Chapter 6, Part V

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Chapter 6: Come, Sweet Death, Part V (Class Trial)


In hindsight, it was obvious. Most mystery stories would always make it so that the most suspect of the potential culprits would be little more than a red herring. But this was not a story - this was reality. And in reality, the suspicious man was the one who indeed did it.

Sasuke Akechi, the Ultimate Kidnapper, was standing in front of us, having just revealed himself as the mastermind.

I had a funny feeling about the guy ever since I got here. If only I acted against him earlier... then maybe... maybe they wouldn't all be dead...

Sasuke: You could have saved a lot of trouble. Bravo, everyone, round of applause!

Chie: How did you even bring us here, ribbit?

Sasuke: Isn't it obvious?! You went exactly where I wanted you to, got loaded in the van, and off we trotted to here!

Ukyo: Excuse me?

Sasuke: ...Reiji. Remember those envelopes Monokuma gave us for our first motive?

Reiji: I do.

Ukyo: Didn't we burn them?

Reiji: We sure did, Ukyo.

Sasuke: Big mistake you made right there! 'Cuz I'm the mastermind, I know exactly what was written on those slips.

Reiji: And what does it have to do with me?

Sasuke: I gave you my secret. Care to guess what it probably was?

Reiji: (sigh) "Sasuke is the mastermind", perhaps?

Sasuke: Bingo. You could have caught me any time you wanted, but you didn't. And whoops, your friends are dead! How do you feel?

Reiji: Like shit.

Sasuke: Relax, buddy. We're all gonna die sooner or later.

Asuka: Including you?

Sasuke: Nah, not me. You know, I've got my own little bunker to ride out blowing the place skyhigh, upupupu~

Reiji: Sasuke, it's over! We know who you are, we know what you did, we know where this is happening-

Sasuke: And care to guess why?

Reiji: ...

Asuka: Why would you...?

Sasuke: Exactly. You know, I'll play fair this instance - figure out exactly why I did this Killing Game, and I'll admit defeat. Clock's ticking though, so you better be quick!

Reiji: (Okay... so... I've got to establish that he has the violent tendencies needed to run a game revolved entirely about death... Got some good evidence in...)


(Multiple Choice)

1. Sasuke's diary.

2. Mugen's diary.

3. Junko's diary.

Answer: Sasuke's diary.


Reiji: His diary...

Chie: Who's diary, ribbit?

Reiji: Sasuke's, of course.

Asuka: Read it out for us, please.

Reiji: Right, I got you. It's full of... violent fantasies, desires to watch people die, kill them in gruesome ways, acknowledges inspiration by-

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