Jets pizza

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I started working at Jets pizza on May 22nd, 2020. My junior year I was trying to find a job, but couldn't seem to get one. I ended up getting a job in the middle of a pandemic though. I remember being really nervous and scared when I first started working there. I would look forward to clocking out and seeing the sunset that was in front of me as I walked out of the building. . I didn't really talk to anyone for a bit. I started talking to Alexandra and Denny. I soon became attached to everyone there.
There's Gabe who would always come back and put random stuff in my sink like a pizza box. He would sometimes just sit right on the floor, next to me. He would always make others laugh. I remember him and I laughed so hard about my dad breaking his arm. Sometimes on slow nights he'd come back and we'd talk about life things like Daniel, and he talked about a girl he liked in middle school.
There's Caleb who is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. He says he just treats others how they treat him. He has a big heart. I'll miss the hugs after every long night of dishes.
There's Chris who is always asking some random weird question like "should we hire monkeys?" I'll miss having tea together with our cups, the one he got for me so we could be cup twins.
There's Alexandra who is a good listener. She's good at making things feel like they are going to be ok. She talks a lot. She loves her family and dogs and bird. She's very smart and sweet.
There's Denny who can be hard on himself, making bad comments about his own being. He calls himself an evil genius but he's not that evil. He's actually really sweet. He has given me more advice than my father has, and has helped me out a lot. I've watched him grow confidence and achieve his goals since I've been there and I am so proud of him.
There's Ben. Ben and I would talk in the little time we worked together before his shift ended. He told me to get him giraffe poop, and I did. We started to hang out outside of work. He was always making me smile and laugh, like my laugh was his favorite sound. His smile was gorgeous. I swear he could light up a whole room with that smile. He remembered little things I thought he'd forgotten. He made me feel more alive. He made me feel like I was this main character in a teen romance coming of age movie. For the most part, he treated me the way I should be treated. He treated me with lots of respect and care. I'll never forget the way he made me feel. I hope he's ok now.
There's many memories and laughs I have made with these people. There's getting Ben giraffe poop, and him getting me ice cream because I was craving mint chocolate chip ice cream. There's the time the faucet flew off the sink and I was so scared. I called for Alex instead of turning the water off, and Parker made fun of me for it for the rest of the week. There's the time there was a delivery for Tyler cherry, and I wrote "you smell" on the pizza box. I told Denny he had to take the delivery. But it wasn't my brother and it was the other Tyler cherry. The time Gabe told them I killed an 180 pound black man with my bare hands. There's going out to dinner with Ben and him giving me the nickname shrimpy k because I got deep fried shrimp and dipped it in ketchup. Him driving me home at golden hour, and looking at me and smiling when I wasn't looking. Going to the rock maze and him writing the spongebob essay. Watching it's always sunny in Philadelphia together. . Alexandra and I going to the art place and I drew day's face as pizza dough. Caleb clocking out of work and coming back and bringing crab Rangoons for me to try. Me giving a hershey kiss to Parker and everyone teasing me for kissing him. Day not really existing. Chris and I saying Nevermind to each other. Accusing Ben of hiding dishes, and him saying it's so I can come visit him. Painting a picture of Jets pizza and them hanging it up in the lobby.
If there's anything I've learned from being at Jets for these 8 months, it's that there are many amazing people that you haven't even met yet. Along with that, there are many good laughs and moments you haven't even experienced yet. There are many pretty skies. There are always going to be better moments.

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