It wasnt me 3/14/19

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Was it me? I can be a wreck at times. Very emotional. Annoying. Clingy. I see so much potential in everyone. Was it time? We are all so young and don't know ourselves completely. We still have a lot of time to figure out who we are. I don't even know what I want to do with my future yet. All I know is that, I'm glad these people were brought into my life. The heartbreak was worth it. One taught me that friendship is more important, the other taught me to not look for happiness in the wrong places, the last one taught me to never judge someone by their cover.
I don't know what the future holds. This life is unpredictable. Maybe I'll end up with one of these people in my future. Maybe we just never got the timing right. But, what I do know is that, I have so much life ahead of me now. I have so much to live for. I'm going to meet so many people. I'm going to make so many memories. I'm going to go on so many adventures. I know that I am a soldier of God. I am loved by Him. I know He will take care of me, and place the right one in my life when the right one comes.

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