Chapter 26

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Previously on Chapter 25

"Hmm... anyway, whoever's chasing us couldn't have followed us here, so, now would everyone just shh?" Sokka said. I can hear irritation in his voice. But I just ignore that. I'm just glad they stopped talking about Zuko. Why did I reacted that way anyway??

-Confronting The Chaser-


I can hear Momo and l/n chittering. Sokka shushed them, saying that it's sleepy time. But the two lemurs didn't stop making sounds. I quickly sit up, noticing that there is something wrong.

"Oh, don't tell me..." Sokka said, in a whining tone. "That's impossible. There's no way they could have tracked us" Aang said. "I can feel it with my own feet" Toph said. I run to the edge of the cliff with Aang next to me. Sure enough, I can see the thing that have been chasing us non-stop.

"Let's get out of here" Katara said, worriedly. "Maybe we should face them. Find out who they are. Who knows, maybe they're friendly" my brother said. I turn to look at him with an unamused face. Did he seriously thing these people that's been bothering us is friendly?

"Always the optimist..." Sokka said. I turn to focus on the tank. Something like a door opens to reveal 3 figures. They're riding a giant lizard. I turn my head to look at one specific girl.

"It's those three girls from Omashu!" Katara said. I let out a sigh. "I can't believe they chase us until here" I said. "We can take them. We have the upper hand here. Four on three!!" Toph said.

"Uh, actually Toph. there's 5 of us..." Sokka said. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't count you. You know, no bending and all" Toph said. I can tell her comment irked Sokka.

"I can still fight!" He yelled. "Okay, four on three plus Sokka" Toph said, smugly. "Eeerrgh!!!" Sokka said, turning red from her comment. I let out a sigh and place a hand on Sokka's shoulder to calm him down.

"Toph... The only bender among those girls are the girl in the middle. The other two are no benders" I said. "Oh... right. Okay" she said. Toph quickly bends three columns to try and stop the girls. But those lizards just leaped over it.

"Well, we wanted to find out who they were and we found out. Now let's get out of here" Sokka said. Toph bends a giant wall to slow the girls down while we escape from there.

I turn my head as a burst of blue lighting hits the wall she created. One of the girls throw a bunch of stilettos towards her. I quickly use my air-bending, circling it around Toph to deflect the weapon. Toph use her earth-bending and get on Appa's saddle.

"Appa yip-yip!" Aang said. I quickly create an air dome around us, as the girl shoots a burst of blue flame around us. I let out a sigh of relief because we manage to get out of the situation.

"I can't believe those girls followed us all the way from Omashu" Katara said. I just lay sleepily on Appa's saddle. "I still think we could have taken them" Toph said, grumpily.

"Are you kidding me? The crazy blue firebending and the flying daggers are bad enough, but last time we saw them, one of those girls did something that took my bending away. That's scary" Katara said. I nod my head, remembering what happened.

I turn my head and notice the sun rising. "Oh no, the sun is rising. We've been up all night with no sleep!" Sokka complained. "Sokka, we'll be okay" Aang said, calmly. I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah... I have stayed up longer than a night. We'll be fine" I said.

"Are you sure? I've never not slept before! What if I fall asleep now and something happens? And something always happens!" Sokka said, visibly panicking. I let out a sigh and gently hit his head.

"Every time we land, those girls are there. So we'll just have to keep flying" Katara said. I let out a sigh. "We can't keep flying forever..." I said. Aang yawn sleepily.

"So what's our plan?" He said. "I don't know Aang... I can't think right now. It's been a while I stayed up all night. Anyone else?" I said, leaning my head back. "Don't know... too tired to think..." Toph said. "I'm sure we'll come up with something after a short nap" Katara said. "Yes... sleep" Sokka said, drowsily. Out of no where, I start to lift off the saddle. I quickly hold onto Appa's saddle.

"What's going on?" Toph said, waking up. "Appa fell asleep!!" Aang said, as he holds onto Appa's reign. He quickly crawls over to Appa's eyes, trying to wake him up.

"Wake up, buddy!" He said, trying to wake up the bison. We suddenly land on Appa's saddle as he finally wakes up. He resume his normal flight. Are they a spare through the trees, I hold onto the saddle, trying not to get thrown off. We eventually lands on the ground.

Aang slides of Appa's head, and lands on the ground. "Appa's exhausted..." he said. "Okay, we've put in a lot of distance between us and them. The plan right now is to follow Appa's lead and get some sleep" Sokka said.

" Of course, we could've gotten some sleep earlier, if Toph didn't have such issues" Katara said. I let out a groan at her comment. "Oh in the name of Spirits! Come on! We're all tired here! Can't you two get along for once" I said, raising my voice to the point I'm yelling. They flinched at my sudden voice. I get up and turn to face Katara.

"Katara, you're the one who said you're glad to have another girl in the group. Now you guys keep on arguing over these STUPID stuff! Toph probably just isn't used to having a team! We should be showing her slowly! Not suddenly putting everything on her!" I said.

"Yeah... I'm trying to show her slowly. But she's the one who's being too stubborn and difficult!" She said. "What?!" Toph said, slamming her hand onto the ground that creates a dent on the ground. "All right, all right, everyone's exhausted! Let's just get some rest" Aang said. Toph stands up and walks up to Katara.

"No, I want to hear what Katara has to say. You think I have issues?" She said. "'m just saying. Maybe if you helped out earlier, we could have set up our camp faster and gotten some sleep and then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation!" She said.

"You're blaming me for this?" Toph said, angrily. She walks up to Katara, who tosses aside her sleeping bag. She lift her hand, in a challenging manner. Aang jumps in between them.

"No! No, she's not blaming you" he said, trying to call him down. "No, I'm blaming her!" Katara said. "Katara... please!" I said, frustratedly. Toph pushes my brother aside.

"Hey, I never asked you for diddly-doo-dah. I carry my own weight. Besides, if there's anyone to blame, it's Sheddy over here!" She said, pointing at Appa. I let out a gasp, now Aang will be angry. No one can blame his bison.

"What? You're blaming Appa?" Aang said, angered by her comment. "Yeah, you want to know how they keep finding us? He's leaving a trail everywhere we go!" Toph said. "Toph... Aang... that's enough. We are all tired and we're not thinking clearly. This is clearly what those girls wants. To tear us apart" I said. Aang turns to look at me, but he focus on Toph.

"How dare you blame Appa! He saved your life three times today! If there's anyone to blame it's you! You're always talking about how you carry your own weight, but you're not. He is! Appa's carrying your weight. He never had a problem flying when it was just the four of us!" He said. Toph is silent for a few seconds.

"I'm out of here" she said. She stomps the ground which makes her bag fly into her hand. She turns around and walks away. "Wait!" Sokka said. But he got shifted aside. Toph just keeps walking, without looking back even once. I let out a sigh and sit down on the ground, with my back against Appa's leg. Oh great... now we lost our new teammate.

*to be continued*

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