Graduation 6/4/2021

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I had to get up at 6:10am. I got dressed, and grabbed my cap and gown. I rode with Gretchen into town after we dropped Devontae off on the bus. I had graduation rehearsal at the high school this morning.
I saw Molly and Kathryne. I ended up sitting in Molly's car with them.
The sun was beating down on us during rehearsal. It was very warm. The flower of graduation was explained to us. In the past, someone had passed away the night of or around graduation. We're supposed to give that flower to someone who means something special to us.
Rehearsal was over. Kathryne and I went inside with Molly. Molly was dropping off some of her and her sister's school stuff. I got an extra ticket for my brother, Tyler.
My dad picked me up from the school and took me to the bus garage where he works. I ate some fruit and a cookie from their food party. I got a picture by my bus, 201 because It's always been my bus, even after I moved. It's always stuck with me, and I love that.
My dad dropped me off at Kennas. I layed on the bottom bunk in the kid's room, and watched a show on Netflix, on my phone, to pass the time.
Gretchen picked me up, and we went home. I called Tyler. I was scared of being late to graduation. Dad brought Taco Bell home. I ate, then got ready. I walked out of my room, my cap and gown on with my chord and metal. Gretchen wsa pretending to cry.
I was still scared of being late, but I was surprisingly on time. I got my name card, and found people I know like Hailey, Molly, and Kathryne: the Tj Maxx squad. I found out that the person I rehearsed walking with, isn't graduating, so I was kind of stressed out. Mr.Hodges said he had a plan, but he wouldn't tell me what the plan was. I just ended up having to go to the back of the line, and that meant I was the last person to walk across the stage. Shortest for last I guess.
The night went by fast. The band played a little number, there were speeches in between, the choir sang together for one last time, and more speeches followed. Then each person went on the stage and got their moment (one specific moment was yikes) that they were waiting so long to have, and then that moment was over before we all knew it, and we were all throwing our hats in the air, and walking off that football field.
I searched around, looking for Hayden, or my family, or Kathryne, or Molly. I couldn't find any of them, but I found Betty and Alyssa from TJ Maxx. Eventually my family found me. I got some pictures with my friends and family. I wanted to find Hayden and give him my flower. I am going to miss that man so much. His parents were taking pictures of him and I. Cameron was also taking pictures on my phone.
It was time to go home. Leave that place, and not come back. A place that started friendships that then created stories and memories that will live on forever. Now it's onto this new chapter of life, and whatever that may hold, I hope I make the best of it, and live life to the fullest, and that I'm happy. These past four years, if they have taught me anything at all, it's that time goes by too fast. We need to enjoy each moment while it lasts. We need to do what's best for ourselves because life is just too short to spend it unhappy. It taught me that friendships and memories are the most valuable things this life has to offer. It's taught me that home isn't a building with walls, it's the people you love. As time goes on, I know these are lessons that will stick with me.
Thank you for the friendships and all the memories we created. To yelling songs while we danced to them. To Cedar Point and "Can't be worse than your face." To late night talks about anything and everything. Thank you for teaching me and helping me grow as a person. Thank you for making me a better person. Thank you for making me smile and laugh. Thank you for listening when times got hard, and thank you for being there when times got harder, and I looked like a crying tomato. Thank you for allowing me to be myself.
This book is dedicated to you. I love you guys so incredibly much. I know you will go on to do absolutely amazing things. You'll create amazing art like Van Gough. You'll change people's lives for the better. You'll fill rooms with laughter. You will make the world a better place. All you have to do is be yourself. You are amazing people, and I am so excited to see the things you'll do in life, and I can't wait to be by your side, cheering you on. Sometimes, things will be hard, but I know you'll overcome it because you are strong. So strong. Some of the strongest people I know. I will always be by your side along the way too. This next chapter of life, we don't have to go through alone. We have each other.
But, for now, we are in this exact moment, and I am so incredibly proud of you. We did it. I don't know all the words, but I just want to say I love you. So much.

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