Chapter 1, Part VII

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Chapter 1: Hell is Other People, Part VII (Class Trial)


Once all the votes had been cast, we looked towards a screen that had turned on behind Monokuma. It appeared to show an animation of a roulette wheel, its pointer spinning around pixelated faces of ourselves, eventually stopping upon Shuya's face. And with an rather inappropriately joyful jingle and confetti falling from the ceiling, we knew that we had chosen correctly.

Shuya Sasakura, the Ultimate Bartender, was the murderer of Mamoru Kurosawa, the Ultimate Screenwriter.

He'd get some last words, but after that, he would die. And there was nothing we could do about it.


Mayu: No... Oh, nononononono...

Tetsuo: I knew it, Shuya.

Usagi: Way to go! Setting yourself up as a voice of reason and then beating a man to death in a rage! Wow! Well done! Round of applause!

Homura: Shouldn't we not be celebrating-

Sasuke: Homura. He deserved it.

Reiji: No way this is a cause for celebration, Homura! Mamoru's dead, Shuya's about to die... and they'll be gone forever.

Homura: ...Oh. My bad.

Monokuma: Now then, Shuya. You only have a few more minutes to live - so make it count! Upupupu~

Shuya: ...Sasuke! You're the reason why I had that blood money in the first place!

Reiji: Please elaborate for us.

Shuya: My first workplace was somewhere in the bad part of town. Seedy establishment, and I swear that most of my customers were organised crime members. I wasn't surprised when one of them went up to me and said "You'll be the only person there. If you don't speak up, I'll give you some money."

Kira: What are you talking about?

Shuya: Heard from the grapevine that one of the lounge singers didn't pay her debt fast enough and they were going to... make an example of her. Some guy broke in the middle of the night and hauled her off and guess what I did? Just stood there.

Nanae: You what?!

Shuya: Yeah. A day later the same guy turned up and handed me a big wad of cash. The police didn't find her body; it quickly became a cold case because I didn't testify, but I knew for a fact they had most likely blown her brains out and dumped her in some ditch in the middle of nowhere. That's why I called it blood money. You set it all up, didn't you? Ultimate Kidnapper and all that?

Sasuke: Please. I was somewhere completely different setting up another kidnapping. I'll tell you all about it later.

Shuya: ...!

Sasuke: Problem?

Shuya: ...I think I just couldn't get it out of my head. That she was basically used and discarded - I don't even know her name. Even after I moved to a more upper-class bar, the fact that I turned a blind eye was just... gnawing at me. I burned the yen, and it didn't work. So when I found out that Mamoru was drawing that shit... rage overwhelmed me and I...

Shouko: Killed him in cold blood.

Shuya: ...I wish I could take it back.

Monokuma: But you can't turn back time, y'know!

Kira: Hey! Locking him up's a solution-

Monokuma: And a solution I'm not intending to use!

Shuya: ...I see.

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