Alpenfest 7/9-12/19

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7/19 I woke up and watched kaylee and Devontae, did laundry, did dishes, and cleaned my bathroom. Juju made us cheesy scrambled eggs for breakfast, and she started watching stranger things 3. Then, we got ready cuz my mom picked us up, and we went to alpenfest. Andrew f wanted to hang out cuz new friends are cool. Eden was there too, and she just made things awkward. Andrew and Eden left. Today is my moms birthday. Juju, my mom, and I went to the burning of the boog. I put "big dumb boys" in it, and we stood there watching everyone's problems burn away into ashes, and I thought about Andrew and my world giraffe wish.
7/10 I slept till about 1pm cuz I had a terrifying dream last night about a terrorist attack in Michigan while on a choir trip.
Edens grandpa picked us up and took us to Alpenfest. Andrew and I hung out, and it wasn't awkward today except when I forgot how to speak and I said, "ur hot" instead of, "ur hat."
We talked about our siblings, his parents, my parents, and my ex. Andrew asked if I have dated anyone since. No, ahaha.
I felt bad because I made Andrew sit down in the grass with me for a while. My cramps were really bad. We just threw grass at each other. Also, he thinks that I know everyone.
Eden was ticking me off because she wanted me to ask these people for a cigarette for her. When Andrew left, her and juju were smoking, so I called my mom to come get me.
My mom took me to jujus house first, so I could get my stuff. Jujus dad and Amy didn't seem to know that juju was staying at edens house. My mom and I talked about Danny Boi, the kiss, and everything. It started raining so hard; I didn't think I was going to make it home alive. I felt like I was gonna get sick. I was super hot, and my face felt weird. When I got home, I ate some cereal, took a shower, and texted Dashia.
7/12. Dashias mom picked me up, and then we went to jujus house to get juju, then Alpenfest. I told dashia that if Andrew shows up, tell him to yeet because I never get to hang out with her. So, there we were, at the ticket booth, buying bracelets for rides, and dashia makes a face, so I turn around, and there's Andrew. He bought a bracelet too, and went on rides with me all day, and it was kinda awkward., and I was kinda bummed out because I felt like I was missing out on a day with dashia and juju.
The four of us went on rides. Andrew would shake his head whenever I'd do the floss or hit the whoa, but by the end of the day, he was hitting the whoa too. I didn't want to go on the zipper with him because my scream would make him lose his hearing. So, juju and I went on the zipper, and we screamed "I want to break free" by queen. Dashia and I went on the carousel. Andrew and juju stood off to the side judging us. Dashia and I talked about Andrew, and Daniel, and how we should egg Daniels house tonight. Juju and dashia made Andrew and I go on the Ferris wheel together, and they were being creeps taking pictures of us. Andrew and I talked about giraffes and pointed out the ruff of each building.
Dashia and juju took off leaving Andrew and I together, and he made me walk to his house with him to get his brother. The three of us went on the wipe out together, Andrew sitting next to me. I said something about how it isn't my favorite ride. That's because it pushes me on Andrew, and it's just awkward. His brother made a dumb comment and I wanted to kick him.
I was so mad at juju and dashia for taking off. I saw more people I knew. Andrew wasn't surprised. Dashias friend, mark, came. We all sat on the grass throwing grass at each other. I pointed out that Andrews shirt has been inside out all day. I got really grumpy, and I don't know why, and I felt bad. We saw my brother with his crazy hat.
Jujus dad picked up juju, dashia, and I. Dashia and I sat outside on the outside furniture, covered in blankets, by the lake, eating cheesy bread, and talking really late. We talked about Andrew and how his twin brother looks like a crackhead. Andrew looks like the before drug picture, and his brother looks like the after drugs picture. We talked about Danny Boi. We talked about my old friends. We talked about everything. I've missed dashia so much.

 I've missed dashia so much

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