Chapter 3, Part II

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Chapter 3: My Enemy's Enemy, Part II (Daily Life)


I had to. I had to look for her. I had to find her in the middle of a hallway on the third floor with Sasuke's arm wrapped around her neck. Clearly he was a bad influence upon her and I needed to get her away from him ASAP. That was Mamoru's wish; to make sure that at the very least Homura, a girl I had some relationship with in middle school, would manage to survive.

Reiji: Homura, I'm worried.

Homura: About what, Reiji?

Reiji: About Sasuke.

Homura: Relax.

Reiji: I can't - I mean, what does he want from you?!

Homura: I cannot say.

Words still terse. Eyes still dull. I still knew that as long as she was spending time with him, Homura was most likely going to get manipulated.

Reiji: Homura, please listen to me! Sasuke is-

Homura: A friend?

Reiji: No! He's clearly setting you up for something bad, I swear!

Homura: Oh...

Releasing his arm and staggering forward towards me, Sasuke made a remark.

Sasuke: Okay, Reiji. Well done on trying to get her to grow a spine.

Reiji: I don't want your approval.

Sasuke: (looking to the side) Oh well. Now I'll tell you what Monokuma told me.

Reiji: What did he tell you?

Sasuke: Something to do with the body discovery announcements, if you don't already know.

Reiji: Just say it.

Sasuke: Okay, listen up. It takes three, and no less than three people to see a body for Monokuma to set off an announcement, got that?

Reiji: Why three?

Sasuke: The first, of course, is most likely the murderer. The second can chalk it up to a bad dream, or a hallucination, yadda yadda. No denying it when the third shows up. Again, got that?

Reiji: Yep. I'll tell everyone else first chance I get.

Sasuke: Good. Now scram, will ya?

I looked over his shoulder to see that Homura had indeed left his side. At least I managed to accomplish that. Might as well accomplish another small victory over him.

Reiji: How about you?

Sasuke: ...Whatever floats your boat. But if you want any more answers from me, catch me if you can, haha!

And just like that, he was gone. It didn't take long for another announcement to interrupt the silence of the hallway.


Monokuma: Tick... tock... TICK! It's now 10PM, and nighttime regulations shall now be enforced! Off-limits areas have been rendered off-limits, and anybody caught in them will face severe penalities for trespassing! Now then, I heavily encourage that you return to your dorms right now, because who knows what goes bump in the night? Upupupu~

I was feeling drowsy. It was time, to be honest.


The next day, I yawned a big yawn as I slowly shuffled my way out of bed. I was actually surprised to find out that for once, I had beaten Monokuma's wake-up call for the twelve of us still remaining in this hellhole he called grounds for the Killing Game. After getting ready, I ran off as fast as I could to the mess hall, waiting for everyone else. Kira was the first to arrive.

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