First kiss stolen by gay boi 11/6/18

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1sr hr, we were doing more clay stuff. I had to talk to the whole class about growth plates/ zones. I had to explain some joint to the class, and I was really awkward about it. I said,
"Bones on the brain," cuz that makes a lot of sense. I'm so awkward. Mr.Dionne talked to me by his desk about a grade in his class about the online stuff he has us do. I actually try to read all the stuff, so it takes longer. The other kids look up the answers; they don't read the online reading.
2nd hr, we finished The Crucible movie. 3rd hr, Daniel and I talked. Lunch, Hayden took my spot next to Ian, so I went to annoy Satan. I made the mistake of telling Satan some things because he started picking on me, and I climbed on a chair, wrapped my arms around him, putting the sleeves of my hoodie in his mouth, so he would be quiet. Ian was trying to get me down, and it made me uncomfortable.
4th hr, choir. 5th hr was so frustrating. We are working on a figure drawing. Mine doesn't look right. 6th hr, I was confused and frustrated about 5th hr, and I wanted to cry.
It was the end of the day at school. I went by my locker, then found Ian. Him and Hayden were walking together.
"Oh, look, my favorite people," I said.
Ian walked me to the bus doors. I went to give him a hug, and it was just really awkward for me for some reason. His other arm was on my face. It all happened so fast. I looked up, and he kissed me. I don't even think my eyes were closed. We love awkward Ally moments.

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