toph..." I said. "Hello..." she said. I can see a small smile on her face.


We are walking by the garden. Toph is walking along side the bridge's edge. "Even though I was born blind, I've never have a problem seeing" Toph said. She jumps down from the edge.

"I see with earth-bending. It's kind of like seeing with my feet. I feel the vibrations in the earth, and I can see where everything is. Both of you... that tree... even those ants" she said. I look around to see all the things that she said.

"That's amazing" Aang said, turning to her with a smile. "I can sense things with air-bending as well. Like... I can sense the slight change in the air and knows if something is wrong" I said. She frowns at what I said.

"Why? Are you blind too?" She said. "Ah... no. I'm not blind. But my brother is right. You are amazing" I said. She just lets out a hum. "My parents don't understand. They're always treated me like I was helpless" she said. I give her a sad smile even though she can't see it.

"Is that why you became a blind bandit?" I said. She nods her head. "Yeah..." she said. "Then why stay here where you're not happy?" Aang asked. "They're my parents. Where else am I suppose to go?" She said.

"You could come with us?" Aang suggested. "Yeah. You guys get to go wherever you want. No one telling you what to do, that's the life. It's just not my life..." she said. I feel a slight change in the air.

"We're being ambushed!" I said. Toph nods her head as she feels the same thing. "We have to go!" She said. But before we could get any further. A metal cage fall on us.

"I think you kids owe me some money" Xin Fu said. I glare at him. "We owe you nothing! We won the match fair and square!" I said, glaring at him. He just gives me a glare.


We are hanging in the air inside the cage. "You think you're so tough? Why don't you come up here so I can snap that grin off your face?" Toph said, while pointing at a random direction. "I'm not smiling" Xin Fu said.

"Toph!" Lao said. Sokka's walks forward, holding a bag of money. "Here's your money. Now let them go..." he said, letting the bag drop on the ground. Yu bends the money towards them. Xin Fu picks it up and starts counting. He sends a signal which makes Toph's cage lowers down.

"What about our friends?" Katara said. Xin Fu turns to look at her and smirk. "I think the Fire Nation will pay a hefty price for the Avatars. Now, get out of my ring" he said.

Fire Nation Man appears in an earth tornado. The Gecko jumps down from the ceiling. The Hippo stomps on the ground and crushes a boulder. Headhunter jumps onto the ring from the bleachers. The Gopher pops up from underground.

They're not going to win if they try to fight against these people. I can't get out of this cage either since it's made of metal. I've never felt so helpless. They need me but I can't do a thing to help.

"Go..." I said. "Y/N's right... we'll be okay" Aang said. Katara turns around and runs towards the tunnel. I know she's trying to get Toph to help them fight the earth-benders.

"Toph, there's too many of them. We need an earth-bender. We need you!" She said. "My daughter is blind. She is blind and tiny and helpless and fragile. She cannot help you!" Her dad said. I can tell Toph have had enough with the way her parents constantly treats her. "Yes, I can" she said, yanking her hand out of her dad's.

The cages got lower down. They start to carry us with them. A small part of the ring rises up, blocking the way. I smile softly to myself, already knowing who it is.

I try to look over the bar. I can see Toph. "Let them go! I beat you all before and I'll do it again!" She said. Confidence is lacing in her voice. "The Boulder takes issue with that comment" The Boulder said. I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh.

The Hippo throws the cage to the side. It rolls for a bit before it stops. I rub my shoulder because I hit it a few times. Damn... they're really rough.

Sokka rush towards us. He went to Aang. He starts to hit the lock with a rock. "Hit it harder!" Aang said. "I'm trying!!" He said. Katara rush towards me to help me out.

Katara finally manage to open the cage. I use my air-bending to help me get out. Aang do the same. But he take a battle stance. Sokka taps his shoulder while shaking his head. He points at where Toph is, who is currently on one on one battle against Xin Fu.

Toph easily beats Xin Fu. She didn't even do that much effort. She's truly amazing. She'll be the best earth-bending teacher for Aang and I. That is... if she's ever allowed to come with us. Hopefully her parents would understand that we really need her in order to restore balance into the world.

*to be continued*

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