Chapter 2, Part II

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Chapter 2: Innocence Lost, Part II (Daily Life)



Monokuma: A good morning to everyone who is still alive! 7AM has officially arrived, and all rooms locked during nighttime are once again open for access! Treat this day as though it's your last, and remember - there will be a special surprise tomorrow requiring all of you to be at the gym! Upupupu~

I remembered what went off last night. Mayu's panic attack, and me running away to try and catch Sasuke, leaving Tetsuo, Shouko and Nanae behind to help her. Some coward I was. I felt the need to apologise, and well, everyone was at the mess hall for our daily breakfast meeting, so I might as well have said sorry there.

When I entered the room, it appeared that everyone had already finished up with what they were eating - toast, rice, cereal, whatever it was they had. Mayu looked as downtrodden as she always had, and she was staring at me. Crap. Now I had to face the consequences for leaving her behind in her hour of need.

Reiji: ...Look, Mayu. I'm sorry for abandoning you.

Mayu: Don't be...

Reiji: Huh?

Mayu: At least you don't pretend you can help me. I'm beyond saving...

Nanae: No you're not! You lived through it! You're a survivor - you made it through! You're not weak at all, Mayu, not when we're around!

Mayu: Really?

Nanae: Yeah! Everybody has inner strength. You just don't know you have it.

Iori: Please stop with those childish platitudes. Just as childish as that Little Red Riding Hood pop-up book I found in the library.

Chie: I'd actually like to read that, ribbit! Where can I find it, croak?

Usagi: I'll see to it, trust me.

Chie: Okay then, croak.

Sasuke: Now then, everyone, would you like to hear a story?

Iori: No thanks.

Sasuke: You're just one person, your objection is invalid. Okay, now, let me tell you about how me and my guys kidnapped an idol singer and held her for ransom.

Homura: Hmm?

Mayu: You... you... didn't do anything-

Sasuke: Relax, we didn't take any indecent liberties with her. Just made sure she couldn't run off from us, or scream for help, or whatever.

Homura: (sigh) ...Get it over with, then.

Sasuke: Okay, so, there's Sayaka Maizono. Most popular idol singer in Japan. Beautiful eyes, tender body, melodic voice... extremely valuable. I take one glance at her, and I think to myself: "Wow, she must be worth a fortune! I could become rich!"

Asuka: Go-go on.

Sasuke: It was just a bit of a "get-rich-quick" scheme and we definitely didn't take it seriously. It was just business as usual for us lot. Me and a few buddies know that she's got a massive security team, so we draft up plans to get in, get her and get out. I didn't really do much: they did the chloroforming, the loading into the van, the recording of the demand for ransom. I just left a spray-painted message saying "THE ULTIMATE KIDNAPPER WAS HERE!", that's all.

Masato: Take a wild guess what happened to you next.

Sasuke: Naturally, pride comes before a fall and like 5 seconds later the entire police barges in, whacks us over the head with their batons and the next thing I know I wake up in a jail cell missing an eye. As compensation for the obvious police brutality, I was offered a plea deal - they would let me get away scot-free if I ratted out everyone else. So that's what I did.

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