Chapter 6, Part VI

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Chapter 6: Come, Sweet Death, Part VI (Class Trial)


I... we... did as he asked us to. One last time, the wheel spun. It landed on his face. There was confetti, and the jingle, but nobody was cheering. We were just tired, and exhausted, and wanting to go home... except him.

You know exactly who I'm talking about. Sasuke Akechi, the mastermind, had been caught.

He'd be dead soon, one way or another. And there was nothing stopping him from attempting to make us join him.


Sasuke: Well, this was fun while it lasted.

Ukyo: Fun? Fun?! You really think this slaughter was entertainment?! I lost my arm-

Sasuke: At least you're fucking alive!

Chie: You're the worst, ribbit! Even Kero-chan hates you, croak!

Asuka: And you nearly forced me to pin it on myself. You sicken me.

Sasuke: But still, I think I pulled out all the stops there. It was a good game, don't you think?

Asuka: No way.

Reiji: You really think we were little more than toys to be played with and thrown away? Take a look around you. Each and every last one of them had a life. A life you stole.

Sasuke: Aren't you forgetting that some of them were murderers?

Reiji: I know. And yes, Tetsuo probably would have continued his vigilantism-

Sasuke: So what?

Reiji: Shuya, Usagi, Nanae, Kira, even Iori. None of them would have had to die.

Sasuke: Nobody had to die. You could have avoided all of this, haha. If only you were more alert!

Reiji: ...Then Mamoru...

Sasuke: Oh, your best friend? You know, I called it. I knew he wouldn't last long. And besides, he wrote some really messed-up things behind your back-

Reiji: Shut up! He was my friend, warts and all. All of them were.

Sasuke: But after all, Naoya and Mugen got their results. That's what matters the most. They can go ahead with their own - I bet it will be much better than this one for sure!

Reiji: Is this really what you think, YOU PSYCHO?!

I couldn't stand it any longer. With those words, I rushed forward and punched him in the face.

Sasuke: Heh, serves me right.

Reiji: It does!

Sasuke: Still won't change anything

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Sasuke: Still won't change anything. No way to turn back time after all. Everyone's dead and you'll have to live with it. For the rest of your short, pathetic lives.

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