Chapter 40

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Previously on Chapter 39

"You two really make a good match..." his uncle said. I just smile at him. "Thank you, uncle..." I said. "Oh, you don't have to start calling me uncle just because you're dating my nephew. You can start calling me uncle when you have tied the knot with him" he said. I can see a teasing smile on his face, which makes me blush deeply. Goodness... it's only been a day. But he already think that far. I don't even know where will our love go.

-A Lead About Appa-


"I have to go back..." I said. Zuko turns to look at me and frown. "Do you really have to?" He asked. I nod my head. "They'll suspect me, Zuko. You know we can't tell them about us" I said. He lets out a sigh and nod his head.

"Promise me you'll come to visit?" He said. I smile and nod my head. "Of course..." I said. He nods his head. He leans in and place a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes and kisses him back.

I pull away from the kiss and stands up. "I guess I'll see you around, okay?" I said. He nods his head. He stands up and holds my hand. He lift my hand and gently place a soft kiss on the back of my hand.

"I love you..." he said. I smile softly and leans up, to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "I love you too" I said. I pull my hand away. He escort me to the front door. I get out of the Iroh's tea shop. I turn to look at Zuko and wave. He waves back, with a soft smile on his lips. I turn around and start heading back to our house.


I make my way to the door. Just as I was about to open it, the door slides open with a loud bang. Aang stands there, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Aang..." I said, in a soft voice. He rushes towards me and pulls me into a tight embrace. "I'm s-so s-sorry, sis... I shouldn't h-have said t-t-that" he said, hugging me tighter. My eyes soften as I return his hug.

"Where were you?" Sokka said, walking towards us. "I just take a walk around" I said, nervously. I turn my head and notice Toph's expression. She knew that I'm lying. But she didn't say anything. Which makes me glad.

"You should take a rest... you must be tired" Katara said. I nod my head and pulls away from my brother. I make my way to my room and slides the door close. I let out a sigh as I take off my shows and lay down on the futon.

The door suddenly slides open, startling me in the process. I turn to see Toph. She walk towards me. "I know that you're lying. Where were you, really" she said. I stay silent as I stare at him.

"I won't tell the others... I promise" she said. I let out a sigh and sit up. "I... met Zuko" I said. She let out a gasp. "What?! He's here?" She said, in shock. "Well, Y-Yeah..." I said.

"That's not the only thing that happened, right?" She said. "No... it's not" I said. She take a seat in front of me. "What else? Did he hurt you?" She asked. I can feel my heartbeat speeding up. Toph smirks as she seems to feel it.

"Ooh~ so... something happened between you two?" She said. I can feel my cheeks burning up. "Why're you here?" I asked, trying to change the topic. "Just wanted to check up on you. You've been acting really strange ever since you stayed back with them. But I think I know why now" she said, smirking. I let out a soft sigh.

"Don't worry... your secret is safe with me. But do be careful. After all, he's still our enemy" she said, in a warning tone. I sigh softly, knowing she would say something like that.

"Yeah, I know. Thank you, Toph..." I said. She smiles softly. "Okay then. I'll just leave you to rest now. See ya" she said. "See ya" I said. She gets up and walks out of my room.


We are currently trying to spread more posters. We try to cover as much places as possible. I stick with my brother, while Toph is with Sokka and Katara going alone.

I hear a loud sound coming from nearby. "Aang. Did you hear that?" I said, turning to look at my brother. He turns to look at me and nod his head. "Let's go..." he said. We turn around and run towards the place.

"Katara, what is it?" Sokka said. "Jet's back..." she said. I turn my head to see Jet, getting pinned on the wall by ice crystals. I lift my staff in a defense. Katara really pinned him good. He's not going to be able to move an inch. Except for his head and hands. So he can't do much. But I'm not taking any chances of an attack. He also have his Freedom Fighters. They could ambush us any given moments.

"We can't trust anything Jet's saying" she said. "But we don't even know why he's here!" Sokka said. "I don't care why he's here, whatever the reason is, it can't be good!" She said.

"I'm here to help you find Appa!" Jet said. I turn to look at him. He opens his hand to reveal the missing poster of Appa. I let out a sigh and turn to look at my brother. It's his choice because Appa is his bison.

"What do you think, brother?" I asked. He lets out a sigh and turns to look at Katara. "Katara, we have to give him a chance" he said.

"I swear, I've changed! I was a troubled person and I let my anger get out of control, but I don't even have the gang now! I've put all that behind me!" He said. Katara turns to look at him in anger. "You're lying!" She said.

Toph walks forward and place a hand on the wall. "He's not lying..." she said. "How can you tell?" Sokka said. "I can feel his breathing and heartbeat. When people lie, there's a physical reaction. He's telling the truth" she said.

"Katara, we don't have any leads. If Jet says he can take us to Appa, we have to check it out" I said. She let out a sigh. "All right... but we're not letting you out of our sight!" She said, jabbing her finger at Jet's face.

I can tell Katara is still very angry by Jet's betrayal back then. But we don't have a choice. He could be our only lead in finding Appa. So we've got to take our chances. Besides... it's 5 vs 1. We have 4 benders in our group. So he's not going to win if he ended up being a traitor.

*to be continued*

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