Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

But even so, I can't help but still feel a little weirded out about this Swamp. I wonder why do I see Zuko of all the people I know for as long as I've lived... why him? Just what does it means?

-Avatar Day-


I got awaken by a loud commotion. I open my eyes to see we're surrounded by a group of bandits. They are all riding a rhino. I quickly jump to my feet. I use my air-bending to get my glider. I stand on battle stance, ready to fight back.

"Give up! You're completely surrounded!" One of the bandit said. "As if... just because we're surrounded. Doesn't mean we'd lose" I said. I spin my glider to create a huge wind. Aang and the others seem to get what I'm trying to do. I move my arms around me, sending the tornado I created at the bandits.

"Go! Go go!!" I yelled. We jump on Appa. "Come on! Come on! Come on!!" Sokka yelled, running up on Appa's tail. "Hurry up, Katara!" I yelled. She runs up to us, but stop mid-ways. She turns around.

"My scrolls!" Katara said. I jump off Appa's back. "Hurry and grab it! I'll cover you!" I said. She nods her head and rushes forward. I send a strong gust of air towards the bandit. Katara grabs her scrolls and rush to Appa. I wrap my arms around her and jumps onto Appa's back.

"My staff!" Aang said, realizing he have forgotten his staff. He jumps off of Appa's head and grab his staff. I send a boulder towards the bandit as he tries to go after Aang. Aang quickly returns to Appa's head. "Yip Yip!" Aang said. Appa starts to fly.

"Wait, my boomerang!" Sokka said. I quickly grab him before he could do anything reckless. "Sokka stop!" I said. "Y/N's right. There's no time!" Katara said. Sokka turns to look at her with an annoyed face.

"Oh, I see. So there's time for your scrolls. Time for your staff. But no time for my boomerang?" He said. "That's correct!" Katara said, cheerfully. I give her a look. She just smiles innocently at me. "Oh..." Sokka said, lowering his head in sadness.

"It's alright, Sokka... we'll find a way to get you a new one, okay?" I said. He gives me a small smile. I give him a quick hug to comfort him. I know how much he loves his boomerang.


We are now in a small market place. I have my hood on, to cover my tattoo. I'm standing by the wall with my back against it, holding my glider in one hand. Sokka is sitting on the ground next to me, looking gloomy. Oh Spirits... I feel so bad for him.

"Sorry about your boomerang, Sokka..." Aang said. He lets out a sigh. "I feel like I've lost part of my identity..." Sokka said, sulking. He jumps up, which startles me. He moves my hoodie a little to show my tattoo. "Imagine if you or Aang lose your arrows, or Katara lose her... hair loopies" he said. He walks over to the stall. I let out a sigh and wrap my arms around him.

"Here's your produce, ponytail guy" the merchant guy said, handing a small basket to Sokka. "I used to be boomerang guy..." he said, dejectedly. He walks away with our supply. The merchant walks up to us with his hand outstretch. Katara gives him a some money.

"Hey, Water Tribe money" he said. "I hope that's okay" he said. "So long as it's money. Have a nice Avatar day!!" He said. He closes his shop and walks away. I turn my head to see Aang trying to comfort Sokka, who's crying. Then I realize something.

"Wait... did he say Avatar Day?" I said, pointing at the man with my thumb. The merchant stops and turns to look at us, as he's not too far away from us. "You guys are going to the festival, right?" He said.

Aang, Katara and I look at each other. They smiles and walks away, following the direction where the merchant is heading to. I turn to Sokka to see tears still streams down his cheeks. I let out a sigh and gently grab his hand. "Come on, Sokka..." I said. He didn't say anything, just lets me pulls him along.

We are now standing in the middle of a busy street. There's a lot of people gathering around here. I stand in between Aang and Sokka.

"There's a holiday for the Avatar. Who knew?" Aang said, turning to look at me. I just shrug my shoulders in returns. He smiles at me and turn to look ahead. I turn my head to, watching what's going on.

I can see a giant float, that looks like Avatar Kyoshi. "Look! They made a giant Kyoshi float!" Katara said. "And here comes Avatar Roku" Sokka said, gesturing to the one behind the first one.

"Having a huge festival in your honor is great, but frankly, it's just nice to be appreciated" Aang said. I just stare at the two floats in front of me. "And it's nice to appreciate their deep-fried festival food!" Sokka said, running over to a stall. I roll my eyes. There's no going between a guy and food. Especially when it's Sokka.

"Aang, Y/N. Look!" Katara said. I turn my head to where she's pointing to see two more giant floats. It looks like Aang and me. "That's the biggest us I've ever seen. Right, sis?" Aang said. I smile and nod my head.

I can see a man running down the street, holding a torch. "Now a torch, that's a nice prop. It's bright, dangerous. Smells manly. But I'm not sure if I could carry it off" Sokka said. I furrow my eyebrow as I watch the man.

"Hey, what's that guy doing?" Katara said. My eyes widened when the man let out a yelp as he jumps through Avatar Kyoshi, causing it to catch fire. The fire spread rapidly over the whole float.

"Down with the avatar!" The people screams. I froze in spot as the sight. These people are mad! Why would they burn the floats? Unless... they hated the Avatars. But why??

*to be continued*

Change of Hearts (Zuko X Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now