Chapter 44

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Previously on Chapter 43

"H-How? His injuries were so bad..." she said. I let out a sigh and shake my head. "I'm not sure... I guess I still don't know how strong I am..." I said. She just smiles and wraps her arms around me. "I'm sure you will know soon" she said. I smile and hugs her back. If only I could just remember who I was... I would be able to awaken my true power.

-The Earth King-


Aang is hugging Appa. "I missed you more than you'll ever know, buddy..." he said. I lay on Appa's arm, happy that he's back with us again. Momo flies to hug Appa too. Appa licks his face, which makes me giggle at the sight.

"I wish b/n is still here. She would be so happy..." I said. I turn my head to see Sokka walking towards Katara and Toph. I stand up and walks over to them, to see what Sokka have to say.

"Look, we escaped from the Dai Li. We got Appa back. I'm telling you, we should go to the Earth King now and tell him our plan. We're on a roll" he said. "One good hour after weeks of trouble isn't much of a roll" Katara said. I nod my head in agreement at what Katara said.

"You got that right, Kat. I'm still tired and using that healing thing... it's draining a lot of my energy. I'm kinda surprised that I'm still able to stand right now. But I feel like I'd collapse any seconds now"I said. Aang walks over to me and allows me to lean on him, so I don't actually fall over.

"We can build on it. If we want to invade the Fire Nation when the eclipse happens, we'll need the Earth King's support" Sokka said, still insisting that we go to see the Earth King.

"What makes you think we'll get it? I don't know if you've noticed, but things don't usually go that smoothly for our little gang" Toph said, joining in the conversation.

"I know, but I've got a good feeling about this. This time will be different" he said. "Sokka, Long Feng is in control of the city. His conspiracy with the Dai Li is too powerful. I think we should just keep flying and leave this horrible place behind us" Katara said.

"I'm with Sweetness. I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se. And I can't even see!" Toph said, throwing her arms in the air with her eyes open wide. I turn to look at my brother.

"Where's your say about this, brother?" I said. He turns to look at me. "I'm not sure, Y/N. At first I thought it's not going to work out. But now that we have Appa back, there's nothing stopping us from telling the Earth King the truth. About the conspiracy and the War" he said.

"See? Aang's with me. It's the whole reason we came here in the first place. We have to try" Sokka said. I let out a sigh. "Yeah... true. We've been through a lot worse. We've fought the Dai Li before. Surely, we'd be able to defeat more of them" I said.

"Well, I guess if the Earth King knew the truth, things could change" Katara said. "I don't trust the new positive Sokka. Long Feng brainwashed you, didn't he!?" Toph said, as she stands up and points at him accusingly.

"That's probably the Dai Li searching for us. So?" Sokka said. "I'm in... Katara?" I said, turning to look at her. "Let's fly!" She said. We get on Appa's back. But since he have no saddle, we have no choice but to hold onto his fur.

"Can we please buy a new saddle? Riding bareback is terrifying!" Toph yelled out. "Relax, Toph! I'm not going to let you fall! Don't worry!" I said, trying to reassure her. "Yeah, thanks! That made me feel slightly better" she said. But I can tell that she's being sarcastic.


We have been flying for a while. We should be able to see the palace soon. "There it is! That whole thing is the palace! The Earth King's chamber should be in the center!" Sokka said.

I move to sit next to Aang on Appa's head. "We have to be careful. Long Feng's probably warned the king that we're coming" Katara said. "Why would you assume that? If you ask me, I think we're just gonna sail right in and- Aahh!" Sokka yelled, when a large boulder almost hits us.

"What was that?" Toph said. "Surface-to-air rocks!More incoming!" Sokka said. If this is a normal kind of situation, I would have laugh at what Sokka said. He always seem to have a weird name for things. I squat on Appa's head, trying to make sure we didn't get hit from any of the rocks.

Aang destroys the rock with his hand. Another one coming and I slice it in half with my glider. Aang move to Appa's horn as we dive down towards the ground.

We turn to look at each other and nod our heads. We launch forward and slams into the ground, sending a huge wave of rocks which throws them off balance. I wince at the sight. Oh Spirits, I feel so bad for that.

We continue to fight the Dai Li, as we make our way further into the Palace. I keep trying to block all the rocks, while trying to protect Sokka. He didn't have any bending abilities, so he's the most at risk.

Soon we made it to the stairs. Toph lift her hand and pulls it towards her, turning the stairs into slides. Aang and Toph creates a platform as we moves up. While I just stand back and make sure no one would try to attack us.

"Seriously, we're actually on your guys' side!" Sokka said. I turn to look at him with a straight face. He realize what's going on. "Sorry" he said. We reached the top. I use my earth-bending and push away the Dai Li agents.

"In there!" Sokka said. All five of us runs inside. As we reach inside the palace, we realize it's too big. I look around the place, taking notes of the 3 doors.

"Toph, which way to the Earth King?" Sokka said. "How should I know? I'm still voting we leave Ba Sing Se" she said. I let out a sigh and turn my head to see more Dai Li. I move forward and create a tall pillar, pining them agains the roof of the palace.

Sokka rushes forward and opens a random door. "Burglar!!" A woman yelled out. "Sorry! We're not burglar! We just wanted to talk to the Earth King" I said. "Yeah.. sorry, wrong door" Sokka said, closing the door.

Sokka climbs on a rubble. "Now that's an impressive door. It's gotta go somewhere" he said. He jumps off the rubble and runs towards the door. "Yaah!!!" He yelled, attempting to kick the door down. But failed miserably. Aang and Toph rush forward, breaking the door with their bending.

"A little warning next time?" He said, while rubbing his head as he turns to look at Toph and Aang. I just walk towards him and offers my hand. I pull him to his feet and turn my head to see the Earth King. He is sitting on his throne.

He looks unhappy to see us. But we have to at least try to show him the truth. We've got to let him know about the war going on outside this walls. Hopefully, he'd trust us... and not throw us in jails.

*to be continued*

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