Chapter 43

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Previously on Chapter 42

"Please think this through, Prince Zuko..." he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at him and at the bison. I let out a soft sigh. As much as I want to go home... I don't want Y/N to hate me.

-Finding Our Friend-


I jump out of the way as Jet keeps attacking us. "Jet, I'm your friend!" I said. I duck when he swings his hook swords at me. "Look inside your heart!" Aang said, as he tries to help me.

"Do your duty, Jet!" Long Feng said. I turn to glare at him and dodge another attack. "He can't make you do this! You're a Freedom Fighter!" I said. He stops mid-way. His eyes widening as he lets out a gasp. His eyes slowly returned to normal.

"Do it! Do it now!" Long Feng said. Jet turns to him and throws his sword at him, but he missed. Long Feng uses his bending, creating an uplift rock which knocks Jet down.

"Jet!!" I yelled. I rush towards him. I kneel down next to him. "Foolish boy. You've chosen your own demise" I hear Long Feng said. I turn to look at him, who's running away.

"I'm sorry... Aang... Y/N..." he said, weakly. I shake my head, smiling sadly at him. "Don't be..." Aang said. "You tried your best to help us..." I said. I wish I have water with me.

I hear footsteps and turns my head. I can see the others. Katara gasps in shock, with her hands in front of her mouth. "Katara!" I said. She snaps out of it and withdraw some water. She kneels next to Jet and place her hand on his chest.

"This isn't good..." she said. I clench my hands into a tight fists so hard that my hand starts to shake. "You guys go and find Appa. We'll take care of Jet" I hear Smellerbee said.

"We're not going to leave you" Katara said. "There's no time. Just go. We'll take care of him. He's our leader" Longshot said. I turn to look at him in shock. He actually spoke for the first time.

"Don't worry, Katara. I'll be fine..." Jet said. Katara closes her eyes painfully. She slowly rises to her feet and we turn around. "He's lying..." Toph said, in a low voice. I bit my lips as I stop walking.

"Y/N. Let's go" Aang said. I shake my head. "You guys go... I'll stay here and try to help Jet" I said. They just stares at me.  I let out a sigh. "Just go!! There's no time to argue! Hurry and find Appa!" I said. They nod their heads and heads off. I turn around and heads back to where Jet is.

"What are you doing here?" Smellerbee said. I turn to look at her. "I'm going to save your friend" I said. I kneels down next to Jet. I place my hands on Jet's chest and closes my eyes.

Mom... dad... help me save my friend I said inside my head. Focus on your inner energy, Y/N... I hear my mom said. I take a deep breath and looks deeper inside my mind.

Smellerbee P.O.V

Y/N kneels down next to Jet with her hands on his chest. She closes her eyes, as she seem to be trying to focus on something. I stare at her in confusion. What is she trying to do?

My eyes widened as I stare at her in shock. The tattoos on her body starts to glow. Then her hands glows a soft f/c.

I watch in awe as Jet's face starts to relax

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I watch in awe as Jet's face starts to relax. As if his injuries are gone.


I open my eyes as I breathe heavily. That was tiring. I've never used that kind of energy before. I pull my hands away from Jet's chest. He slowly opens his eyes.

"W-What... what happened?" He said. I just smile at him. "You'll be okay now..." I said. I turn to look at Smellerbee, she's looking at me in shock. I just stand up and smile at them.

"I have to go now. Take care..." I said. I stumble a bit out of exhaustion. But I manage to catch myself, so I don't fall. I start to run towards the others. I hope they will be fine.

I run through the tunnel. They must be out of here now. So I have to find them. I rush towards where the entrance is located. I found the ladder that will lead me to the exit. I use my air-bending and jumps out of it.

I can see them getting surrounded by the Dai Li. I use my glider and fly towards them. I land next to Aang, who jumps at my sudden appearance.

"Relax... it's just me" I said. He relaxes and smiles at me. Momo and l/n comes to us. They circle around us. Momo lands on Aang's arm.

"What is it Momo?" He said. Momo and l/n flies up to the sky. I look up and my eyes widened when I can see Appa flying down towards us. A huge smile starts to form on my lips.

"Appa!" Aang said. Appa smashes through the rock walls, scattering the Dai Li agents. I turn to look at my brother and nod my head. We rushes forward and smash our fists into the wall, sending the Dai Li flying into the water.

"You can earth-bend?! I didn't even teach you yet!"Toph said. "Oh well, long story short... I learned from the Badgermole and a bit from Aang's mind" I said. They all look at me in confusion. I let out a huff at their reaction.

"I'll explain more later. Let's focus on this battle, yea?" I said. They quickly nods their heads and start to battle. Appa lands next to Long Feng. He growls at him.

"I can handle you myself" Long Feng said. He jumps towards Appa. But Appa bite his leg. He swings his head and throws Long Feng into the water. Appa spit out a shoe out of his mouth. We let out a cheer and run towards him.

"Yeah! Appa!!!" Sokka said. I jump to Appa's head with Aang. I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. "I missed you, buddy..." Aang said. I bury my face into Appa's fur, feeling relieved to know that my brother won't have to lose his animal guide.

I pull away from Appa and jumps down his head. I turn to look at Katara as she stares into the water. I can see her eyes tearing up a little.

"Katara..." I said. She turns to look at me. I can see sadness in her eyes. I smile softly and place a hand on her shoulder. "Jet is fine... I healed him" I said. Her eyes widened in shock. "Really?" She said. I nod my head.

"H-How? His injuries were so bad..." she said. I let out a sigh and shake my head. "I'm not sure... I guess I still don't know how strong I am..." I said. She just smiles and wraps her arms around me. "I'm sure you will know soon" she said. I smile and hugs her back. If only I could just remember who I was... I would be able to awaken my true power.

*to be continued*

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