Dear teenagers 4/18/19

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Dear teenagers,
You're probably in high school, or middle school, you're a teenager. Being a teenager, you're finally into all these romantic books and movies, but when you were younger, you would go, "EWWW," at any kissing scene in your movies. Now, you view these movies and crave to have someone to love, a boyfriend or a girlfriend. You crave someone telling you that they love you. You crave someone to tell you how they love your eyes when they light up when you talk about your favorite things. You crave someone to tell you they love the way you sing every song even if you don't know all the words. You crave someone that will tell you how they love your laugh when you laugh at something that probably happened a week or a month ago. You crave someone to tell you how they love the way you dance like you're back in your childhood. You crave someone you can go on late night walks with and talk about conspiracy theories, why you think nightmares exist, or about your childhood. You crave someone that you can go on all these adventures with and make millions of memories with.
Wait. You're only a teenager. I'm not saying this because I don't think you're capable of true love or that you don't know what love is. I'm saying this because we're only in high school and middle school. We're figuring ourselves out. We're learning new things daily. We're learning what the formula is to find the area of a circle. We're learning about our organs and how they all function in a way to make us exist, so we can show the world who we are. We're learning about the Harlem Renaissance, and how these people stood out in their race; who were expected to conform to what the white race wanted. We're learning how the economy works and how things are the way they are. We're learning how to get lost in art whether it be music written by salves yearning to be free, or learning about the art of Frida Kahlo who showed the world how she viewed herself, but was a beautiful artist in and out. We're learning how to take care of ourselves through managing diets, and managing the overwhelming stress that the world throws at us.
Everyone is learning all kinds of things and taking it in differently. Some people have their life after high school planned out, what college they are going to, what they are going to study, and where they are going to put their studies to work after college. Others don't have any idea what they are going to do after school. They have too many options and don't know where they want to start. The fact is, most of us are going to be spread out around the world five years out of school. Most likely, we're not all going to stay in the little town where we all grew up and went to school together. My dad has ran into a school friend in Walmart while visiting Texas.
As teenagers, we have this whole life ahead of us. We're going to experience so many new things. We're going to want to do all the things we wanted to do when we were younger. We're going to want to travel to New York and see the Statue of Liberty, Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, or Africa to see giraffes. We're going to want to write music inspired by the artists we looked up to when we were younger. We're going to want to make beautiful pieces of art that will be talked about for years. We're going to want to write best selling books that everyone reads and are turned into movies. We're going to want to act and be a part of the best movies. We're going to want to be that cool basketball player who the little kids look up to. We're going to want to do what we love.
We have this whole life ahead of us filled with learning, adventures, experiences, and along the way, we're going to meet so many more people then just the people we see every week at school. One of these people that you will meet, will probably be the love of your life. They will support you in everything you do. They will make you laugh and smile when you feel like never smiling again. They will bring out your real smile when you feel like you've been fake smiling a lot lately. One day you will be in the car screaming to your guises favorite song, or you will be watching a sunset together, and you will look at them and smile. You will think to yourself, "glad I waited."

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