Chapter 5, Part III

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Chapter 5: Living on Borrowed Time, Part III (Daily Life)


It was simple enough. If one of us was successful in getting away with murder, they'd get to take another person with them on the way out as they condemned the rest of us to death. So, it came as no surprise to most of us when as soon as Monokuma was gone, Homura bolted out of the gymnasium as fast as she could. I followed after her - didn't want her to do anything rash.

It didn't take long for me to find her at the staircase connecting the second and third floors, but what was she doing...? She appeared to be fumbling around with a key, and then unlocking the small door connected to it. And it contained... a simple boiler. What an anti-climax. But still, what was stopping her from causing it to overheat and...

Reiji: Homura, wait!

Homura: ...I'm sorry, Reiji. I have to do this.

Reiji: What do you mean?!

Homura: If I overload the boiler, then he won't win. Sure, we'll all die, but at least he'll die too, and we can die with the knowledge that we scored at least one victory over-

Reiji: Look, Homura, I appreciate you finally thinking for yourself, but you do know that it's going to kill me?

Homura: I do.

Reiji: And yourself?

Homura: I also do.

Reiji: And if you truly care about us, then you surely wouldn't kill us all. Right?

Homura: ...

I heard footsteps approaching.

Reiji: Homura?

I then turned around. He had arrived. He had overheard us.

Monokuma: What are you both doing?

Reiji: Nothing, I swear.

Monokuma: Ms. Yamaoka. Care to explain why you unlocked the boiler?

Homura: To deny you victory.

Monokuma: And your denial is denied!

Homura: Why?

Monokuma: No winners, no fun at all! And I cannot live without one thing. Entertainment. You broke it.

Homura: Bu-but I didn't break anything. I didn't break any rules - I used a key.

Monokuma: Tampering with the Killing Game is tampering. No ifs, no buts.

Homura: Attempted tampering, sir. I never got a chance to touch the boiler.

Monokuma: Are you sure about that?

Homura: I-I am. Y-You're going to kill me, aren't you?

Monokuma: Lock it back up and hand it over to me, or I will.

Homura: ...

With quiet resignation, she did both. First closing the door on the boiler and locking it again, before giving Monokuma the key she had on her person.

Monokuma: Good. Did you witness it, Reiji?

Reiji: I did. Sorry.

Monokuma: Well, don't play tattletale about it, or you'll find a nice, long rod - through your torso! Upupupu~

That was when he waddled away from us.


(Free-Time Event #19: Sasuke Akechi)

Homura walked away soon after, and I was once again alone. I thought back to Sasuke; namely, his claims that Homura was the mastermind behind all of this. Who was to say that he himself was the mastermind? I had to get some answers from him - and luckily, he was standing right at the staircase on the fourth floor.

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