Chapter 45

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Previously on Chapter 44

He looks unhappy to see us. But we have to at least try to show him the truth. We've got to let him know about the war going on outside this walls. Hopefully, he'd trust us... and not throw us in jails.



Long Feng and the Dai Li agents instantly stands in our way. I lift my hand, ready to throw my bender at any of them. But also hoping that I don't have to. I don't want to hurt any of them.

"We need to talk to you!" Aang said. Long Feng turn to look at the King. "They're here to overthrow you" he said. "You have to trust us" Katara said. He stand up from his throne, looking ticked off.

"You invade my palace, lay waste to all my guards, break down my fancy door, and you expect me to trust you?" He said. "He have a point..." Toph said. "We won't do anything if they don't start attacking. If we do nothing, we'd be killed" I said. He just stare at me.

"If you are on my side, then drop your weapons and stand down" he said, ignoring what I had just said. I turn to the others. I throw my glider to the floor. My brother starts to smile at the Earth King.

"See? We're friends, Your Earthiness" he said. Then he let out a nervous chuckle. Long Feng smirks at us. "Detain the assailants!" He said, pointing at us. The Dai Li agents shoots their rock hands at us, holding our arms behind our backs.

"But we dropped our weapons! We're your allies" Sokka said. "Make sure the Avatars and his friends never see daylight again" Long Feng said, making me glare at him.

"The Avatars? You're the Avatar?" The Earth King said, looking straight at Sokka. "No, them..." he said, nudging his head towards Aang and I. The Earth King looks confused.

"There's two Avatars?" He said. Wow... Ba Sing Se really knows nothing of the outside, to the point he doesn't even know that there's two Avatars in this generation.

"Over here..." Aang said, moving the cuff around his wrist. "Here too" I said, mimicking him. "What does it matter, Your Highness? They're enemies of the state" Long Feng said. "Perhaps you're right" he said. I feel a soft air. I turn my head to see Basco the bear. He sniffs at me and Aang. He licks Aang's cheek. He turns to me and throws his body at me, I stumble to the ground and giggle as Basco snuggles on me.

"Though Bosco seems to like them..." he said, with a soft smile. Basco licks my cheek softly as he snuggle closer to me. "I'll hear what they have to say" he said.

"Well, sir, there's a war going on right now. For the past one hundred years in fact. The Dai Li's kept it secret from you. It's a conspiracy to control the city, and to control you" Aang said, stepping forward. I walk forward too.

"Think about it, sir. You don't know about the war... or anything outside of Ba Sing Se. You don't even know there are two Avatars in this generation" I said.

"A secret war? That's crazy!" He said. "Completely!"Long Feng said. "Though... I have no idea of the two Avatars thing. So you might be correct..." he said. I nod my head, satisfied that he's starting to believe us.

"Long Feng didn't want us to tell you, so he stole our sky bison to blackmail us. And blackmail is the least of his crimes; he brainwashed our friend!" Aang said.

"He also tried to kill him... if I hadn't healed him. He would have died" I said. I can see Long Feng's face turning from anger into shock. But it was only for a mere seconds, before turning back into a look of anger.

"All lies. I've never even seen a sky bison, Your Majesty. Frankly, I thought they were extinct" he denied. The Earth King sits down on his throne. "Your claim is difficult to believe. Even from the Avatars" he said. Long Feng leans down to his ear and whispers something.

"I have to trust my advisor" he said. The Dai Li start to escorts us. Suddenly, I have an idea. "Wait... I've got a prove. We can prove that he's lying" I said. The others turns to look at me with a confused face. "Appa bit him..." I whispered, loud enough for Sokka to hear. His eyes widened in realization.

"Right... Long Feng said he's never seen a sky bison. Ask him to lift his robe" he said, catching on with what I'm trying to say. "What? I'm not disrobing" he said. I turn to look at Aang and nod my head. He blows a strong wind towards Long Feng, throwing his robe flying.

"Right there! Appa bit him!" I said. "Never met a sky bison, huh?" Sokka said, smirking. He lowers his robe. "That happens to be a large birth mark. Thanks for showing everyone" he said. I can hear the anger in his tone.

"Well I suppose there's no way to prove where those marks came from" he said, gesturing towards the mark on Long Feng's leg. "Of course there is!" Sokka said.

A While Later

We bring Appa inside. "Open your mouth, buddy..." I said, rubbing his nose. He opens his mouth to show his teeth. Aang points at his teeth and at the bite on Long Feng's leg.

"Yup. That pretty much proves it" he said. We cheer in happiness. He makes a thinking sound. "But it doesn't prove this crazy conspiracy theory. Though, I suppose this matter's worth looking into" he said. We agree to show him more proves.


We are now inside a train. I sit next to Aang as I look out the window. "So this is what a train is like? I didn't realize it would be this ... public" the Earth King said.

I turns to look at him. "So you've never been outside the Upper Ring before?" Katara said. I turn to look at her briefly before looking back at him. "I've never been outside the palace. Now that's the way to travel. So, may I ask where we're going?" He said.

"Underneath Lake Laogai, Your Kingliness. To the Dai Li's secret headquarters. You're about to see where all the brainwashing and conspiring took place" Sokka said.

We come to a stop. We walk towards the Lake Laogai to show the King what really happened around here. Toph raise the platform to the door. The cover have been destroyed.

"It's gone!" She said. Sokka let out a groan. "Oh don't tell me- ! That's okay. Still got my positive attitude" he said. "The Dai Li must've known we were coming and destroyed the evidence!" Katara said.

"Hm...That seems awfully convenient" the Earth King said, sarcastically. "Hey, if anything, this proves the conspiracy exists even more" Sokka said. "Long Feng was right. This was a waste of time. If you'll excuse me, I'm going back to the palace" he said.

"The wall. They'll never be able to cover that up in time" Katara suddenly said. "Oh, yeah!" I said, as I remember about the drill. Aang steps in front of the Earth King. "If you come with us to the Outer Wall, we can prove to you that the secret war is real" Aang said.

"No Earth King has ever been to the Outer Wall. I don't have any more time for this nonsense" Long Feng said. I can hear the panic in his voice, even if he tried to remain calm.

"Why, Long Feng? Are you scared that he's finally going to learn the truth?" I said, tauntingly. I can see his eyebrow twitching slightly, which makes me smirk. Sokka runs up to them.

"If you come with us, this time you can ride on Appa" he said. The Earth King smiles. Now, we'll surely prove our point. We will be able to convince him to join forces with us.

*to be continued*

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