Chapter 24

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Previously on Chapter 23

I walk over to Toph and wrap my arm around her. "Welcome to the group, Toph. You're officially the new member of the gang" I said. She grins and wrap her arm around my torso. The others joins in the hug.

-What Is That Thing?!-


We are currently setting up the camp for the night. I always help Aang in building up the tent. Sokka will be gathering the firewoods. Katara will be heating up the water.

I turn my head and notice Toph sitting with her back against a rock. Katara notices it too and walks up to her. I let out a sigh, knowing that they will start to argue.

"So Toph... usually when setting up camp. We try to divide up the work" she said. Toph shrugs at Katara's words. "Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go" she said.

"Well, actually what I'm trying to say is, some of us might fetch water, while someone else might set up the fire pit, or put up the tent. Even Momo does his fair share" Katara said.

"Should I say something, Aang?" I said, turning to look at my brother. "No... Katara'a pretty scary if you try to interrupt her..." he said, shaking his head. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

"Katara, I'm fine. I can carry my own weight. I don't need a fire, I've already collected my own food and look, my tent's all set up" Toph said. "Well. That's great for you. But we still need to finish-" Katara tried to say. "I don't understand what's the problem here!" Toph suddenly yelled. I can see Katara looks angry.

"Oh Spirit..." I said. I stand up from the tent. I walk up to Katara. "Katara..." I said. She turns to look at me and glare. I gulped at the way she stares at me. I clear my throat, trying to calm my nerve.

"Uhh... anyway. We should just leave Toph. She just got out of the house. I'm pretty sure she's still not used to teamwork stuff" I said, in a low voice so only Katara can hear. She turns to look at Toph who went back to relaxing. "Never mind..." she said. She turns around and walk away. I let out a relieved sigh.

"Well, that worked" Aang said, when I walked back to him. "Yeah... surprisingly. Her glare is scary tho" I said, nodding my head. He lets out a chuckle and pat my head. I hear Appa let out a groan. I turn to look at him.

"Right... we haven't remove the saddle" I said. Aang nods his head. We get up and walk towards Appa. I air-bend myself to his head, while Aang on his back. Sokka is beneath us, giving us signals. But Aang and I accidentally use too much strength when using our air-bending. Which caused it to land right on top of Sokka.

"Sorry!!" Aang yelled out. He jumps down and lift the saddle. I jump down and and pulls Sokka out from under the saddle. I pulls him too hard, which caused him to collide on me. I fell backwards with Sokka on top of me.

Sokka P.O.V

Y/N pulls me a little too hard. I got send forward and stumbles on her. She falls on her back with me right on top of her. I can feel my cheeks getting warmer at the closeness. She just stare back at me. I can see a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Um... you can get up now, Sokka" she said. I snap out of my daze. "Huh? Oh... right" I said. I quickly get up and offer my hand to her. She place her hand on top of mine, I gently pull her to stand up.

I can still feel my heart beating rapidly against my chest. I thought after Yue... I won't feel this way for Y/N anymore. But looks like my feelings are coming back to me. I glance at Y/N as she helps her brother with Appa's saddle. She's beautiful. Ugh... what am I thinking??

What are you doing to me, Y/N?



We are now currently eating some food. I turn to look at Katara as she looks at Toph, who's eating something from her supply. She place down a jug of water in front of us and walks over to her. I just pay close attention in case they might start fighting again.

"Hey Toph, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each other's nerves" Katara said. Toph keeps on eating. "Yeah, you do seem pretty tired" she said, plainly. I can see Katara looking ticked off.

"Should I do something about them, guys?" I asked the boys. They turn to each other and shakes their heads. I let out a sigh and stands up. I lay down on Appa's arm. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

A While Later

"There's something coming towards us!" Toph said, startling us awake. "What is it?" Aang said. I open my eyes and sit up on Appa's arm. "It feels like an avalanche, but also not an avalanche" she said. I let out a sigh and close my eyes. I focus on air-bending.

"She's right... something huge is coming towards us" I said. "Your powers of perception are frightening" Sokka said, sarcastically. I turn to glare at him. He flinched at my glare and looks away from me.

"Should we leave?" Katara said. I turn to look at my brother. He nods his head. "Better safe than sorry..." he said. We quickly pack our stuff and get on Appa's back. Aang urges Appa to fly and he lazily did. I can tell that Appa is still sleepy. All of us do. But we don't have a choice. Whatever it is that's following us, I just know that they didn't come for a friendly visit.

We are quite high in the sky. I turn to look at what is coming towards us. It's some sort of machine, and it looks like it's made out of metal.

What is that thing??

*to be continued*

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