Chapter 20

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Previously on Chapter 19

"How did she do that?" Katara said. "She waited... and listened..." Aang said. I turn to look at him. I realize he knows what he meant, and I caught on it. The Blind Bandit is the earth-bending teacher we've been looking for.

-The Silent Bender VS The Blind Bandit-


The Blind Bandit stands in her spot, as she waits for the man to say something. "To make things a little more interesting, I'm offering up this sack of gold pieces to anyone who can defeat the Blind Bandit!" He said. Everyone went silent after he said that. He looks around, waiting for anyone to say something.

An idea pop up in my head. I sneakily leave the place. I put on my outfit as my alter ego, The Silent Bender. Well... I didn't name myself, it was those villagers. But oh well, I like the name. It has a nice ring to it.

"What? No one dares to face her?" He said, mocking everyone. I slowly make my way up the ring. I can hear loud chorus of gasps from the everyone around me. I can hear murmuring from everyone. I can make out a few they're saying.

'Hey, isn't that The Silent Bender!' 'Wait. Woah!, REALLY?' 'Yes!! I heard so much about her. From what I heard is that she protected a small village' and more.

"Go Silent Bender! Avenge The Boulder!!!" Sokka suddenly screams. I flinch at his sudden voice. I glare at him, making him flinch. I shake my head and roll my eyes at his antics. I turn to look at the girl in front of me.

"Do people really want to see two little girls fighting out here?" Toph said. "Ooooohhh~" the audience said. I just stay silent, deciding to keep my image as a Silent Bender for now.

I take a step forward. I can see a distinct smile on the girl's face. She stomps the ground with her left foot. A large rock appears on the ground under my feet. I jumps on the air, using my air-bending. I lands behind her.

"Somebody's a little light on her feet! What's your fighting name? It can't be the Silent Bender, is it? Oh... is it the Fancy Dancer?" She said. I just smiles sheepishly under my mask, this girl have a real sarcasm. Another rock pillar is sent to me, making me jump again. The girl looks a little annoyed.

"Where'd you go..." she said, in an annoyed tone. I landed not far from her. She launches a rock at him. I use my air-bending to send a strong wind towards her, effectively knocking her out of the ring.

A loud cheer erupted from the crowd. I let out a sigh. It isn't suppose to end like this. I knew it should have been my brother to face her. The Blind Bandit walks away. I can feel the anger radiating from her.

Aang tries to chase after her, trying to get her to listen to him. "Please, listen! My sister and I need an earthbending teacher, and I think it's supposed to be you!" He said. "Whoever you are, just leave me alone!" She said, angrily. She bends a doorway on the wall. She closes it on her with a motion of her hand. "Wait!!" Aang said. But it's already too late.

Sokka runs forward to the referee taking the belt and the bag of gold from his hands. He turns to me and wrap his arm around me. "Way to go, Champ!!" He said, gleefully. Aang turns to loon at me. I look at him with an apologetic gaze. But Aang just looks disappointed.


We are currently walking around the town. We don't really know where we're going. But we want to try to find the Blind Bandit.

"Sorry... I should have said something. Instead of being silent the whole time" I said. Aang wraps his arm around my shoulder. "It's okay... you want to keep your title as The Silent Bender. Talking would just ruin it. I'm the one who should take the battle..." he said. I just give him a small smile. He smiles at me and ruffles my hair.

"And besides... the title The Silent Bender is a good name" Sokka said, in a soft tone so no one would know who I am. I give him a smile at his attempt to calm me down.

"Now we just have to find a way to find the girl..." I said. They nod their heads in agreement. Sokka look down at the belt around his waist and grin happily.

"I've got to admit, now I'm really glad I bought this bag. It matches the belt, perfectly" he said. "That is a big relief" Katara said. But I can hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"Well... speaking of trying to look for the Blind Bandit. If we want to find the Blind Bandit, the Earthbending Academy is a great place to start" Aang said. I nod my head in agreement.

A While Later

When we get to the academy. We can see the same two boys from yesterday. One of them turn to look at us. "Oh great, you again" he said. Katara glares at them, which makes them flinch and back up.

"Yeah, I didn't think so" she said. Sokka smirks at his sister's action. "Nicely done" he said, smugly. He turns to look at me. "Hey, you're the Silent Bender who beat the Blind Bandit!" He said. I look at him in confusion, only to realize I haven't change my outfit. Thank Spirit I hadn't said a word to them.

"We need to talk to her. Do you guys know where she live?" Aang said. "The blind bandits a mystery. She shows up to fight, then disappears" he said. Katara place a hand on Aang's shoulder, noticing how sad he looks. "Let me handle this..." she said. She turns to face the boys.

"You're not telling us everything!" She said, with an accusing tone. They flinch and lift their hands up. "No, no, I-I swear it's true. No one knows where she goes, or who she really is" he said.

"That's because we're asking about the wrong person. In my vision, I saw a girl, in a white dress, with a pet flying boar. Know anybody like that?" Aang said.

"Well, a flying boar is the symbol of the Beifong family. They're the richest people in town. Probably the whole world" he said. The other boy nods his head. "Yeah, but they don't have a daughter" he said.

"A flying boar is good enough for me. Let's check it out" Aang said. "Yeah, you better leave" I hear the boy muttered. I turn to glare at him. He flinched at my stare. I turn around and follows Aang.

"Hey, I've got my eyes on you..." I hear Katara said. "Water tribe..." Sokka said, coolly. I bit my lips, trying not to laugh. I'm glad... because now that we have a clue, we'll be able to find them. 

*to be continued*

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